Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fantastic Walks in Vancouver - Granville Island Market (Part 2)

Thank you for returning to continue the journey to the Granville Island Market with me. I am making my way through a lovely walk in the False Creek Development area and on to the Granville Island Market. If you missed the first part of the walk, you can join me here.

As I carry on my walk through the waterfront development, I am in bliss. The sea air is strong today and I love it. I can't smell it in the residential area where I live though it isn't so terribly far from this place. Once that salt air hits my olfactory senses as it does today, I always question what took me so long to return to this place.

The view in the photo below is north and slightly east. The high rises across the water are in downtown Vancouver. I can't describe for you what a fantastically beautiful day it is today but with the blue sky and green grass, I think you can see for yourself.

Today there is an abundance of fragrance and colour from all the flowering trees and bushes. Don't you love the stand out red colour of this Rhododendron?

Next up is a photo of some of the condominium developments here on the False Creek Development. It isn't a great photo as the school gates block the view but at least you will have some idea that the people who live in these condominiums (condos) have beautiful northfacing views of the water, high rises and North Shore mountains.

False Creek is a inlet in the heart of the city which separates the downtown area from the rest of the city. Believe it or not, this area was a prime industrial area up until the 1950s. This area fell into ruin as industry started moving to other locations and it is fortuitous that some people of vision had a plan for this area as multi-use community that is vibrant and thriving. If it weren't for them, this area could have been over run with city freeways instead. This area fascinates me because the residential parts are set up so as to have low-income (social housing), co-operative housing, live-aboard marinas and fair market value housing all co-existing in the same small area of land. It appears to be working very well.

This next photo is the local elementary school. I think any child attending school here would be very blessed indeed to have such a wonderful playground with idyllic scenery; in the heart of the city, yet away from all the hustle and bustle.

You can see the backdrop to the playground area. See way over there? You can see a bridge. It is called Granville Bridge and the market where I am going is located directly under the bridge. I still have a ways to go before I get to the market so let us continue.

I've noticed that park rules are more stringent now than the last time I was here. Owners can only have their dogs off leash at certain hours and they must pick up the dog doo. This sign tells you more and also has bags hanging below in case you don't have one.

These pink boards appear to be an art installation. They are the same hexoganal shape as a stop sign except they are pink and they don't say "stop".  They occupy a prime piece of outdoor space.

Here are a couple more photos of the mixed residential properties in the area.

These next few snap shots are facing north east.

This tourist couple (above) seems to be from Germany. At least I heard them talking in German. The walk around the waterways in Vancouver are popular with locals and tourists alike.  The photo below is of boats and yachts moored at one of the marinas in the False Creek area.

This last photo is one taken to the west. You can see the fenced path just along the water front and the path continues in a circular way just beyond those trees. That is where I am heading.

I think I will end today's walk here as I have enough photos left of the final leg of the trip to fill one more blog post. I hope you will join me again soon as I make my way to my destination. It is Sunday in most parts of the world now if you are reading this shortly after it is posted. So put up your feet and have a nice cup of tea and check in with me again soon. Bring your sneakers so we can conclude our walk in comfort.

Click here to see more beautiful scenes from around the world.


Jan said...

That is a beautiful part of the world you live in, a very comprehensive coverage of your walk... beautiful photos.

OneStonedCrow said...

Delightful posts! I enjoyed the first two installments of our walk.

Being a person who is not too keen on cities, your posts reminds me that there is beauty and joy to be found everywhere - if you look for it ... I can smell the sea air too, even though I'm miles away from the ocean ...

Thank you.

Gemma Wiseman said...

A delightful tour! Mountains and sea and elegant buildings create an amazing landscape! Very interesting!

cat said...

As always I enjoy taking this photographic walk with you :)

Diary From Africa said...

I enjoyed walking some more with you today ! What a lovely spot for a school ....

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful photos and thanks for the tour of Vancouver. It look like a wonderful place.

Al said...

That is gorgeous, it looks like a fantastic walk with lots of water and greenery.

Eden said...

What a beautiful place! I love all your photos. Thank you for taking us there. I enjoyed it very much. Have a nice day

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi green and blue blue! I enjoyed this ride- but it wouldn't be the same without your narration..oh and that salt air! The boats along the water have got to be my favorite! Especially above the German couple and the reflections below!! Amazing they allow dogs and the fact that one is to be reminded to pick up after them-both terrific as it gives people a break who love to take their dogs out! (I mentioned on my post (I think after your comment) I've been a bit down physically. I was going to combine a second meme for flowers over the weekedend (not so bright)..anyway, I set it up an all but decided to remove one photo? I looked again at the post and realized I took out the whole second meme out. I stared a little while more and thought..I just better keep it that way! (lol)

Joyful said...

@Jan, thanks for dropping by and joining in my walk. It's lovely to "meet" another Aussie as I love your country :-)

Joyful said...

@OneStonedCrow, so nice you dropped by after all. I totally agree that one can find beauty anywhere. It also doesn't hurt that Vancouver is set in a place of spectacular scenery. So glad you could share in the sea air with me. It is so invigorating.

Joyful said...

@Greyscale Territory, you've named all the elements that make up the beauty of my home city. Thanks for dropping by. Please come again soon :-)

Joyful said...

@Lynda, couldn't you just see your little ones going to school there and enjoying the water view every day? But then again, I'm sure when they do go to school, they will be enjoying the view of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Oceans vs. contest. They are equally beautiful :-)

Johnny Nutcase said...

Great post! those peaks in the background are just gorgeous, looks like a perfect day! I'm a fan of rhododendron too - the wild ones are all out in bloom here, so pretty!

Joyful said...

@Cat, you are so sweet. Just like an adorable kitty cat :-) Is your name short for Catherine or is it a nickname because you like cats?

Joyful said...

@Eileen, it is so great you could join me for the walk. I hope you will enjoy the last part of it too!

Joyful said...

@Al,I don't know if you've ever been to Vancouver but this time of year is fantastic though it is usually a little warmer by now. Summers can get quite hot by Canadian standards, though not as hot as somewhere like India. I find our temperatures very moderate and conducive to keeping things nice and green.

Joyful said...

@Eden, hello! thank you for visiting. I'm so glad you enjoyed the photos. I hope you will come again soon :-)

Hootin Anni said...

I especially like the 'northeast' photos with all the water.

My WATERY stop by if you get a chance.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Wonderful shots of Vancouver. It looked like a picture postcard day there. Valerie

Noel Morata said...


wonderful tour, i enjoyed your area and its so clean too!

come and join us for a new challenge on words that inspire everyfriday on my sari blog when you get a chance :)

Joyful said...

@Kilauea Poetry, you made my day with your sweet comments and kind words. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well but I understand there are so many sick right now. I find the weather is rather unsettled here so the cold I've had is taking it's time to go away. I hope you feel better soon. Big hugs xx

Joyful said...

@Johnny Nutcase, what a name you have, lol! Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is a pleasure to have you. I appreciate your visit and please do come again soon.

Joyful said...

@Hootin Annie, thanks! I like them too. I hope you will visit again soon :-)

Joyful said...

@Gardening, yes it really was a postcard kind of day in Vancouver that day. Since then it has been somewhat erratic in weather but it is supposed to be a lovely weekend. I hope yours is too. Thanks for your visit and please do come again soon.

Joyful said...

@Noel, aloha to you as well. Thank you for your visit and your invitation. I am very interested in your new meme and hope to have some time to participate. Have a great weekend!

Joyful said...

@Noel, aloha to you as well. Thank you for your visit and your invitation. I am very interested in your new meme and hope to have some time to participate. Have a great weekend!

Joyful said...

@Hootin Annie, thanks! I like them too. I hope you will visit again soon :-)

Joyful said...

Wonderful shots of Vancouver. It looked like a picture postcard day there. Valerie

Joyful said...


wonderful tour, i enjoyed your area and its so clean too!

come and join us for a new challenge on words that inspire everyfriday on my sari blog when you get a chance :)

Joyful said...

What a beautiful place! I love all your photos. Thank you for taking us there. I enjoyed it very much. Have a nice day

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