Monday, August 9, 2010

Taking a Blogging Break

Hey readers and friends,

I hope you are all enjoying your summer in North America or the end of your winter in other parts of the world. I do love all the various seasons we are blessed to have here in North America but the coming Fall in September is my favourite time of year.

Having said that I have been very busy this summer and have found I am not paying as much attention to the blog as I would like. I think most, if not all of you, can relate *smile.

So I am going to be taking a blogging break for awhile. I'm not quite sure how long. It might only be a week but then again it could be until the Fall. I just want to enjoy the rest of the summer and activities with friends as well as my swimming lessons and travel to family. I am not "pulling my blog" or deleting it. I have a lot I want to share but am not able to do so just now. Though I am taking a blogging break I will likely still pop in and read your blog entries. I hope you will all enjoy the rest of this season.  Happy blogging.


affectioknit said...

Have Fun! and a nice rest!

Karen said...

Enjoy your break!

Unknown said...

Bless you!

: ))

Gerry's Soap N Stuff said...

We will miss you. Gerry

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Have a good time and thanks for the update,

Kilauea Poetry said...

Oh no..but I can relate to how you feel and understand how busy you must be! I went through a period of depression last week (not normally something I've had to deal with) but I think it has a lot to do with the physical? Anyway, I even pulled my blog for 24 hours!! Anyway, I'll miss you and hope you won't stay away too long -not that long anyway!! I think it has to be my favorite season as well (maybe because I was born at the beginning of Autumn)? Hope you reconsider! Regina-

Diary From Africa said...

We all need to take a break sometimes - don't worry, we'll all be here when you get back .... have a wonderful Summer !

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Enjoy your break. We look forward to seeing you back in the saddle soon.

Darryl and Ruth : )

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

I hope you are enjoying your 'blogging break'. :-) I love the pictures on your blog. You sure have an eye for beauty.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and leaving a comment. I'll look forward to your return to blogging.

Jan said...

I must have missed this one, sorry. Yes we do have life to get on with... trust all will go well for you and you will get everything on your list done and have a satisfying time
Love the bright, cheerful flowers.
Love and blessings

Sarah said...

Will miss your post! Lots of love.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are enjoying your well deserved break!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Oh this was a nice surprise..I came here to check because you were on my mind anyway..but I'm able to leave a comment via my phone! I've been off the main computer but planned to go on this evening just to say I'm glad your not going anywhere! Hope you get some things accomplished, visit your friends and just enjoy yourself! My best, Regina-

Inger said...

I got curious about you after reading your comment on Mpumalanga Journal for 8/21. It was almost exactly what I wanted to say. So I wanted to see where you lived. I just signed up to follow your blog. I looks very interesting.I briefly read something about diabetes. I have type 1 diabetes myself. Actually, I have to go and eat right now, but I'll be back to read some more. Enjoy your break.--Inger

Joyful said...

Hello everyone! Thank you for your well wishes. I am enjoying my break. I am hoping you are all enjoying your weather wherever you are.
Nice to see Canyon Girl, a new follower. Welcome :-)

Teena said...

We all need a break from time to time to refresh. Have a good one <3 <3

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