Monday, July 25, 2011

A Little Boy Goes Home

A big "welcome and thank you" to my newest followers, Roan, Lydia, Dimple, Urmi and Mildred. You may check out their blogs by clicking on their names.

I can hardly believe it but the time has finally come for little Kigen from Pokot country to return home. He has been in Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital now for 5 months. I first introduced this little boy to my readers in early March 2011. If you are new to my blog or missed the post, you can read all about it here. A few days later, I reported here that my friend Jonah was able to organize a medical mercy mission and bring the little boy to Eldoret, Kenya for medical attention.

Little did Jonah or I know just how long it would be before the medical mission was completed,  Neither did we know of the twists and turns and the length of time it would actually take to get full medical treatment for the little boy.  You can read all the updates at this blog by searching for "Kigen".

After months of waiting and wondering, little Kigen at last had surgery on June 11, 2011.  He received an operation on one eye as the doctors diagnosed that he could see out of at least one eye if they opened it.  Since then we have been waiting for Kigen's healing and recovery. After that we were waiting to be able to meet the medical bill before he and his family could be released from the hospital.  That has been particularly difficult because the bill was much higher than we anticipated.  We have been stretched in our faith and in our finances to meet it.  Particularly my friend, Jonah in Kenya and the pastor and missionary to the Pokot peoples (pictured in the photo below). Sometimes, in fact oftentimes, when God calls you to do something, it will not be easy.  The help you may have experienced initially may fade away.  The personal cost may seem high and the cost of your obedience can also cost those around you.  That is when it is important to stand on your faith and trust in God to help you complete the task set before you no matter what comes.

I'm delighted to be able to report at last, that the mission given to Jonah has been accomplished. Paulina, the mother and her two children are now being escorted home by the pastor from their area.  They all have a very long journey ahead of them.

Here is the pastor along with the children. The mother is carrying 
Kigen on her back and her helper is carrying TikiTik.
This is Paulina, the mother in the blue shirt. She is in a pensive mood. No doubt she is thinking about how long she has been away and how things will be at home after being away for so long. She looks much healthier herself from the first time we saw her in these photos. The children as you can see are paying no attention to having their picture taken. Instead they are engrossed in enjoying their sodas.  Kigen is the one with the blanket on his head.

I like this photo. The mother Paulina is trying hard to get her children to pose for a final photo but the children are having none of it. They want to run and play after having been confined to a hospital for so long. The pastor sitting beside them has been a huge help to Jonah in overseeing this family's care and well-being.
I want to thank everyone who has been a part of this medical mercy mission to help Kigen. Please know you have given a little boy a chance at life and helped his little sibling too. Kigen now has vision out of one eye and thus he has been given a good start in having a productive life. Please continue to pray for this family as they will have difficulties looking after their hygiene needs where they live.  This will make their health issues a continuing concern. Pray also for the pastor and missionary who minister to the needs of Pokot at a time of famine and great difficulty.
God bless.

Photo credits: All photos the property of Jonah

That is my world for today. Please click on the buttons below to join up with folks from all over the world.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Boat Tour on Lake Baringo

A big welcome to my newest followers, Follygirl and Nancy at A Rural Journal. Thank you both! 
My readers may reach their blogs by clicking on the underlined names.

An unforgettable experience during my stay at Soi Safari Lodge was my boat tour on Lake Baringo. I hesitated to go on the tour due to limited time but the irrepressible tour guide, Sylvester (pictured above) was so charming and so persistent. He ultimately convinced me to go on the tour and tailored the everything to my needs.  Sylvester surprised me when he started speaking French to me because he knew I am from Canada. Alas, my French is too rudimentary to carry a conversation, even a simple one.

I took many photos and  I've decided to combine a number of them into collages so I can share as many as possible in this post.

First up is a collage of the hippos. There were a number of them in the lake and we were able to get quite close. In the reeds there was also a crocodile and though I did see it skimming just below the surface, it was difficult to get a photograph.  The house in the mosaic is privately owned by foreigners.  There is also at least one campground nearby but I didn't have time to check it out.
Bird life is abundant in the area. In the space of a few minutes I found several species of birds.
I was hoping to see the African Fish Eagle such as in our guide's bird book, but no such luck. My boat tour took place later in the day.  Several tours had already gone out and the eagle was not hungry.

The guides will purchase a small fish from fishermen right on the water.  They then throw the fish up in the air and the eagle, if hungry, will swoop down and catch it.
I was very intrigued by the fisherman's boat.  The boat is made from wood that is extremely light and buoyant. It feel and looks like cork but I've learned that it is "ambatch" or balsa wood.  The people of the Njemps tribe are the ones that make the boats with this wood.
There were a number of different boats on the water that day.
The scenery in the area is spectacular, whether you are viewing from the water or from the shore.

These men really got my attention. They were taking cows to market in Marigat. I've never seen cows transported this way before but there are no roads to where they live.

One of the 6 or so cows that was being transported was having a very difficult time of it.
As you can imagine, cows are precious cargo so there is no way these men were going to let anything happen to the cows before they got to market.  I saw the men next day in the town of Marigat a few days after market day.  They no longer had cows with them and they seemed to be enjoying a break in town.

You can make out the rooftop of the distinctive Soi Safari Lodge.

Here is a close up of the main building of the Soi Safari Lodge as the boat nears the shore.
More tourists are eager to get in the boat and go on tour.

This concludes my tour of Lake Baringo.  If you missed my post on the Soi Safari Lodge you might want to read it here.  I hope you've enjoyed the tour of this area.  Please join me again soon as I will be stopping at another beautiful place not too far away.  Please also check in at other Scenic Sunday submissions for more fabulous stories and scenes from around the world. Simply click below.  I hope to see you again.

Please leave and comment and then come back and click the widget to see more of Scenic Sunday from around the world. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Macro Flowers ~ Blue Hydrangeas

I'd like to welcome my newest follower, Icy BC. Please click on the name to follow her blog. She actually has several and you can check them out on her profile page.

These shots are all from different bunches of hydrangeas and at different stages of bloom.
They seem to be in plentiful supply right now and I took these shots as I was out for a walk.

At first I thought this bush was a also a hydrangea in late stages but upon closer inspection, the blossoms look quite different. maiaT from Macro Flowers helped me identify it as the Endless Summer, Twist and Shout which is a new hybrid of hydrangeas.
I am not used to taking macro photos and hope to practise by joining in with the Macro Flowers meme from time to time. I also found a meme for Weekend Flowers. Check them out.

Please join in by clicking on the badges to see some spectacularly beautiful flowers.

Macro Flowers Saturday badge 1

Following the Winding Road

Thank you to my newest followers:  Ray Lindsey of the Forgotten Vet,  Kay L. Davies and  Rhonda , who is back :-) Welcome everyone.
I encourage my regular readers to check out their blogs by clicking on their names.

We follow a long and winding road under a beautiful sky.  The road leads toward Lake Nakuru, Kenya from the Menengai Crater.
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Click here to see more wonderful skies around the globe.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Finally at Lake Baringo

Leaving the borehole, we carried on to Lake Baringo.  The Soi Safari Lodge was my destination.  The lodge was recommended to me by the staff of the Bontana Hotel.  A sister hotel located in Nakuru, Kenya.

I was exhausted by the time we arrived at the lodge.  The day's expedition was quite arduous for me as we started our journey in Nakuru; travelling north to Marigat and carrying on the same day over dusty, bumpy roads west of Marigat for hours to see the borehole.   I was not even able to spend time with the pastor at his home due to the lateness of the hour and the need to get to Lake Baringo before dark. As it was, by the time we arrived at the lodge it was already very dark and we were lost for a short time.  Thankfully we were headed in the right direction and it wasn't long before the driver asked some locals for directions. It turned out we were very near the lodge. But by the time I stumbled out of the vehicle and into the reception area, I was in need of a good stretch, some food and drink, and a good rest. Checking out the lodge and surrounding area would have to wait until morning.

The next day was a busy one.  I was only going to be one night at the Soi Safari Lodge and there was a lot to do before continuing my journey in the area.  My camera was to be my trusty companion that day.

It wasn't long before I found myself enchanted by the lodge.

By light of day I could see the grey crowned cranes and the resident ostriches, as well as the African woman statue posted outside the lobby doors.  All this made for a very unique reception area.

Oh, and don't let me forget the crocodile skeleton! Another very unique addition to the reception area.

 I very much enjoyed the casual decor of the lodge with the African themes and patterns.  I appreciated  the cosy seating arrangement and spent a lot of time relaxing on the sofas after breakfast and a massage.

The lodge also has a well stocked gift and souvenir shop.

Throughout the lodge there is an abundance of beautiful wood.  I didn't think to ask what kind of wood was used in the building and on the ceiling but it was absolutely stunning work. I would imagine that the wood is from trees which are indigenous to Kenya.

The reception area had access to the outdoors in every direction and beautiful stone paths and steps. 

The ironwork was also more elaborately patterned than what I usually see in Kenya and several touching picture posters about saving the lake were displayed.

On the evening of my arrival, Sylvester, the amiable and charming tour guide, greeted me and tried to let me know what was available in terms of nature walks and boat tours. However, as I was tired I told him I would think about a boat trip the next day and that I was too tired that evening to even consider it.  I did end up on the boat tour and I'm so glad I did. More about that later.

The lodge has a charming dining room and dinner was served before I headed for the comfort of my pillow. In the morning, breakfast was ready well before I was and the food did not disappoint.

I enjoyed these murals of the African countryside displayed in the dining room.
Here is the stairwell to the bar.  From the top (2nd) floor there are beautiful views of the lake. It is also the way to the beauty salon where I had a wonderful massage from Petty.  Sadly she is no longer at the lodge and has returned to her home near Mombasa.

I ended up buying a sisal bag just like the one you see hanging on the wall.


I stayed in the older part of the lodge.  There are two suites to each of the buildings you see and they are set among gardens and pathways behind the building which houses the reception, dining room, beauty salon and gift shop.

I thought the lodge  setting was quite pretty though the rooms are getting a tad dated (just a tad) and they do not feature the primary advantage of the lodge.  The spectacular view of Lake Baringo.

Another view of the "cabin" area of the lodge.  A new annex has been built also and every room in the annex has a view of the spectacular lake. If I had stayed for a second night, I would have taken one of the rooms in the annex.
This was my room for the night. It was comfortable and had mosquito netting for both beds as all the rooms do.
Given the high temperatures, you will be happy to know that the rooms also have air conditioning.

The bathrooms were also nicer than many I've seen in Kenya. I had just taken a shower so the towels and the floor mat are wet.
Part of the parking lot. 

The lovely pool is comfortably situated and has ...
... loungers for relaxing poolside.  This day it was rather quiet though they were expecting a tour group later in the day.  I did actually end up going  in the pool because my driver who had to come from another town was running late.

Lovely gardens

Fantastic views....

...of Lake Baringo. (The new annex is located just to the left of the photo. Sorry I did not think to get a photo of it).

It is very quiet and serene at the lodge and I could sit and gaze from the open veranda at the bar for hours at this beautiful scene.

Peter, the Lodge Manager. I started chatting with him while gazing out at the lake, enjoying the scenery and waiting for my driver.  That is how I found out he was the manager.
I was intrigued by his unique beaded pin demonstrating support for AIDS awareness.

I hope you enjoyed my tour of the lodge. Please return soon and I will show you the wonderful adventure on the boat tour of Lake Baringo.

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...