I've been struggling with very low energy levels since just before Christmas and even the barest minimum of 'to dos' has seemed so much at times. This has caused me to get very behind in a lot of things.
Now I am feeling a little better. My energy seems to be increasing. Warmer temperatures and more frequent days of sunlight help. I started taking Vitamin D awhile back but haven't been too consistent about taking it for the short time I did take it it seemed to help.
There are a few things I continue to do even when the energy levels are low.
One thing that I never really stop doing is blogging, sometimes tweeting. Here is a cute little carton I came across on line about the priority social media has become in our lives.
I am not on Instagram, Facebook or Tumbler but in addition to posting on my blog I also post to Google + on occasion. I can't imagine how people find the time to be on all the different social media as well as keep up with other things in their lives. Keeping up with our own blogs daily or even every few days, takes a fair bit of time. We have to find time to take the photos, select and edit them, upload them, then visit and comment on other blogs. I'm always amazed at people who get hundreds of visitors and comments yet manage to visit other blogs on a fairly regular basis. Then of course there are those that have hundreds of visitors to their blog complete with comments who never seem to visit anyone else's blogs or if they do, they never comment.
I am not exactly sure why I was so extra low on energy for so long. Now am in a bit of whirl of activity to "catch up". With Spring having arrived I am also thinking about what needs to be done in the garden. There is always the Fall and Winter debris to clean. I don't do this in the Fall due to all the rain and cold. In Spring I am often late to the garden and never seemed to find the rhythm. Perhaps that will change some day but for right now I just manage as best I can. I'm also planning on a visit to see my mom and so I'm putting a care package together. That always involves some planning and preparation and this month is no exception.
Despite lower energy levels, I also never fail to keep up with the missions in Kenya. The people's needs there are so great and needs don't take a rest. I do my best to try to help the people and bring awareness to others in hopes they may also want to help. In all the years I've been doing this, it hasn't been easy getting others involved but I keep trying. I truly greatly appreciate those of you who do stop and lend a hand. The little we can do means so much to another who is burdened by their load.
Several weeks ago I wrote about a young mom who had to be rushed to hospital and ended up losing her baby before it had come to full term. That was a very sad situation especially since the young mom not only lost her baby but she had to remain in hospital for weeks after because she didn't have the funds to pay the medical bills.
I am happy to report that she is now home with her family and can now start her real journey of grieving and healing. Yes, that means while she was in hospital her unborn child was buried. One can only imagine how difficult this was to deal with on so many levels. It also meant her other young child and her husband were without her presence in the home for weeks on end as they struggled to cover the medical bills. They were feeling very low in spirit during this time.
My blogging friends Joy and
Jan and
Regina, and other friends in Kenya who organized several fund-raisers helped to get her home. I especially want to thank
Joy who I met through blogging through our shared love of crochet. It was through her very kind efforts to raise awareness of this desperate situation that really helped.
Kindness is so refreshing in this very busy world where people often turn the other way after hearing about someone needs; someone they don't know and who lives so very far away. Sometimes we become immune to someone's desperate needs when we are bombarded daily through television, internet, social media and newspaper.
I realize too that there are many competing good causes. Sometimes people have limited means and their our own needs have to take priority. It takes intention and work not to become cold to the desperate situations around the world.
So again a sincere thanks goes out to Joy, John, Jan and Regina for their kindness. I pray that the goodness you have put out there for this mom will be returned to you in good measure
Kenyan flower ~ Sending you all a little green in honour of Saint Patrick |
In February I wrote about another humanitarian food aid mission to the Pokot people in northern Kenya. You can read more about that mission
here. Then last week some of my Kenyan friends went on yet another humanitarian mission to the Pokot people in the northern part of Kenya. This time they went to an entirely different region which was even more isolated than where they usually minister to the Pokot people. On the team's return journey the terrible terrain was too much for the SUV they had borrowed from their church and they were stranded far from home where things were very expensive.
When my friends go on voluntary missions they basically have to raise the food donations and fund their own journey. The team leader has to sign a form to acknowledge responsibility for the vehicle when they go on food aid missions and that means there is no help from the church when things go wrong. In any case, the churches my friends attend are not like the big, prosperous churches in America. Their congregations are made up of hard working humble people who are mostly eking out a living through small scale farming. They grow their own corn and vegetables and if they are fortunate they have a few chickens, goats or possibly a cow or two for milk. They have very little in the way of extras and cold, hard cash.
The mission was to an area of Kenya that is very hot and dry and you cannot grow anything (sorry though the precise name escapes me it is north of a place called Chemolingot). The locals raise goats and camels as their means of sustenance. In places like, as in most other difficult to access communities in other countries, food and necessities are incredibly expensive because of the cost and time involved in importing the food. Fixing the car was also very expensive and not very straightforward.
Photo Credit: Jonah, Missions of Hope |
Mechanic help had to be summoned from about 6 hours away. The insides of the care were taken apart and the mechanic returned to Eldoret with some of the parts. The team members had to wait until the next day for the mechanic to return with the car parts. The team members had a real awakening of just how hard it is for the people in the area as they said they have never seen such high costs in all the places they have travelled.
Thankfully the car worked after the mechanic brought the car parts back and attended to the vehicle. The cost of repairs was great and it was urgent. The team had a very long journey home and arrived home at 5 a.m. on Sunday morning.
These are a few photos of the hungry children that were fed on this mission.
The children are enjoying bread and liquid refreshment in these photos.
Photo Credit: Jonah, Missions of Hope |
Photo Credit: Jonah, Missions of Hope |
The team members also left behind food items and clothing for the people.
Friends, these needs are very real and the hunger is very difficult to experience or to see.
It is what drives my friends to help and what drives me to assist them.
Photo Credit: Jonah, Missions of Hope |
You see the people in these isolated areas of Kenya are literally starving.
When drought comes they are hardest hit and commodities are out of their financial means.
My friends are not well to do.
They too live close to the edge economically.
But they know that the people they are helping live even closer to the edge.
Kenyan cactus plant. |
I want to welcome all of my new followers.
If any of you have an interest in Africa and Kenya and you want to find out how to help with the missions needs, please get in touch (email on profile page). I mostly help in Kenya where we try to feed the hungry or look after their medical needs.
Also, if you are travelling to Kenya soon and want to take a missions team with food aid or medical helps,
let me know. I can put you in touch with people who could use your help. If you are going alone or with a friend, and you have enough funds to pool, even that would be a great help.
Linking with
Our World Tuesday
Have a great week.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to those of you who celebrate.