Saturday, March 17, 2012

Update on Edwin (Part 3)

Hello friends,

Since I posted last week's  update about young Edwin, both he and Jonah have made 3 more round trips to Nairobi and Tenwek hospitals, for treatment and testing.  Some of the test results have been
sent out of country for consultations to help the doctors know best how to treat Edwin's disease of
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.

Edwin sitting outside the family hut.

Baby in the family.

Edwin's father reading Edwin's medical report.
Edwin's brother standing in front of the hut where the entire family lives. He is newly married and trying hard to help his family and make sense out of his brother's medical challenges.


Right  now Edwin is on a drug called Glivec or Imatinib. Based on what I've read this seems to be a very good drug and a newer treatment for this kind of cancer.

Edwin needs your prayerful and financial support to continue his treatment and also possible new living accommodations as space is rather crowded. He and Jonah have been travelling by overnight bus to save on costs.

  If you can help, donations can be made here.
Your help is worth more than you can realize.
God bless you for whatever you can do.


  1. Asking God to pour out blessings upon Edwin in everyway. Thanks for the update, and pictures.

    1. Thank you for your prayers Denise. xx God bless.

  2. My prayers for healing for Edwin. Thanks for the link to donate.

  3. My prayer is with Edwin. More than anything in the world, prayer is the most important part of his healing. So I pray it be so, in Jesus name. Amen.

  4. thank you for this update. and thank you for answering the call to help others.

  5. Thank you ladies for your prayers for Edwin.

  6. Joyful,
    I am praying for him, joining hands. Your help is encouraging him very much and I do hope our prayers will be answered soon.

    1. Keiko, thank you for your kindness and your prayers. Blessings to you. xx

  7. I'm praying with you for Edwin. It's such a challenge for these dear folks whose lives are being challenged by the big "C" word.

    1. Hi Fred, thank you for your prayers. They mean so much. The big "C" is happening with many people over in Africa just as it is here. The difference is they do not have the means to get the treatment they need. I'm praying for your too my friend. God blesses and heals.

  8. Hello Joyful.
    Just inside to wish you a good new week - hope you are well.
    Hugs Hanne Bente

  9. My prayers go out to them & Edwin and everyone in KENYA. my heart soars when i read abt them & living standards.
    We should always count our blessings.

    This is a great call out and to seek help for this family who needed most at this moment.

  10. Thank you so much for entering the giveaway & for tweeting about it. APPRECIATE IT MUCH.
    Results be out by end of March. Keep a look out. :)

  11. I will pray for healing for Edwin. You have a compassionate heart.

  12. We don't know how fortunate we are sometimes.

    The snow was a shocker all right...maybe we should move to Winnipeg!

  13. Thank you, Melisa, Pat and Stephanie. It would be great if you could share this need with anyone you know. The more people who see this post, the better. Thank you for your visit. I will be sure to visit you in return.

  14. Sending good thoughts and prayers! I will spread the word as much as I can.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  15. I pray that Edwin gets all the help he needs.

  16. Penny,
    I'm also joining my prayers along with your readers for Edwards. I also pray that God would touch hearts and minds, in that giving up a cup of coffee, it may save a life.
    May God Bless you Penny, for all that you do, and all that you contribute, You are a great example!!!! love, me


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