Thursday, April 7, 2016

Awesome Blues

It was such a beautiful day on Easter Monday when I took these photos. The sky was an awesome blue and the clouds were so wispy.

Enjoy your weekend.

Monday, April 4, 2016

My World April 5, 2016

The big crane is on the horizon. A huge high rise is going in on a busy street despite many protests.

The tall crane on the horizon lets me know that big changes are coming to my view. I've long known this was happening but never really thought of it's impacts on me since I don't live so close to where the high rise is being built.  In the past week though I've seen the crane there every day.  It is there to stay until it's done it's work and it is clear that the finished work, a high rise, will interfere with my view.  Residents in the immediate vicinity of the new building protested long and hard against the new building because it is the first requiring a change to the density of the area. Vancouver is out of land so all new buildings are going upwards rather than outwards. That is a sign of the current times.

I've been feeling poorly again. I've been sleeping much more than usual and I'm also taking naps. This is very unusual for me. After a few days I discovered it was a chest cold so I'll just have to let it run it's course.

Normally when I'm feeling under the weather I find productive ways to occupy my time.  But in this instance I've really been trying not to push myself." Rest" is my unofficial word of the year. It's unofficial because I didn't choose it until February.  I wasn't going to choose a guiding word for this year.  But this word came to me in mid February or so and somehow it seemed "right".

What about you dear reader? 

Did you choose a guiding word for the year?

After doing virtually nothing but sleep, rest and eat for a few days, I got quite bored.  I finally picked up my e-reader and continued reading a book called, The Valley of Amazement by Amy Tan.  I didn't know what I was in for when I started to read the novel and I don't want to give anything away.  But I am about 20% into the book and enjoying it so far.

I didn't read any summaries or reviews of the book before started reading it.  Ms. Tan is one of my all time favourite writers and I generally assume I will like any book she writes.  I'm happy to say that I believe this one will be to my liking as well.  I'm not going to write a book review here as I'm still in early stages of the book.  If you are interested at all, I recommend reading a summary here or here (where you can also sample some pages and hear a sample of an audio recorded book).

In addition to making a bit of progress on the book, I also knitted a few dish cloths. I'm trying to use up the bits and bobs of my dwindling cotton yarn stash. I'm taking my time with these latest dishcloths.  When I'm tired I make mistakes and I don't want to have a mess on my hands, lol.

The Solomon's Seal (above and below photos) has doubled in size in 5 days or less.  It's amazing how fast plants grow with the sunshine.  I need to get out and clean the garden soon but that is another thing I don't feel up to and gardening isn't my favourite thing. I only like to look at and admire plants once they are planted and growing.

 The next few shots I was experimenting with the lens focus.

I had a special outing planned for the weekend but I didn't get to planned.
 Now the weather will be a bit inclement for awhile and then I'll be busy with a few other things.

Hopefully I can squeeze it my outing some time soon.  It will provide a lot of wonderful opportunities for photos which I can share with you.
 I hope you are enjoying life where ever you are in this big, wide world.

Thanks for visiting my world today.

I'll be joining Our World Tuesday and
stopping by to see what is happening in your world.

Friday, April 1, 2016

April Sky

 Happy April!

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.
Have a fantastic weekend and
thanks for stopping by.♥♥♥

Monday, March 28, 2016

My World Is Turning to Spring

A few days ago the fresh snow was still falling on the mountain tops.

But now the signs of Spring are here. It's even warm enough for windows to be opened to the fresh air.

I don't remember planting these flowers last year. I'm not even sure what they are :-)

The sakura (cherry) blossoms are gone from my neighbourhood. I think they are still in bloom elsewhere in the city.
In my area those pretty blossoms are being replaced by these new buds.

It's all good.

How is your world?

Joining in with Our World Tuesday today and our lovely host, Lady Fi.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Seeing Double

Seeing Double

Hey wait a minute! Now there's only one.

And he's off like the wind for his run while his mama gets her exercise on the bike.
Joining Saturday's Critters with our host, Eileen.

A Day in Photos

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you are all well today. I took a little jaunt out to the University of British Columbia on Sunday ...