Thursday, July 21, 2011

Macro Flowers ~ Blue Hydrangeas

I'd like to welcome my newest follower, Icy BC. Please click on the name to follow her blog. She actually has several and you can check them out on her profile page.

These shots are all from different bunches of hydrangeas and at different stages of bloom.
They seem to be in plentiful supply right now and I took these shots as I was out for a walk.

At first I thought this bush was a also a hydrangea in late stages but upon closer inspection, the blossoms look quite different. maiaT from Macro Flowers helped me identify it as the Endless Summer, Twist and Shout which is a new hybrid of hydrangeas.
I am not used to taking macro photos and hope to practise by joining in with the Macro Flowers meme from time to time. I also found a meme for Weekend Flowers. Check them out.

Please join in by clicking on the badges to see some spectacularly beautiful flowers.

Macro Flowers Saturday badge 1


  1. Well done, Penny,those are lovely Macro images. Love the Icy blue hydrangeas, goes with your latest followers blog name. I'll pop over there now. I thought your unidentified shrub was a type of plumbago but it doesn't have the "bushy" blooms. Have a blessed weekend. (((hugs))) Jo

  2. Thank you, Jo! Your comments are so much appreciated.

  3. These blue hydrangeas are so special for me, I mostly see pink ones. Its a soil composition thing.
    Your macros are just perfect.

    Hard to tell the name of your last one but there is a relative new hybrid of Endless Summer"Twist and Shout" that looks something like this one.
    Thanks for joining Macro Flowers Saturday!

    To your question:
    This weeks Macro Flowers Saturday starts in a few hours, at 5pm Universal Time (GMT). To see last week's entries and older posts there is a "Join in" link in the sidebar above the badge.
    Looking forward to see you there.

  4. Thank you maiaT for letting me know when the linky feature will open up. I will be sure to post my link. Thanks for the encouragement too!

  5. Oh btw, maiaT, i searched on line for Endless Summer Twist and Shout and that is indeed what it is! it comes in pink or blue colour. I'm delighted to know the name of this plant so it is a hydrangea after all ;-)

  6. Hi there - thanks for visiting my blog. Nice picture of the flowers - you may be interested to know there is also a meme called "Marco Monday" where you can link to images like yours. It (MM) was having a few technical problems this week - but I'm sure it will be up and about soon.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

    PS: I have only looked across the border into Canada, but I think you may live in a beautiful country too!

  7. Wow, I just love your blues in these pics.

  8. I really love your blue hydrangeas. That ist such a beautiful flower.
    I've got a blue one,too.
    Maybe your would like lo look at the flower, look here:

    Have a nice weekend,

  9. The blue hydrangea is such a gorgeous shade of blue.

    The second may be a hydrangea too as there are many different varieties.

  10. Lovely, lovely blue hydrangeas! For the life of me, I can't grow this flower in my garden; the squirrels dig up the root and killed it.

    Thanks for the warm welcome and shout out, Joyful!

  11. I love blue hydrangeas, and you captured them beautifully!

  12. These are gorgeous! I see them everywhere but I never knew the name :) I'm always learning something new about flowers!

  13. What nice blues! The one is only a different kind of hydrangea, like I know.
    Thanks for sharing this lovely flowers on *Weekendflowers*. Have a great weekend! LG Tina

  14. Stewart, thank you for your visit and your wonderful comment. I will check out the blog site you recommend. You're right! I do live in a beautiful country. Please visit sometime :-)

  15. Yogi, thank you so much for your visit. I appreciate it!

  16. Elke, thank you for your visit and your comment. I will be sure to check out your blog too!

  17. EG Wow, yes the second type was indeed a breed of hydrangea. Thanks for your visit!

  18. Icy BC, thank you for your comment. I have a hard tiem growing most flowers. Seems my green thumb is better at vegetables, lol.

  19. Jama, thank you so much. I appreciate your visit and your comment.

  20. Lydia, there are so many flowers and plants that I do not know the name of either. I just enjoy them but will now try to learn their names too.

  21. Tina, thank you! They are indeed another kind of hydrangea. I've updated my post.

  22. Such deep blues. Ours are past now but they were so lovely.

    Carolina Mts

  23. They are all simply stunning and what beautiful blue hues. Well done.

  24. What beautiful blue flowers!! Love all that blue!

    Thanks for your comment on my Sky Watch photo at Waco Mom. Yeah, it is hot where I'm at. When that photo was snapped it was 105 degrees! Thought it was funny that my little one choose the hottest time of the year to fish out that hat and scarf from the closet, put it on, and head outside.

  25. endless summer is beautiful...glad to know the name..

  26. These are beautiful. Mine are pink, and on their way out, turning brown.

    I love hydrangeas, but they do not grow very well here in Nebraska.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting today. I truly appreciate it. :)

  27. Marvelous macro flower shots!! :)

  28. I've seen blue hydrangeas, and pink ones, and even the odd white one, but that hybrid is exceptional. It's a real beauty!

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  29. Hydrangeas are my favorite summer flower. Always so cheerful and abundant. Thanks for visiting and leaving a coment.m

  30. wow, very pretty flowers and great shots too..

    visiting from Macro Flowers Saturday!

    here's mine:

    hope you can drop by also, thanks!

  31. Thank you everyone for your visits and your wonderful comments. You're very welcome Icy BC!

  32. They are beautiful!! I love that shade of blue too..I guess why it reminds me of the plumbago a little. Wow, the hybrid is lovely. I walked by some neglected hydrangeas in the yard today (sniff). They propagate easily too. Good idea..Maia's got a great meme but I haven't linked to it for some time.
    Well, wishing you a wonderful weekend-

  33. What a beautiful shade of blue. I love the last one, I'm going to have to look for it at the nursery.

    Happy Weekend!

  34. Hydrangeas are lovely summer flowers.
    These blue ones here are some beautiful specimens.

  35. The young hydrangea are bigger than this flower. I have a whole hedge.


    here's mine.

    I refer to your description that you thought the buds were hyrdangea.

  37. Beautiful flowers. Love this color.

  38. Hello Joyful, I absolutely adore blue hydrangeas. I have been telling Ray for ages I want some under my front steps. A friend I know in the state I used to live in has lots of them. She picks them and allows them to dry and they still look beautiful. I didn't know there was a new hybrid?? I just thought there was only the one kind. They are so beautiful!! You did them justice. Whatever you say, I think your photography is perfect!! Blessings Crystal xxx

  39. Love, love, love hydrangeas. Mine are pink. That's my favorite color in my garden besides green of course ;)

  40. You captured the "blueness" real good! Nature has really lovely colors...

  41. Uau! Que lindas Hortências azuis! Amei as fotos!

  42. I always love hydrangea. Beautiful photos.

  43. You captured beautifully the Blue Hydrangeas. Those lovely photos reminds me of my grade school. There were a lot of Blue Hydrangeas in our school and when it blooms, the school surroundings will become so beautiful.

    Mary Joy from video-guitar-lessons-personal-teacher

  44. We have so few blue flowers here, so these flower pictures really caught my eye - you did a great job catching that hybrid!


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