Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Moms and Christmas Humour

Some years don't you just wanna strangle the perfect woman who has everything under control and ready waaay before Christmas (jk).Did you ever meet anyone like that? LOL. Here is a cute cartoon about such a scenario.

It is easy for me to be ready in advance of Christmas with no children. It is still a lot of work though I do far less than many women (in part because I don't have my own immediate family for whom I would prepare Christmas). I often marvel how women do it all, especially when they often have a busy job, children, a husband and a household to run for all of them.

My hats off to these super women. I think it is a marvellous thing that so many of them take their home making and household preparations so seriously, especially at this time of year. Without such women and moms, most households would not have the wonderful creation of Christmas memories that their family members look back on fondly with each passing year.

Wishing you moms a joyful holiday season. Don't forget to take time for yourself to rest and savour the joys you are helping to create for your loved ones.


  1. Hi Cute Penny!

    I know what you mean and that cartoon is a hoot!

    Thats why I do the "one bag christmas"!

    Thank-you for stopping by --love new friends!

    Happy Holidays!

    love, kelee

  2. I also wonder how large families cope at Christmas time. I have not done so well this Christmas on the organisation front but the day will happen regardless I guess. And I still have over a week to get things sorted.

    Hope you have a very joyful Christmas.

  3. Kelee, I think your "one bag christmas" idea is fabulous and a true time saver.

  4. KC, you are so right about the day happening regardless of how well we've planned. I'm sure it will be enjoyable no matter what and especially if you don't get stressed. I wish you a very Merry and joyful Christmas as well :-) Stop by again soon.

  5. Like you, dear Penny, I am so blessed. My house is cleaned every day by 2 wonderful people, my daughter and a good friend. My children are all grown, and the 2 granddaughters don't take a lot of my time, they are old enough. We do homeschool, and that takes time, but we get done quickly and they can do some of the subjects on their own. I am ready for Christmas early because I don't fret over the gifts, the dinner, or anything else. Why am I ready? Because the day will be here whether I am ready or not. I don't have a lot of money to go shopping with, so I buy small things as money comes in...thanks to sons and friends! What is done by the time Christmas Day arrives, is what we have. No fuss. If my parents were still alive, and they were going to be here, it would be the same. I love to entertain, but it doesn't happen much. The biggest thing I love doing is cookie dough. I make it ahead of time, roll it in small logs in foil and freeze it. Closer to Christmas, I love giving it out to friends, even the mail lady! That is my only have-to. The granddaughters decorate the tree and do a beautiful job. My daughter and I made the kitchen table, seen from the living room, look nice with a piece of red material under a lacy tablecloth my husband bought nearly 30 years ago in Mexico, with a piece of green material just under the fruit basket (not a store bought one). To be honest, I don't see the reason to go all out and make this the most tiring time of year. Like you, though, I don't know how working mothers do anything. I pray for peace and plenty for them. I often still think of a business I wanted to start 20 years ago..."Moms in a Minute", where we would make the "dessert" and set the table for others that have to work. I thought about birthday cakes for those days moms are too busy. Just simple things that seem to find no time to be done. It was just a dream, but would have been fun. Where would we be without those dreams?

  6. I also wonder how large families cope at Christmas time. I have not done so well this Christmas on the organisation front but the day will happen regardless I guess. And I still have over a week to get things sorted.

    Hope you have a very joyful Christmas.


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