Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas for IDPs in Kenya

Hi friends, my friend Pastor Jonah and other leaders are visiting the Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) this week in Kenya. They are trying to show love and provide some food to the people before Christmas. They have been doing what they can for the IDPs throughout the year whenever they can. At this time of seasonal cheer and loving others, let us try to keep our hearts open to those in need around the globe. Please read on. I'm sure your heart will be as touched as mine is. Blessings.


We are going to visit the internally displaced people this week. God willing, we are gathering food from the villages and towns to feed these people who are living in makeshift camps.

These folks are living in deplorable conditions and need our help. We do hope to distribute what we got, and hope the government will come and help them somehow.

These are trying moments for our country, and we do hope to make some changes in their lives.

Please pray for these people. If you can, give to help these people. Otherwise many blessings over the blessed Christmas season. Pastor Jonah

If you can help at all, please go here

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Rain, rain go away
Rain, rain go away
Come again another day
Little Johnny wants to play
Little Johnny wants to play

Do you ever remember singing this song as a child? Or perhaps you are a mother now and you sing these songs to your little ones. In case you've never heard it before, here is a link to the nursery song.

I was out and about taking pictures of the rain. It was such a sudden change that I wanted it to go away and let the snow fall for a few days more but it wasn't to be. One good thing about the rain though is that it brings warmer temperatures.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Flying Snow

The other day I wrote about how we were expecting all this snow and it never arrived, just a small sprinkling on Saturday overnight.

Well tonight the snow is really flying. It was fun to be out there doing my little bit of shopping. I wanted to share it with you for many of you who read this blog don't get snow and have never seen it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Listen to my greeting.

Happy Snowy Holidays!
Merry Christmas.

Christmas Crackers

My friend Lynda in Tanzania wrote about the history of the novelty Christmas cracker over at her blog today. I love the handmade ones that are made in Tanzania by the residents in leprosy homes.

My family never grew up with this tradition but as I got older I have incorporated it into my tradition whenever I have Christmas dinner at my house. Since mom hasn't been able to travel for some time, I haven't had dinner at my house for a few years. I now make Christmas dinner over at her home when I visit and the family gathers there.

Lynda's blog reminded me that I still have a whole box of unused Christmas crackers that have been languishing in a cupboard. I have now taken them out and will add it to the growing list of things I'll take with me on my Christmas visit.

Here are some pictures of my box of novelty crackers.

Inside there are usually plastic or crepe paper hats (crowns), a plastic toy and a little joke or verse. I think these are quite neat and I like adding them to my dinner festivities. Maybe you also like to have Christmas crackers at your table or perhaps you have never used a Christmas cracker. You can learn all about how to use them here. Happy pulling!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Moms and Christmas Humour

Some years don't you just wanna strangle the perfect woman who has everything under control and ready waaay before Christmas (jk).Did you ever meet anyone like that? LOL. Here is a cute cartoon about such a scenario.

It is easy for me to be ready in advance of Christmas with no children. It is still a lot of work though I do far less than many women (in part because I don't have my own immediate family for whom I would prepare Christmas). I often marvel how women do it all, especially when they often have a busy job, children, a husband and a household to run for all of them.

My hats off to these super women. I think it is a marvellous thing that so many of them take their home making and household preparations so seriously, especially at this time of year. Without such women and moms, most households would not have the wonderful creation of Christmas memories that their family members look back on fondly with each passing year.

Wishing you moms a joyful holiday season. Don't forget to take time for yourself to rest and savour the joys you are helping to create for your loved ones.

Beauty in the Night

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you had a wonderful week and have some nice plans for the weekend.   Even though it's a long w...