Thursday, July 11, 2013

My World Today

My small garden had a slow start this year what with all the rain. There is more sunshine now but the plants are a bit stunted compared to previous years. In fact, I didn't even bother to fill all my containers this year and some of the seeds I planted did not grow. This week however, the geraniums rallied and they are now starting to bloom.  The brilliant red colour makes me smile. I see the pink ones will be opening soon but I didn't get a good photo of them.

The pot below is showing signs of flowering soon but I can't remember what this plant is. I kept the tag close by so I can look at it when I have time. I had thought the plant would grow much higher before blossoming.

The tomatoe plants are coming along. The tall ones in the foreground are big tomatoes (not sure the type) and they are starting to show their green fruits.  The ones in the background are two different varieties of miniature tomatoes which are my favourite for salads. I have a small amount of kale, hot peppers and green beans too. Not too much as my garden is quite small.

I'm growing hostas for the first time. The ones on the east side of the shaded garden are looking spindly. I see something is eating the leaves too. The hostas on the western side of the garden seem to be doing a bit better. I

I'll be busy with a visitor this week.  My niece is here and we're busy making plans for our short week together.  Lately I find that the weeks fly by.  I feel like I've got so much to do and so little time to do it all.  I'd like to make more progress on my major decluttering task (which I thought was almost done a year ago!) and on renovation plans (which are now on hold for a bit).  I will be home for awhile before I go off to visit my mom again.  I hope to catch my breath as well as try to enjoy some of the sunny days ahead.  Soon enough it will be back to rain and I need to enjoy the good weather while it's here.

I  hope you are all enjoying your summer or winter, wherever you may live in the world.  Talk to you again when I have more pics and news. Have a great week.

Checking in with Our World Tuesday this week here and Skywatch Friday here.


eileeninmd said...

Lovely pretty red geranium! I am waiting to see some ripe tomatoes on my plants. Enjoy the rest of your week!

KT said...

We have had a lot of rain too - but more steady and friendly rain with sunshine in the day and rain the late afternoon. So my pumpkins are pretty much out of control! We are now coming up on a dry spell - time to put the rain barrels into use.

Joanne Noragon said...

The advantage to all the rain: everything is still green, not coated with the usual brown dust of July.

OneStonedCrow said...

Enjoy your time with your niece Penny ... mmmm do we ever manage to get rid of all the clutter? ... :)

Denise said...

your world is beautiful my friend, love you.

emilyclare said...

I love that colour of geraniums! All your growing things look lovely and summery! And I do hope you get through all you need to in this busyness and still find time to rest and be still xx

Rosemary said...

What's a summer without the sun, right? Glad to see your plants are perking up, working hard to bring you flowers and produce!

Pat said...

Your red geraniums are stunning against the blue sky, Penny. Your garden and potted plants look like they are doing well...congratulations!

Pearl Maple said...

fabulous colours in garden, thanks for sharing with us the delights of nature

Al said...

What beautiful flowers. I'm always a little envious of people who grow fresh fruits and vegetables in their garden.

clairz said...

Well, the de-cluttering tasks and renovation plans are always with us all and are never done.

Funny, my plants are stunted somewhat this year because of the drought. It's just too bad we can't redistribute the water riches from places that have too much to places that are so, so thirsty.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I think your garden looks fine; I love geraniums...they're just so brave and cheerful. I'm not surprised to hear that they rallied after a slow start, they're just that kind of flower! Nice to have a visitor to show around; enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers!

Anonymous said...

Lovely capture!

EG CameraGirl said...

I love red geraniums!

Jane said...

Lovely flowers!

Lynda said...

I agree that time seems to get gone faster than than our projects get done! It can be frustrating. I keep "trying" to focus on what has been accomplished and not what is left to be done.
Your plants look Great!

Farida said...

I feel the lack of time too. I have delaying some tasks not just because of my busy schedule but also failing to prioritize what needs to be done first.

lorik said...

Beautiful burst of colour!

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