Friday, March 9, 2012

Meatless Dinner

This dish was inspired by a dish prepared by fellow blogger and artist extraordinaire, Kelly Clarkson at Umber Dove.

My dish is not as artfully created as it is what I call a "throw together" dish and it hit the spot for me today. I've been wanting to go meatless several times a week/month, or whenever the mood strikes.  This is to help health and my pocketbook.  I've been using more and more varieties of beans which I usually cook from scratch, and also a lot more variety of vegetables and fruits, for some time.  So the meatless meals is a progression in  my changing eating habits.

Kelly's dish inspired me to experiment with adzuki or red beans.  I promptly went out and bought a bag of dried adzuki beans after reading her post. I originally intended to make the rice and bean bowl as per her recipe, but instead today I used the beans in stir fry.  I intend to make Kelly's rice bowl another day.

On the left side of my plate (in the photo) is a stir fry made up of chopped onions and fresh chopped garlic sauteed in a bit of oil.  I added the following spices to taste: curry powder, paprika powder, salt and pepper. I then added sliced green cabbage, sliced carrots, chunks of zucchini and the cooked adzuki beans which I prepared the night before.

Cook the beans and veggies until the vegetables are to your taste. I like my veggies on the crunchy side but I do like my cabbage a little more tender so I cook that for awhile before adding the other veggies.  I added some boiled yams as a side dish. I like them plain with a little salt.

Later, I will have some Greek yogurt and fresh fruit for dessert.  If I get with the program I may even try to bake some dessert squares, called Oatmeal Scotchies. These you can find over at my blogging friend, Katy's blog.  I can probably freeze these to have on hand and to take to an outing I am going to on the weekend.

If you missed the update on Edwin, please click here.


  1. I'm vegetarian! This sounds great. All I need is some cabbage and I can try this. :))

    1. I'm so glad you found my meatless meal. I enjoyed it. I hope you like ti.

  2. Replies
    1. It was good. Even better, one feels healthy when they eat healthy :-)

  3. My normal diet! Just discovered your blog. I followed it after seeing your update on Nairobi and your charity work mission of hope! thank you for letting me know love
    Win a 300$ Adolfo Sanchez Designer dress.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Megha for visiting my blog. I appreciate the feedback on my charity work. I think in India most of you are vegetarians. There are a growing number of them in North America also.

  4. I eat meat but am not a big eater of it. I love eggplant and mushrooms which are good substitutes although not the same value. Blessings and Love. xx

    1. I go through my phases but in generally am eating less meat. It is difficult because my people were traditionally hunters and primarily meat eaters.

  5. Boiled yams? I never thought of boiling them.
    This looks like a delicious meatless meal, Penny.

    1. Yams and sweet potatoes are nice. I like them in various ways but boiled is good with very light seasoning. Some day I may try them with a peanut sauce and post the recipe here (an African dish). Hugs. P

  6. Joyful,
    Good Job on this healthy dinner. this takes a lot of work and dedication. I'm proud of you! It sure looks like it gives your taste pallet a treat. God Bless me

    1. Thanks Brenda. I do find that trying to be healthy takes far more effort than the alternative. I'm grateful when I feel up to making the effort. God bless you too.

  7. This looks delicious and healthy, too, Penny! I have cut way back on meat to lower my bad cholesterol, though I still eat fish and now and then chicken. It has reduced my cholesterol and I feel good when I eat this way--lots more veggies and whole grains. I usually bake yams in the microwave the same amount of time as I'd bake a potato.

    1. Pat, health issues and concerns are a big reason for changing what I eat and how I cook. Sometimes I don't make the efforts but I try hard when I am able. I'm glad you were able to reduce your cholesterol. I've just had mine tested for the year and should learn the results soon.

  8. I have never cooked adzuki beans, interesting. I always put them in my sprouter and have bean sprouts. Diane

  9. yum..this looks great! I cook a lot with beans....inexpensive and healthy. I only serve red meat once a week. We have fish, chicken. pasta, pork, red meat and a combination of left overs the other day and some type of frozen food or else go out.

    1. Hi mom28, it sounds like you have a good rotational system going there for your family. Good for you!

  10. I've never liked beans. Yep. Self confessed picky eater. But that looks and sounds pretty good other than that!

    1. Beth, I never liked beans either but I've been eating more and more of them now for several years. I'm finding I do like them after all!

  11. Morning Joyful.
    So I learned a new term "throw away" - the word for food.
    Nice that you can use to say remains - and then use such a new word.
    Wishing you a good Sunday - hope you are well.
    Hugs Hanne Bente ♥

    1. Good morning to you Hanne. I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday. Here it is still Saturday night and we set our clocks (time) back by one hour to have more day time. Knus, Joyful ♥

  12. that is some throw together meal! But looks really healthy.
    Are you sure that was enough to fill you up? :)


    Much love,
    Do check it out babe!!

    1. Thank you Issa for letting me know about the giveaway. I had seconds of my stir fry! Later I had to have more protein. Happy Sunday to you too, my dear!

  13. Looks delicious and inspirational! I need that and actually haven't had adzuki beans for quite some time. I use to sprout them on occasion.
    Well, I do hope your doing well..I missed you!

    1. So nice to see you again. Enjoy your grandson!


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