Monday, April 8, 2024

Animal Friends ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.    

Let's talk about animals today!

1. What pets do you have or have you had? Do you have any now or if not, why not?

As an adult I've only owned a cat because most of the time I've lived in the city where animals are often not permitted in rental or condo owned properties. As a child, we often had a dog, sometimes, kittens, sometimes goldfish and turtles and other times budgies.  We lived in a small town in a stand alone house so it was much easier to have animals.

Update:  After reading Susan's answers I was reminded that our childhood homes also housed the occasional hamsters, guinea pigs and pet mice!

2. How did you find names for your animal friends? What are their names? 

We just picked names that appealed to us. We had a German Shepard named Jerry and a chihuahua named Ginger due to her colouring.  I don't think the other animals, fish and birds were named. The kittens usually didn't last in our household because mom was afraid of kittens and cats so she often made us give them away after a short while. At least she tried to give us what we wanted.

3. Any special or funny story concerning pets you would like to share?  It could be someone else's as well as your own.

We had a German Shepard named Rex. My dad brought him home one day. He had been an abused dog and tied up all of his short life. He was really still a pup about 6 months old but quite large and I was afraid of him. He would jump on my backend push me down and try to bite me if I ran after my siblings while we were playing in the yard. One day Rex disappeared. Many months later my dad came across him in someone else yard but it seems Rex wasn't that bonded to us since he never stayed with us that long before he was stolen. So dad left him where he was.  Let's say I did not mind! LOL.

4.   What benefit  do you find having animals in your family? What are the cons of having them?

I've read that studies show animals can be good for one's physical (blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride levels) and mental health (loneliness, anxiety, symptoms of PTSC).  My own opinion is that these benefits are probably there if the animal/s don't come with big issues of their own, especially behavioral ones. 

Animals can also teach children responsibility though I often hear mother's complain about how they are left to raise and look after a pet that the children have begged for and promised to look after. 

The cons of a pet are probably the high costs in terms of money and time.  These days are not like the old days. People nowadays spend a lot on the health care for a pet or the insurance for a pet's health care and food and other accessories for pets is a big cost.

Time-wise the last cat I owned required me to do a lot of work to vacuum up her hair, keep herlitter clean, buy her food and litter and also time required to keep her well groomed (brushing, claws clipped, teeth cleaned and fur balls kept at bay).  I was asked by a good friend to give a home to a stray cat she had taken in so I did. But after my dear cat died, I needed time to grieve her.  After that I couldn't muster up the energy to get another pet. and care for it because I was having health issues.  I would still like another cat but I'm not sure when the timing will be right.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Skywatch Friday - An April Mood

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, 

I hope this month finds you well. I can't believe we are already well into the new month of April. The month is almost filled up already with commitments and I thought it was going to be a slow one.

This month has given us a very mixed bag of weather so far with some warmish days and downright cold ones too. The skies have also been changing quickly each day. I guess that is normal for spring weather but parts of Canada did get snow on Thursday. I know parts of Europe also got snow and I'm guessing some of our neighbours to the south too.  I'm looking forward to the day when temperatures will reach at least 19 Celsius.  Then I'll feel like the growing season part of spring has arrived. However, very hot weather need not come.  Wildfires are a big concern.  Wherever  you live I hope your weather is good.

Here is a collection of sky scenes over the past week (click on each photo for better viewing).

March 30, 2024

April 1, 2024

April 2, 2024

April 3, 2024

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.  Until next time, stay safe and thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 28, 2024

A Few Days in March ~ Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers.

I hope Spring is treating you well so far. It's been roller coaster weather where I live with mostly gloomy skies, cooler weather and the odd beautiful sunny day.  I'm sharing a few days this past week so you can see what I mean.

March 27, 2024

March 26, 2024

And about 30 minutes later on the same day.

March 23, 2024


One of the many things keeping me busy this week is patio renovation. The construction job is behind schedule over all and my patio in particular. This week they were to replace the pavers on the patio membrane. After which they will build the retaining wall and fill it with soil. I don't know yet about whether they will hire someone to replant the gardens or if we will have to re-do it ourselves. When I bought the place it came with a fully planted garden that had trees. Now I may have to replace all those plants myself but we will have guidelines this time from a landscape architect's report about what can and cannot be planted. 

No matter what the strata council decides, I'm still paying for the replanting in addition to the payments for the construction. It's just that I would prefer not to have to do all the work myself as it's not that easy hauling plants up from the ground level. I talked to the strata manager yesterday and he couldn't tell me what the timeline is for completion so I don't even know whether anything will be ready for enjoyment this summer. We are expected to have very hot weather this summer and so the timing of that will likely coincide with when the garden will finally be ready.  Once it is ready to go, we will need to power wash the pavers and make them look nice again.

Last but not least, I wish each of you and your loved ones, a blessed Easter weekend if you celebrate.

 I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday this week. Thank you for stopping by.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Welcome to My Awesome Day

I took a walk along the waterfront on Wednesday this week.  It was one the best weather days so far since winter began.  Wednesday was the first day of Spring and everyone was out at the waterfront enjoying the sunshine.

Though I do like to people watch I usually stick to photos of the scenery. 

I'm linking up with Skywatch Friday today.

Thank you for stopping by.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Happy Spring 2024!

Happy Spring to you.

 Enjoy this short video from the waterfront where I spent part of Spring season's first day.

Friday, March 15, 2024

It Was a Spectacular Day! ~ Skywatch

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

It was a spectacular, sunny day where I live. It's still rather chilly from my point of view but the weather reporters keep telling us it is going to get very warm and above seasonal temperatures by the weekend. So we'll see how tomorrow goes.

I had an unexpected trip to the dentist today to a repair a tooth which broke yesterday.  I walked to my appointment and took the following photos to share with you.

Thank you for stopping by!

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

This and That on a Mid-March Day

Wednesday was a spectacular day with glorious sunshine and fluffy white clouds. The sun came out after several rainy days but the temperature was still quite chilly.

On my walk I captured some beautiful flowers outside one of the local grocery stores. I just love the flowers in the foreground and the large store window capturing a reflection of the clouds and blue sky. You can see the leaves haven't come out on the deciduous trees yet.

By mid afternoon it turned mostly cloudy again though we expect sunshine and much warmer temperatures for the next week or so.

I've been keep very busy this month with a lot of small things including sewing alterations,  reading, decluttering, cooking, appointments and so on.  

A small containers of buttons broke open and the buttons scattered all over the larger container they were in.  It spurred me on to do a little bit of a tidy up of some of the most often used sewing supplies.  This will help me as I work on other projects.

3 small containers of sewing supplies sorted and organized

I've been decluttering a bit here and there. Nothing major but it all adds up. I'm also still trying to use up old toiletries. Some of them seem to have a bottomless supply. I'm adding everything to some large recycling bags and will do a count later.

In my reading, I finished reading the 5 fictional books in the photos below and one book on style. I enjoyed all of the books. My favourite pick was Ken Follet's Armour of Light followed by The Nightingale, The Venice Sketchbook, The Cafe by the Sea and the House of Fortune in that order. The Style for Everybody Guide was a very straightforward and well written, simplified guide to clothing and style. I've read a lot of them and I liked this one a lot because it is not so overwhelming in the information it presented.

Also completed in the last few weeks.

I've started reading a few books with a spiritual theme.  Usually this kind of book requires more time for reading, reflection and retention.  I'll probably pick up another novel to read in between study.

That's all in my world for now. 
Thank you for your visit.

Weekend Work

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,  I hope you are well and enjoying the weekend. As mentioned in my last post, I was spending time to declu...