Monday, May 27, 2019

Early Sunday Morning on the Patio

 I snapped these photos in the wee hours of Sunday morning. 
I couldn't quite get the clarity I wanted but I did enjoy my time in the quiet.
The seagulls were not out squawking for some reason.
Instead there was a beautiful chirping sound from an unknown to me bird. 
It was lovely.

I hope you enjoyed these photos.


I also wanted to invite my long term readers to please take a moment
to read and
 share the following link with your networks and friends.
(I've also added the information on the side bar, top right of this blog).

 It only takes a few seconds and you will help by making it possible for more people to read and possibly respond.
Thanks so much for your time
and have a lovely week.


Our World Tuesday

Thursday, May 16, 2019

A Little Rain on the Way

Hi friends,

Today it's a sunny day and rain is expected tomorrow and several days next week.

I got out last night to the community garden plot and felt a few sprinkles on my head though it waited until overnight for the rain to come down. 

After I left the park I ended the day by going to a local coffee shop with my latest book.

I passed by this magnificent rhododendron bush and stopped to admire it awhile.


It's been a hectic year for me so far in 2019 with many things to accomplish.
I'm trying to pace myself but now and then things get a bit hectic.
I enjoy brief times of respite by going to the park, puttering around in my balcony garden or reading a good book at home or at the coffee shop.

Joining with 

Have a magnificent weekend.

Early Skywatch

This is an early post for Skywatch Friday . It seems I'm sometimes late but never early until today, lol. We've had a spectacular fe...