Showing posts with label meatless meals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meatless meals. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2012

Meatless Dinner

This dish was inspired by a dish prepared by fellow blogger and artist extraordinaire, Kelly Clarkson at Umber Dove.

My dish is not as artfully created as it is what I call a "throw together" dish and it hit the spot for me today. I've been wanting to go meatless several times a week/month, or whenever the mood strikes.  This is to help health and my pocketbook.  I've been using more and more varieties of beans which I usually cook from scratch, and also a lot more variety of vegetables and fruits, for some time.  So the meatless meals is a progression in  my changing eating habits.

Kelly's dish inspired me to experiment with adzuki or red beans.  I promptly went out and bought a bag of dried adzuki beans after reading her post. I originally intended to make the rice and bean bowl as per her recipe, but instead today I used the beans in stir fry.  I intend to make Kelly's rice bowl another day.

On the left side of my plate (in the photo) is a stir fry made up of chopped onions and fresh chopped garlic sauteed in a bit of oil.  I added the following spices to taste: curry powder, paprika powder, salt and pepper. I then added sliced green cabbage, sliced carrots, chunks of zucchini and the cooked adzuki beans which I prepared the night before.

Cook the beans and veggies until the vegetables are to your taste. I like my veggies on the crunchy side but I do like my cabbage a little more tender so I cook that for awhile before adding the other veggies.  I added some boiled yams as a side dish. I like them plain with a little salt.

Later, I will have some Greek yogurt and fresh fruit for dessert.  If I get with the program I may even try to bake some dessert squares, called Oatmeal Scotchies. These you can find over at my blogging friend, Katy's blog.  I can probably freeze these to have on hand and to take to an outing I am going to on the weekend.

If you missed the update on Edwin, please click here.

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...