Showing posts with label Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wednesday. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2024

It's Anti-Procrastination Day

Hello dear friends, 

It's Wednesday here as I write this post.  It started raining today which is a nice change.  It will water the garden well and freshen everything up a bit.  I was going to make a trip to the community garden today but delayed it due to the rain. I need to do a bit of weeding and some harvesting, mainly swiss chard and kale.

I've just come back from a quick shopping trip to buy more toilet paper. During the promotional sale DH and I bought 8 packages (12 rolls each) of toilet paper and 2 packages (4 rolls each) of paper towels. It isn't a lot but it will help carry us for several months by which time there will likely be another promotional sale.

I was very tired today because I didn't sleep well at all last night. This is the first time in a long while that I haven't slept well. It means my sleep has improved considerably over these past several months.  Despite sleeping very little, I awoke early because the light was very bright coming through the blinds and the workers were here working on the patio.  I busies myself with this and that, including a load of laundry, washing dishes and making a few meals ahead.  

We had a sheet pan dinner tonight of pork shops and vegetables. I also made meat sauce for spaghetti and froze it. Lastly, I made Shepherd's Pie to have on Thursday along with a nice salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and avocados.

Before the filling is topped with mashed potatoes. 

I put shredded kale in the Sheperd's Pie and the meat sauce to boost the nutritional content and to make sure the kale didn't go bad.

In Fly Lady Land (a home cleaning system), Wednesday is Anti-Procrastination Day.  One of the things I've been putting off is sorting through what used to be kept in a small cabinet in the master bedroom. The movers packed the cabinet's contents into boxes.  Now I'm going through it all to get rid of as much as possible while the bedroom furniture is still in storage. I made a good start and will continue over the next few days.

I'll also try to give away the small bags in the photos but the rest of the items are headed to trash because they are expired or used.

Earlier this week I was also able to declutter several more magazines and a set of oven gloves which I'm hoping to give away. 

All in all, it's been a good week so far. I'm meeting a friend on Thursday for a long overdue lunch date.  Friday marks the beginning of a long weekend in my province.  I'm hoping to make more progress in decluttering this week while the weather is inclement because I have a busy week or two ahead after that and I'm anticipating the renovations in the master bedroom to begin after the long weekend. I haven't been given a start date but will be calling the strata manager to find out where things are at. I was kind of hoping the patio renovation might be done before the bedroom renovations begin.

Is it a long weekend where you are? Do you have fun plans? 

Thank you for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

How Is Your Week Going?

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope the week is going well for you.

It's been busy here at the homestead.

It rained heavily on the weekend an a bit on Monday and Tuesday but otherwise it's expected to get quite warm for the rest of the week.  Possibly longer.

Monday started with a bang.  The workmen delivered a few pallets of cement blocks to the patio using a small crane. It was interesting to watch. These cement blocks will be used to build the garden wall which will then be filled with soil and ready for planting.

I had to make several phone calls. It's the season of birthdays and graduations in my world so I was on the phone making plans or confirming plans for both occasions. Everyone is busy these days so it's hard to find the mutually free time to get together but it works when everyone makes an effort.

I don't have too many indoor plants these days since I now have 2 large artificial trees. However I like to have live plants around me whenever  possible. Though the conditions in my home are not the best for plants (I have too little direct sunlight light and it's too cold for much of the year),  I still like to try to grow them. I purchased a fern that was on clearance and have just recently hung it up after looking for a wire chain and pot to use. I'll need to find another pot as I'm using the blue one as a liner. I'll look for a slightly smaller pot to repot the fern which is root bound. Hopefully I can put it outside in the sunshine even while the work outside is ongoing outdoors. Of course I'll have to do it when the workers  aren't working 

I continue to try and make healthier meals for the dinner hour. Stir frys are a favourite because they are quick and you can add so many different veggies to the noodles, rice or meat.

I'd love to know what is your favourite healthy meal to make?

That's all for today. Thank you for stopping by!

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...