Showing posts with label summer 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer 2014. Show all posts

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fading Colour & Parting Gifts

I've mentioned in earlier posts that my garden did not grow well this year. I also didn't do much to try and help it along other than watering but that didn't seem to be enough.  It was so hot and humid this summer and it wasn't until a very late season heavy rainfall that the plants started perking up a bit.

Despite all that, my garden is still giving me some brilliant pops of colour and I am grateful for these gifts.

I apologize for the quality of the photos. I tried hard to get some clear ones but it just wasn't happening today. Perhaps my camera has seen it's better days. In any case, I wanted a photo record of what the summer ended like.

Joining Skywatch Friday this week. Happy weekend!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Simple Living

 ‘Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.’
 ~Walter Hagen

Normally I do more reading over the winter but this summer with the heat I've managed to stay cool by staying put and reading.  Here is a photo of this week's reads.

I've finished the two books on top the pile but am still working on The Zhivago Affair: The Kremlin, the CIA, and the Battle Over a Forbidden Book by Peter Finn and Petra Couvée.  This is an interesting story of how Boris Pasternak's classic book, Doctor Zhivago became a weapon used by the CIA in the cultural Cold War to provoke dissent in the former USSR. Read more here if interested. Though it isn't the main thrust of the story, I'm fascinated by just how much the Russian people love(d) poetry and how much a part of life it was for many.

I'm still reading The Blood Sugar Solution , The Lost Art of Gratitude and Laced with Poison, (my 3rd mystery novel of the year).  After that I have a new book I purchased called, Obama's Wars and some other books I want to take out of the library. When I finished reading The Emperor of Paris, I successfully completed my reading goal of 40 books for the year. I think this was the most books I've read in a year since I started keeping track a few years ago. I don't read every day.  I might read two days a week but when I really like a book and it is a longer one, I usually read it every day until finished.  This pace suits me because I also have time to do other things. I do like to set some goals so that I actually have a target that keeps me moving forward.

I'm still engaging in my "secret activity" several times a week. I've had a series of ups and downs, especially these past two weeks, but I persevere. I'm hoping I will begin to see some tangible benefits beyond the immediate stuff I've noticed.  I also need to see if any benefits are lasting or temporary. More to come later.

I've also been busy preparing to go out of town, keeping busy around the house to see what I can clear out and recycle & keeping in touch with family and friends. 

I had one friend move back from the prairies and has been here for a few weeks only to be moving again.  This time to the City of Toronto which is about 5 hours by plane to the east of where I live. He expects to be gone for a year or two as gets his career headed in a different direction.  Yet another friend is also looking for work again. That will make the second job this year. He is a terrific worker but needs to find a job where he isn't the only one putting in 150% of the physical effort.  Otherwise I fear he will burn himself out with all the physical demands of the job.

Our province has been having a teacher's strikes since mid-June 2014.  A friend who works as an assistant to disabled children in the classrooms has been affected by the strike and doesn't know when she will be able to return to work. All teaching staff, students and parents too have been affected. Quite likely all support staff and management staff have also been affected but I am not 100% certain of that. There is still no new deal in sight though the school year begins in a week or so.

It is a very sad situation as teachers have been terribly affected over the summer months with financial losses. I don't have little ones at home but there will be many parents who have to manage child care as they juggle work demands. Our government is trying to pay them some money that has been saved by not paying the teachers. I view this as trying to score political points against the teachers. Nonetheless I'm sure many parents can really use the funds to help pay for child care.  Hopefully things will soon change soon for the better.

An elderly friend broke her hip and underwent hip replacement surgery in late May.  We finally were able to get together for lunch at her place today before another mutual friend drove her to do some errands.  Though we didn't have much time together it was nice to catch up with her. She is looking remarkably well and is getting around very well too though she still needs to take it easy as she recovers.

Now that the weather is transitioning to Fall, I've been spending a bit of time thinking about what I need to round out my wardrobe for the coming cooler weather.  Of course I always do so on a budget this week was no exception.  I saved hundreds of dollars on my purchases and purchased everything brand new.  I have nothing against buying second hand but seldom do I ever find what I need in the colours and sizing that I need. It is always much easier for me to buy new if I can find a good sale. To give you an example of the sales, I was able to purchase a Fall jacket for $18 (original price $120 Canadian). It is something I will be able to wear for years to come so I am quite pleased.

It is still very warm here in Vancouver. Today was deceptive and a little time spent outside at my friend's place made me yearn for the cool of the fan.  But I have noticed a distinct change in the air in the early mornings. Past experience tells me that by the 1st of September there will be a definite chill in the air.  Though the days may be warm, you will know that Fall is not far behind.

I've been hoping to have some completed works in progress to post and show but haven't met any crafting deadlines. In fact, I've found it too warm to really get into crafting.

Instead, in keeping with my one of my guiding words for this year (simplify), I'm working toward simple living, not simply living, I've been making time for the things that matter to me: friends and family, reading, health and routines, and keeping pockets of stress free time to relax and enjoy the simple life.  This is actually harder to do than not. I keep reminding myself with quotes and pictures of flowers and taking time to smell real flowers.

I hope all of you are coping well wherever you are. I end with a beautiful scene from my fair city, Vancouver. Enjoy!

Our World Tuesday Graphic

Linking with Our World Tuesday

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Appointment Follow-Up

It has been very hot here. At least hot for these parts though I know in many parts of the USA and other countries it can get much hotter.

All week we've had temperatures of about 35 Celsius at the local airport. That usually means a few degrees hotter where I live. I've had the fans going night and day, am wearing very loose cotton clothing and very lazy to do anything but drink cold water, eat lightly and read a good book. So I finished The Known World.

I didn't quite know what to expect from this book. I would say it was quite eye opening for someone like me who didn't grow up in the South.  Though I have seen various movies and read various books, watched different interviews about slavery, etc. I can always stand to learn more about the slave trade and what life must have been like for slaves and their families.  I would recommend it if you haven't already read it. I believe in educating oneself about different issues affecting our world.

I have also been preoccupied this weekend by the passing of an older cousin of mine, and by issues pertaining to my mother's health (pressure wounds) and on going wheelchair issues.

My cousin is the eldest daughter of my aunt who died a couple of years ago.  My aunt's funeral was the last family funeral I attended and I won't be able to make it to this one either due to the very long journey.  It is so sad as you see your elders passing. Not only for those left behind but because the family becomes smaller to those of us who are older. There are so many younger relatives that I've never met and will likely never meet. I never thought that would ever happen.

Mom's wheelchair stopped on Monday. Again! This is like the 5th or 6th time since she first came into possession of it in January 2014. It seems a screw fell out after the chair was "bumped".  Loss of the screw affected the tilting mechanism and more, which rendered her chair unusable. The mechanic couldn't make a service visit until Tuesday.  When I talked to mom Tuesday night she said the staff told her that she would be out of bed early on Wednesday and that the chair had been fixed.  These days she is usually in bed every other day all day to alleviate the pressure on her sores. She is then supposed to be turned on her side every few hours to help with the healing process.

Also on Monday, the nurse practitioner performed a treatment on mom by opening up her wounds to have a look below and see what is going on.

The good news is that the healing of the wounds below seems to have progressed over the past 6 months. That means the staff and nurses will continue doing what they are doing to treat the wounds.
That was great news to me because I wasn't sure what they would find.

However, I didn't get the promised phone call about a rescheduled appointment with the doctor after the original appointment got cancelled last week. I called today to get an update.  The appointment is now set for August 19th at 8:30 a.m.  This means a day trip is out of the question.  But between now and August 19th it is possible that her wounds will heal well enough that the doctor's appointment may not even be necessary.  They will assess the situation about a week in advance of the new appointment.

It means I won't be seeing mom for another month or more so I have to prepare another care package. She is always in need of over the counter items from the drug store, some food and items of clothing. I don't know why but it seems like mom always needs or wants something that is very hard to find.  She doesn't do that deliberately. It is just how it works out.  It means more time is required to hunt things down for her before they can be delivered.   I also have her clothing repairs to do but will send those later when I have time and energy to do the mending. Besides, right now it is too hot to sit at a sewing machine.

I have a question for those of you out there who are cooks. 

I'm wondering what you do on very hot days for meals so that you don't overheat your kitchen?

It is supposed to be back to rain here by Saturday but in the meantime we have several hot days ahead. It will be fun to read how you deal with hot weather meals.  On that note I am heading out soon to buy some watermelon. I love it but I am only supposed to eat a small amount due to the high sugar content.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


The month of June is almost over and it has flown by. I have a lot to do before the month is out and it will help me keep track of things and stay accountable to make a list here.  Once these tasks are done I will have finally caught up to a lot of the outstanding tasks I've been working toward completing over the last few months. Then I'll get a chance to enjoy the rest of the summer and visits with friends and family.  At least that is the hope.  I don't plan on taking any long trip this summer but I may be taking a few short trips in the local area and possibly one longer road trip before summer is out.  We have some beautiful scenery in this part of the world and it is good to get out and enjoy it once in awhile.


Balance of June To-Dos
·      Clean bird bath
·      Finish potting container garden
·      Clean patio pavers and patio umbrella
·      Get rid of all patio garbage
·      Finalize paperwork and filing (In progress)
·      Declutter bedroom storage containers/sort sock drawer/empty & store suitcase
·      Deliver “buggy” with donated items to Rose or have her pick them up
·      Confirm & get together with Gladys,  Norma, Pat & Bev (individually)
·      Return library books
·      Correspondence (email/chats) with various friends from afar
·      Pay bills & check bills for monies owing to me
·      Charitable giving for July
·      Prepare list of food needs for entertaining
·      Restart daily cardio (I've missed a few days)
·      Restart blood glucose log (I've missed a few days)
·      Aim to finish 3-4 “works-in-progress” (crafts)
·      Start new projects (2)
·      Prepare mom’s care package items
·      Identify mending needs and purchase any materials needed (In progress)
·      Clean bathrooms & bedroom
·      Identify what can be tossed from storage unit (Get help)
·      Vacuum  
·      Finalize 2 applications (mine) & follow up on 2 (other)

Summer flowers from the neighbourhood (Black eyed Susan)

Wednesday’s To-Dos

I had a good start today on jobs/tasks that need to be done. Of course some of these are daily things like talking to my mom.  The rest of the tasks are mostly on-going things that need doing. I don't have a set schedule for accomplishing them because I just need to go along with my energy level in getting things done.  Sometimes running errands and getting to appointments takes up full days out of the week.
  •  Wash and fold 3 small loads of laundry, put clothes in piles & return some to their places
  •  Sweep kitchen, entryway and master bathrooms floor
  •  Clean kitchen refrigerator
  •  Collect and bag all household garbage
  •  Make grocery shopping list
  •  Wash all produce and put in refrigerator containers
  •  Water all garden containers (a.m. and p.m.)
  •  Dead-head 6 pots of plants and repot two containers
  •  Pay one bill on line
  •  Contact telephone company to discuss overcharges on one phone bill
  •  Talk to mom (x2)
  •  Talk to my cousin
  •  Wrap and prepare 3 of 5 parcels and confirm addresses for mailing
  •  Manage Blog “Reading List” & Visit and comment on blogs
  •  Make a "To Do" list   

I may have missed some things from the list but it is long enough to keep me going and on track.  

What about you "dear reader"?  Do you keep lists of "to dos" on your blog? your phone? a sticky note, your calendar or not at al?

I used to use sticky notes (yellow pads) and often keep a running list of 'to dos' in my electronic calendar. I BF dates and set reminders but I prefer a paper list or a list on line when I have a lot of tasks to do.  Something I can see at a glance.

More neighbourhood flowers

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...