Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts

Monday, April 8, 2024

Animal Friends ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.    

Let's talk about animals today!

1. What pets do you have or have you had? Do you have any now or if not, why not?

As an adult I've only owned a cat because most of the time I've lived in the city where animals are often not permitted in rental or condo owned properties. As a child, we often had a dog, sometimes, kittens, sometimes goldfish and turtles and other times budgies.  We lived in a small town in a stand alone house so it was much easier to have animals.

Update:  After reading Susan's answers I was reminded that our childhood homes also housed the occasional hamsters, guinea pigs and pet mice!

2. How did you find names for your animal friends? What are their names? 

We just picked names that appealed to us. We had a German Shepard named Jerry and a chihuahua named Ginger due to her colouring.  I don't think the other animals, fish and birds were named. The kittens usually didn't last in our household because mom was afraid of kittens and cats so she often made us give them away after a short while. At least she tried to give us what we wanted.

3. Any special or funny story concerning pets you would like to share?  It could be someone else's as well as your own.

We had a German Shepard named Rex. My dad brought him home one day. He had been an abused dog and tied up all of his short life. He was really still a pup about 6 months old but quite large and I was afraid of him. He would jump on my backend push me down and try to bite me if I ran after my siblings while we were playing in the yard. One day Rex disappeared. Many months later my dad came across him in someone else yard but it seems Rex wasn't that bonded to us since he never stayed with us that long before he was stolen. So dad left him where he was.  Let's say I did not mind! LOL.

4.   What benefit  do you find having animals in your family? What are the cons of having them?

I've read that studies show animals can be good for one's physical (blood pressure, cholesterol, triglyceride levels) and mental health (loneliness, anxiety, symptoms of PTSC).  My own opinion is that these benefits are probably there if the animal/s don't come with big issues of their own, especially behavioral ones. 

Animals can also teach children responsibility though I often hear mother's complain about how they are left to raise and look after a pet that the children have begged for and promised to look after. 

The cons of a pet are probably the high costs in terms of money and time.  These days are not like the old days. People nowadays spend a lot on the health care for a pet or the insurance for a pet's health care and food and other accessories for pets is a big cost.

Time-wise the last cat I owned required me to do a lot of work to vacuum up her hair, keep herlitter clean, buy her food and litter and also time required to keep her well groomed (brushing, claws clipped, teeth cleaned and fur balls kept at bay).  I was asked by a good friend to give a home to a stray cat she had taken in so I did. But after my dear cat died, I needed time to grieve her.  After that I couldn't muster up the energy to get another pet. and care for it because I was having health issues.  I would still like another cat but I'm not sure when the timing will be right.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Finishing Some Preparations & a Day at the Fair

Preparations continue here for earthquake preparedness.
If you wish to read more to this story you can click here

I went to the Pacific National Exhibition today and was so pleased to find a booth there selling supplies for earthquake and emergency preparedness.
This is the first time I've ever seen this type of booth at the fair.

I was able to buy the food and the water I needed without ordering on line (and waiting for delivery) or without having to run around and check various far away stores. 

In addition to food and water supplies  I purchased a small multi-purpose tool (with knife and can opener and so on).  I also managed to purchase a small hand cranked radio and flashlight combo.
I already have a radio but prefer one that won't need batteries and this fit the bill.
On top of it all I got 20% off all the prices because it was the last day of the fair.
Food and water supplies will be good for 5 years then they will need to be replaced.

I haven't been to the fair in 3 years but yesterday I had this feeling I should attend and go once more to the Home Pavilion.  I was in need of a change of pace and a bit of relaxation and fun.
Wouldn't you know it that is where I found the supplies I need.
I think it was divine intervention because I had such a strong need and desire to finish my earthquake kit preparations.
Now here are some images of the fair.
There were so many people attending that it was a bit hard to find something to eat without standing in long line ups (which I always do my best to avoid) or to even use the ladies room.
After 3 hours I made my purchases and came home.
It was a good way to wind up the summer.

Here are some images for you.
I tried to get images of the various food booths and the large crowd.

This was one of several swans that graced a stretch of lawn near the outdoor concert venue.

Look closely & you can see a very long sea of people into the area where you see tents and rides (background).

Maybe this photo gives a better view.

I managed to take in a bee exhibit. I was fascinated to watch the bees enter the hive through a clear tube connecting the outdoors to the hive indoors.  Dead bees that were lying in the tube were eventually picked up and moved somewhere by undertaker bees. This was very fascinating to me.

I didn't capture an undertaker bee in action but I did watch one.

Honey was also for sale.
 I didn't spend a lot of time in the barns but I did check out a few cows, goats and gerbils.


Vietnamese Food

Besides food and animals there is entertainment at the fair. There is a playground with all kinds of rides. I didn't go there.  There are also various shows and concerts.

I managed to catch a show I've never seen before, jousting (a medieval sport where two opponents on horseback fight with lances). It was very interesting. I don't have a photo of the most dramatic part of the show where one of the jousters from the USA was knocked right off of his horse. The impact was very loud and terrifying and I believe the lances were shattered in pieces. Amazingly the young man, aged 22, who fell, rose off the ground and walked off the "stage" relatively unscathed.  I'm sure his body will be sore from the impact.

Narrator for the joust competition. He was very funny.

The jousters move so quickly.
 Last but not least are the beautiful Clydesdale horses that grace the PNE every year.

My photo of the horses isn't very clear. I was going to upload a video but it takes too long and I've had a stop and start and kind of week.

Thank you for stopping by!

A Gorgeous Day

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Here in my part of the world we will soon transition to Spring and planting season or growing season.  Wh...