Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Une Visit Surprise ( A Surprise Visit)

Recently I stopped in a beautiful place where I have long wanted to go but never had the chance.  It was more beautiful there than I thought it would be.

Can you guess where it might be?

We had lovely weather for the visit which is wonderful since it was raining heavily enroute.

I  have lots of lovely photos to sort and share with you over the coming weeks. Enjoy the rest of your week! and be sure to see what others are doing in Our World Tuesday.

June 13, 2013 Update - Thank you to those of you who stopped by and took the time to comment. I want to thank those who also took a guess at the location of these photos. Those of you who guessed "Quebec City" are absolutely correct!  It is a beautiful city and I would love to visit again sometime. A bientôt.


Indrani said...

Beautiful facade there.

Unknown said...

Beautiful area. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Anonymous said...

What lovely skies.

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

very beautiful place :)

Joanne Noragon said...

I've never seen it, but I have to guess in Quebec, along the St. Laurence. Some of those old buildings look very 16/17th century. Lovely, lovely shots.

Photo Cache said...

visiting from OUR WORLD TUESDAY.

Kay L. Davies said...

So beautiful. Is it Quebec City?

Susan said...

Ohhhhh, aren't you going to tell us where you snapped it? Susan

Margaret said...

I like the house with the red roof!
It may be awhile before I return to Australia as well.
I am quite taken with South America (and will go there next on my blog).

Gemma Wiseman said...

Scenic photos! especially love the downward perspective in the second photo! There seems to be a mural tucked in there!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful rivers scenes and lovely photos. I will have to wait until you post more.

Dana said...

I'm not sure. All I can say is that your photos are beautiful!

Have a great week. ☺

maryaustria said...

I have no idea where you have stopped but I like the photos!

Vores have said...

Hello Joyful
Great pictures you show.
Wish you a good Wednesday :) Hugs Hanne Bente

Pat said...

I am also guessing Quebec City. It is such a lovely old city...quite colorful, too.

Joyful said...

I loved the view downward too. It allowed a god shot of the mural ;-)

Denise said...

Really nice.

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