Monday, January 17, 2011

Whole Body Cleanse

New Year- New Body!

Well that is the hope * wink.

As some of you know I battle with some health challenges though I don't often discuss them and don't plan to get into any detail here. But I do want to say that in an effort to increase energy and generally feel better, I have decided to do a whole body cleanse this month. In fact I've already started it and I am now into my third day of a 14 day cleanse.

It has been many years since I did a cleansing.  Last time I did it I wasn't a happy camper. That one involved using psyillium husk and some kind of clay and I don't wish to repeat it. This one comes in an easy to use kit which includes
- fibre
- laxative and
- liver support in the form of Milk Thistle

These three formulas are supposed to help my body cleanse, detoxify and rejuvenate without the use of hard laxatives. So far, so good though I'm not noticing a whole lot of anything. Perhaps it is too early yet to notice any difference. I will hold off on any major observations until the end of the 14 days.

In addition to the cleanse, it is recommended to do some walking, gentle stretching or yoga and avoid certain food products and beverages ~ the usual suspects like:  foods with nitrates, alcoholic beverages, coffee, dairy products, soy products, and too much meat protein.  I've gone for a short walk or two and am hopping on the stationary bike almost every day.  I haven't yet got around to the recommended stretching I know I should do except for some stretches I do at my desk.  I will add overall body stretches when I feel more up to it.  I am hoping that this regime once completed will help me feel cleaner and rejuvenated and have the effect of "jump starting" my health improvement efforts.

Overall this month has been very busy as I try to get into a regular fitness regime, ensure adequate sleep, be more regular in my devotional time and church related activities and make progress on my household projects. So far am off to a good start. Since none of my activities are "New Year's Resolutions", I am hopeful of keeping them going throughout the year.

I've also been reading a lot in the blogosphere about people identifying a word or theme to guide them over this new year. I don't usually identify a word or theme by which to guide my life but perhaps this year is different as I find a word keeps coming to me.  That word is "Trust".

It's a beautiful word and scary at the same time. I think it means I haven't been trusting God enough for the challenges I've been facing in many areas of my life. I need to work on that and learn to let go and let God, giving Him more control over my daily life, my thought life and my future.  I will try and I need His grace in doing so. I know His Word says that He has plans to give me a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). How much better could it be? I pray you also find the trust you need as you deal with any challenges you may face.


Jan said...

That is very interesting, I have never tried it, and I am keen to hear how you feel, and if you think it is worth it.

Rita said...

I'd like to try one but like you used one years back and it was to harsh. Please let us know what you think of this one. Good idea! Who knows you might feel quite a bit better. Best to you.

OneStonedCrow said...

Good luck with the cleansing Penny - I think that, while I'm up north, I'll do something similar at the same time as I'm cleansing my mind from information overload ... :)

Carolyn said...

I hope this works for you and your health will be restored. Trust is good for all of us to work on.
Take care,

Regina said...

I got in late and into bed late..I don't want to rush so I'll be back in the morning..hugs

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