Monday, May 27, 2019

Early Sunday Morning on the Patio

 I snapped these photos in the wee hours of Sunday morning. 
I couldn't quite get the clarity I wanted but I did enjoy my time in the quiet.
The seagulls were not out squawking for some reason.
Instead there was a beautiful chirping sound from an unknown to me bird. 
It was lovely.

I hope you enjoyed these photos.


I also wanted to invite my long term readers to please take a moment
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Our World Tuesday


  1. Beautiful photos and pink/purple colors in the sky in the early morning!! I don't know what the bird was, but sense the quiet from your photos and must have been nice to hear the birdsong. Blessings and Peace.♡

    1. Yes it was a beautiful, quiet morning and the bird song was lovely. I wish I knew the name of the bird/s.

  2. Nice skies for an early morning.

  3. SO pretty! I love Spring flowers!

  4. Nice photos from your patio. Quiet time (except for the birds chirping) before the city starts its lively beats is precious. Have a nice week.


    1. Very true Yoko. Thank you for visiting. Enjoy your beautiful garden too.

  5. Love that spread of pink and lights like fireflies.

  6. Those sure are beautiful photos!

    I love hearing the birds and watching them early in the morning!

  7. Oh Penny, your garden is just lovely! So full of color and blooms!

  8. So pretty! What a lovely place to sit and enjoy the world.

  9. Hi! Your photos are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Yes, they are very nice: your photos. What a nice flowers.You are a flower lover too :-)

  11. The picture with the church cross shining in the sun is thought- and prayer-provoking. Just what a cross is meant to do! Love the reflection of the plant in the bird bath - clever! And your flower pots are a rainbow of colors for you - I am sure they brighten your days!

  12. That looks like a great place to be. Thank god it's patio season.

  13. Hello, beautiful sunrise. Your patio and plants look wonderful, a great spot to relax. Wishing you a happy day and weekend!

  14. So very lovely, especially the sun shining on that steeple against the mountain backdrop. So peaceful. Love all the flowers. Have a blessed weekend.

  15. Love the sky and your plants are looking fabulous. Is that a bird bath you have there? Love the reflections in it and I hope your neighbours cat stay away!! Have a great weekend Diane

  16. beautiful sceneries and it

  17. A very nice collection of flowers - nature has so many ways to be a flower.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    PS: Snorkelling really is a great thing to do!

  18. Always so lovely to view around from your blog. When I see the flowers and plants I thought of natural printing. Certainly some of your flowers and leaves print well.

  19. I will share it on Twitter because I am not on Facebook, I closed my account two months ago, I didn't find it useful, and there were too many lurkers. The patio is beautiful, I have a few plants on the balcony, just two or three, I really know nothing about plants. You are very right about monetization Joyful...many of my so called "friends" on blogspot have monetized it and now I don't see them coming around anymore. I have very few faithful readers and that's enough for me. You should see Instagram ... I know people who had two followers and now have 20, 50 or 100 thousands!! It's so fake. Everyone knows you can buy followers, likes and comments. Why spend money on getting fake numbers?

  20. Penny, your pictures are beautiful! And those geraniums are just gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing.


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