Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Relief Effort to Northern Kenya

Friends, you know about the food crisis in the Horn of Africa.
I'm showing you what one man can do when he has the heart to help. Please read this post (by clicking on the title in red font) and, if you can, let him know you support his work by logging on and leaving a comment at his blog. Many will soon have food and water in their bellies due to these efforts. Thanks so much!

Missions of Hope: Relief Effort to Northern Kenya: Hello friends, This morning, along with other partners, Missions of Hope was able to flag off 5 lorries (large transport trucks) full of ...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Macro Flowers, September 9, 2011

I captured these hydrangeas a few months ago. I was intrigued by the colour because they seemed to be light green and turning blue.  I know little about flowers so perhaps blue hydrangeas start out green.

There seems to be an over abundance of wasps in the area this year. I'm not sure why.  They even came into a restaurant when a friend treated me to dinner last week.  The owner had to scurry around trying to kill them and shoo some out the door.

Please join in the Weekend Flowers and Macro Flowers memes for some true beauty.
Macro Flowers Saturday badge 1

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ride with me: Chetwynd to Edmonton

I left off my journey in Dawson Creek where we were able to find a room at the George Dawson Inn for the evening. In the morning we had to make the hour drive back to Chetwynd for the funeral. There wasn't much time to take photos and the ones I got in drive by shooting are not so great but I think they will give you an idea of the place.

This photo is taken as you enter Chetwynd from the north.
One of the first buildings you come to as you enter town is the white building. It is the Legion Hall and is where many of the wakes for funerals takes place.

Chetwynd is a small town of a few thousand people but it has all the basic services, including a swimming pool. It is always busy work wise but the town itself never grows very large.

One of the old hotels in town has been demolished (right of photo).  It looks like there may have been a fire involved.

This is a slightly better view.  note the wood carving in the foreground. These wood carvings are all over town. Someone or several someones spent a lot of time carving these pieces.

This is a newer and quite large hotel called the Pomeroy. There is another new and large hotel on the hill coming into town from the north.  These two big hotels were not here the last time I visited.  Though I see they are now in every town in the north.  I couldn't get a room though. Everything was fully booked!

After we leave Chetwynd, we will be heading back through Dawson Creek and Grande Prairie, already posted about elsewhere. We are heading south to the City of Edmonton.

Look up on the mountain! Can you see all those wind turbines? I was very surprised.  I counted  27 of them on the mountain but my research told me that are 34 windmill towers with a capacity to produce 102 megawatts, or enough electricity for 38,000. The wind farm has been in place for about two years and is located on Bear Mountain near Dawson Creek.  The project was started by a company based in Calgary, Alberta.

This post officially commemorates "Mile 0" of the Alaska Highway. Many people stop here to take their photos before heading north on the highway.
I managed to snap this photo of an old heritage building as we zoomed through the town.  I can't remember now if it was the town of Beaverlodge or Hythe in northern Alberta.
This dock and waterview is in the provincial park at Sturgeon Lake, Alberta.
Many years ago this lake was filled with sturgeon fish but there aren't any more unless they are hiding down in the deep recesses of this glacial lake.  Other fish are there for the fishermen to catch.
Now it is off to Edmonton.  We have a few hours drive ahead but some beautiful scenery and a fantastic sunset to keep us entertained.  We also stopped off in Grande Prairie for a meal and bit of shopping.
You will see these oil rigs all over the north country.

We finally pull into the City of Edmonton around 11:30 p.m. or midnight. It has been a long day but we stop at McDonalds to use the wi-fi and check out hotel prices.  We decide on the Ramada Inn and it turns out to be a wonderful place with comfortable beds, a mini bar/fridge, coffee, etc.  Price is $109.00 Canadian dollars plus tax.

I'm always happy for a comfortable bed when I'm tired.

So glad you stopped by and joined me for the tour. Come again soon as we make our way to Calgary and back through beautiful British Columbia.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Leg Problems & Acupuncture

For a very long time now I've been having issues with my right leg. Problems started in my heel and later I noticed problems with my knee. I got physiotherapy for the knee and began using my stationary bike a lot more. The problem seemed to get better in the knee but returned with a vengeance.

After my recent trip to the north country (which I've posted about), I could barely walk. This wasn't the first time things had gotten that bad. I was told by my doctor that the heel problem is plantar fasciitis and by the physiotherapist that the knee problem was caused by tight muscles. Neither of these medical professionals associated the two problems as being related. My own assessment is that the heel problem which was long untreated and for which western medicine can't seem to do too much except surgery (yikes, I'm not having surgery on my feet), led to the other problem of tight muscles.

Many years ago I'd gone to a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (DTCM) for treatment of a heel spur on the opposite foot.  I resolved to go again because the problem is really limiting what I can do both inside and outside of the house. Some days I can't walk too far and the pain is excruciating.

I'm happy to report that after the 2nd acupuncture treatment I was feeling huge relief. Unfortunately, I had to walk very far on the day of my 3rd appointment and over did things. My pain is back in spades but the acupuncture once again is helping to alleviate it. I know the problem has flared back up but I also know the acupuncture is working so I will continue with it.  I am now getting treated twice a week and I take some herbal Chinese medicines to relax the muscles and improve the blood flow.

The Doctor of TCM that I see, normally charges $60.00 (Canadian dollars) for one acupuncture treatment.  Sadly it is not covered by my extended health care plan.  I was blessed to have my doctor charge me for the herbs at cost and give me 2 acupuncture treatments for $25.00 (Canadian) instead of $120.00. I think that is quite a bargain!  In return, I am helping her with some drafting work she is doing. I edit and advise her on preparing some important documents she is working on. I also give her some advice related to some committee work she is doing.  This is trade and barter and I love it! It is a good way of being frugal.

Here is my leg with all the needles in it.

The basic idea behind the acupuncture is that the needles and the heat lamp put over the area while the needles are in the skin, help to unblock the blood and fluid stagnation. In Chinese medicine they call the stagnation, "blocked chi" or "blocked energy". The purpose of acupuncture and chinese medicinal treatments is to unblock the chi or energy. In western terms, you can say to unblock the stagnation.

While the needles are in the skin I feel very sleepy and relaxed. Sometimes when the doctor puts the needles into the skin it might hurt but this is momentary.

I feel fortunate to have this treatment available to me. If I lived in a small town I would not have this service and I would not have a way to address my pain and mobility without drugs or waiting for surgery. I'm also going to order some heel pads for my shoes. My doctor has suggested orthotics but I know from my mother's experience that orthotics didn't help her. I'm going to order heel pads on line. These pads seem to be working for many people who said they got orthotics made and the orthotics didn't work.

Anyway, I hope my regular readers will understand now why I haven't been posting or commenting as much as usual. Things have been busy for me and my mobility is limited. I'm also feeling more tired than usual but hopefully that will pass in a few weeks.

On an unrelated note, I see that my blogging posts have hit the 500 mark. I am a little suspect about the count given.  By Blogger's count I was at 489 posts about 3 months ago and have been posting steadily since then so the number should be higher. At any rate, I'm sure I've now passed the 500 mark, possibly a bit more. I've thoroughly enjoyed the blogging experience and wouldn't trade it for FB.

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

 The sky was a brilliant blue this day. One of our rare days of sunshine earlier in the summer season.

Sadly, Superman was no where to be found.

Please click the badge to see more beautiful sky photos from around the world.

A Friend in Need

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, How are you all doing? It's been a hectic time in my life of late but things are getting done. Nothin...