Thursday, July 25, 2013

Westward Views

The weather continues to be very hot for us here in Vancouver. When I go out for my walks and appointments I always have my sunglasses, my sun hat, my bottles of water and some paper towels. I also usually stop somewhere and have a cool refreshment along the way. Today I had an iced lemonade, kind of like a slushie drink (finely crushed ice). It was so cold it "froze" my chest. I have to drink these kinds of drinks very slowly.

Yesterday I had a Valencia Orange Lemonade from Starbucks. This is a new to me drink. I think I like their Lime refresher much better.  But it is nice to have the orange for a change and certainly better than feeling too hot!

Today my appointment was with the ear, nose and throat specialist. It was my first visit to one in 16 years. I think the specialist was about 45-50 minutes late in seeing me.  But she was very nice and apologetic for the wait. She was also very thorough and educational in her visit.  I return to see her in a few months but in the meantime have some ear medication and a good set of ear plugs (not the foam or wax types which I've tried before without success).

This is the view from the waiting room of the doctor's office.

This is the view looking toward Granville Street or west on Broadway.

The very tall building next door is full of doctors, dentists and other kinds of office. On the side facing downtown, most of the employees and their clients have a stunning view of the waterfront that is called "False Creek", a short inlet in the heart of Vancouver. It separates the downtown core from the rest of the city.

This is the view looking northwest. You can see Granville Bridge in the far distance and all the boats on the water.  This is where I took a water taxi or aqua bus last week. The high rises in the distance are in the city's West End (or downtown).

These are my sky views for Skywatch this week. You can see that there is very little cloud cover.  More beautiful skies can be found  here.

Enjoy your weekend.


Andrea said...

Thanks for the lovely shots of Vancouver, as I might not be able to see it in this lifetime, haha! and thanks for dropping by my site too. I hope you get well soon.

Rajesh said...

Great views captured from the office.

Denise said...

Wonderful views.

eileeninmd said...

Very pretty view of the city skyline! Lovely photos. Have a happy weekend!

Arija said...

Thanks for stopping by. and yes, that bird is in 'my' tree although it has a choice of quite a number to trees to sit in in my garden.
Great shots of Vancouver. It is such a long time since I was there, I probably would get lost now. I had my 40th b'day in Golden BC on an East to West trip through Canada and then down the West coast to San Francisco to see a friend and fly home. It was our big opportunity to let our son, then 14, to see the country of his birth.

I do hope that whatever trouble has befallen your ears is cleared up soon.
Hugs . . . Arija

G.N.SHAW said...

there are no end of sights

OneStonedCrow said...

Thanks for the views Penny - I'm also inclined to drink cold stuff too quickly when it's hot and get cramps in my chest ... so bad do they get that I often have to lie down for awhile ... I never learn ...

Jan said...

Great views. Hot here too and your iced lemonade sounds just the thing.Hoping your ear treatment helps.x

Indrani said...

What a view from those heights!
Hope your appointment went off well.

Linda said...

Gorgeous views of Vancouver - glad you're enjoying such sunny weather.

Pat said...

Vancouver is such a beautiful city! I hope your ear issues will be resolved with the medication. We, too, in northern CA have had a long, very hot spell. It has been in the 90s and 100s daily for well over a month.

Skywatch Friday - February 21, 2025

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Thank you for joining my submission to this week's Skywatch Friday .  We've returned to rain whic...