Showing posts with label seawall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seawall. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2016

Seeing Double

Seeing Double

Hey wait a minute! Now there's only one.

And he's off like the wind for his run while his mama gets her exercise on the bike.
Joining Saturday's Critters with our host, Eileen.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Saturday's Critters ~ October 30, 2015

A collection of  critter photos taken down at the beach recently.

I don't know what all the commotion was but there were swarms of birds in the sky.
There were more than this but I didn't have a chance to capture them. they were moving too quickly for me.

This nice dog had lots of fun watching the water and digging a hole in the sand for his ball. His owner was relaxing with a book.

This was a smaller swarm of black birds. I think they are crows.  The black colour looks so nice against such a beautiful blue sky.

The birds perched atop a few trees before flying off again a few minutes later. 
Boy did they make a racket as they called to one another as they flew off.
I often wonder what it is they are telling one another. 
Since they made racket in their landing and their leaving, I assume they were
cawing about where to land and when to leave.

Joining in with host Eileen

Yesterdays' Skywatch Friday pics.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

An Afternoon at the Seawall

I'm glad I took these photos while the sun was shining because this week it has been raining and overcast.

I went to see the new movie, "Truth" today.  The events depicted in the movie are those responsible for the resignation of Dan Rather and the firing of producer, Mary Mapes from "60 Minutes".  The movie is a bit long and draggy in parts but is worthwhile going to see for the excellent performances of  Robert Redford, Cate Blanchett, Dennis Quaid & Topher Grace. I don't remember this particular story that gripped the American press so it was a good insight into some of the history of the times.

I've also added two more books to my reading pile. One, Moonstone (written by Wilkie Collins), was recommended by blogger  Frugal in France.

 The other I got from a woman in the movie line up tonight.  She was reading Girl in the Woods by Aspen Matis.  When she and I discussed the book I thought  it sounded like a very interesting read. Both books are now on hold through my local library and I should have them soon.  This time there isn't a long wait list for either of them.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday
Friday Foto Friends.

Thanks to Yogi, Sandy, Sylvia & Deb for hosting these fun memes!

Wishing all of you a fabulous weekend.

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...