Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Past Week

Happy Sunday everyone,

I hope you are all doing well.

I've been busy this week; mostly with reading, running errands and grocery shopping, dealing with financial stuff, dealing with family needs, connecting with friends from far and administration concerning the community garden plot for summer 2023. 

Recently completed; all equally good.

In progress, a quirky but well written book.

Cooking always takes time as most of you know but I limit my cooking to one main meal a day and something lighter to start the day. Due to high food costs I'm trying to shop less and use what I have. In the past, I really did buy far too much and I need to use it up or give it away.

Saturday dinner was roast beef, broccoli and roasted potatoes and onions.

Sunday dinner was Chicken Cordon Bleu but covered in flour rather than bread crumbs. It was good but next time I'll try it with bread crumbs and use toothpicks since most of the cheese melted into the baking pan. Looking at the photos I see the dinners were too carb heavy so I need try and correct that but as I mentioned I'm trying to use up what I have and vegetables and fruits are always first to be used up.

I've got a lot of paperwork and tidying to do. So last night I decided to get started on some cleaning in my office area and get everything set up again but after I started reconnecting everything I discovered the modem wasn't working and that meant no television or internet services.

So today was an unexpected day of dealing with technology issues. I don't deal well with them at the best of times but since I had no communication services or television whatsoever I had no choice.  The only thing working was my landline.  I was fretting a bit because I have a very busy week ahead.  I was also anxious about how much time it was all going to take because the telecommunications company I deal with is notoriously slow to connect you with a live human being. They always want to direct you to online services and it is usually the online services that are giving me an issue. 

Thankfully once I connected to technical support I was able to get everything up and running again. I also asked to speak to someone about a new service plan. I had been trying off and on for a few months to do it myself but their system only let me see a deal that was not suitable for my needs. Again, I was able to get great customer service and get a deal for a much better price. My monthly bill will be $55 per month less ( for the exact same services ($660 savings for the year).  Plus they gave me a theme pack of news channels (3 channels) completely free for one year (savings of $95 Canadian).  Total savings is $756 Canadian in Year 1 and $ 660 in Year 2.  I only wanted one news channel for my DH but the channels come in packages so we now have 3 additional news channels.  I feel very blessed by the outcomes.

Altogether the time it took for getting things working and looking for monthly cost savings took about 2.5 hours of my time. Not too bad because I've sometimes waited that long just to talk to a live human being about an issue.  Overall I find it very frustrating dealing with the company when I need them so today was a nice surprise and a real blessing. The bonus is that I don't need to have a technician come to my home or wait for new equipment to be delivered because both of these scenarios would have resulted in loss of services for as long as it took to get help.

In related technology matters I'd been having problems in trying to access a Kenyan missionary's blog for some months. Try as we might we could not seem to find a way to give me access to read and comment on her blog.  Today we gave it one more try and thankfully it worked! That is another blessing because I love reading about her family's work and ministry in Kenya.  I've been reading about their work in Kenya for about 10 years.

My good day was topped off by my being able to connect my wireless printer and get it working.  I had been postponing the job due to internet and wi-fi issues which started a few weeks ago and culminated in lack of internet service last night.  Today was the right time and everything is now in working order. Whew!

I do have a few more outstanding technology issues.  My brother had installed extra drives in my old computer and instead of wiping them clean he will remove them and save them for me in a special case. I also backed everything up on a new external hard drive I bought late last year.  Fortunately I culled a lot of my old documents and photos before backing them up. A second issue is figuring out how to wipe the old printer clean. I didn't realize that I needed to do that otherwise I would have done so before disconnecting the old computer. Actually I hadn't even given the printer any thought as I was most concerned about the computer because the former one had been on it's 'last legs' for so long. Anyway it will all get done.  These things tend to take me time especially when I've got many projects on the go.   Everything moves at a snail's pace because my brain can only deal with one big thing at a time.  But there is a saying 'Strive for progress, not perfection' so I try to remember that.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I'm expecting delivery of an artificial tree for a spot in my living room. I hope it isn't too big. I did read the dimensions of the tree but it's a little hard to know how it looks and 'fits' until I put it in place. It will prevent me from wasting funds every year in buying a tropical plant that doesn't do well in my draughty home if it fits into the space I have for it. I have several appointments this week but I'm most looking forward to a visit from two cousins of mine, both of whom live out of town.

I hope you have some great plans for your week! Thank you for stopping by.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Tuesday 4: November is Here

Welcome to Tuesday 4 begun by our friend Toni Taddeo and kept up in her memory.
This week let's talk about November!



1. Besides Thanksgiving is there anything about November you like/dislike?

What I like about November is we are getting close to finishing the year. I'm always eager to finish one year and start the next as I set small goals, sometimes larger ones each year. What I dislike is the dark, rainy and generally cold weather. It takes me awhile to get used to weather transitions and I do really enjoy the early part of fall season before the more constant rains begin.  In fall 2021 it seems we've had much colder and wetter weather than we normally do.  I also dislike that I usually feel behind in Christmas preparations no matter my good intentions and early start to Christmas shopping. I did really enjoy the month of October with the lovely fall colours. Though November is not my favourite month largely due to wet and often windy weather, I try not to dwell on it.  It is part of living where I live.Whenever I do catch myself thinking negatively,  I try to change the thought patterns by remembering all the blessings I have.

2. How is November weather where you live? Does it suit you?

The weather is usually too wet and cold for my liking though when I first moved to my city none of this bothered me. I've lived fine with the weather for decades but I've  noticed that as I grown older and have some health challenges, the weather is really not good for me.  It's not likely this will change soon because I'm not the type to pull up stakes and move to a foreign land. I am just more comfortable with the Canadian system health care wise and otherwise. 

This is what I love about November though it mostly this is what it looks like in October

3. When do you plan for Thanksgiving? Eat home or out? Menu?

Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in early October and that suits me very well  because there is a good break between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We always eat Thanksgiving dinner at home and it is a traditional holiday meal.  It  consists of either a turkey with stuffing and cranberry sauce with mashed potatoes, gravy, one or two salads, 2 or 3 vegetable dishes (usually corn niblets, green beans and roasted Brussels sprouts).  If we want a change, we will have a roasted, glazed ham.  Dessert is usually a pie (apple or pumpkin) with ice cream or whipped cream. There are also lots of condiments like pickles and so on. At Christmas there will be crudities and a cheese, meat and fruit platters so we can graze on leftovers for a few days and perhaps cookies or fruits as additional desserts.

4. When do you begin your decor and plans for Christmas. It "officially" begins after Thanksgiving and the Macy's Parade when Santa arrives at the end.

I think about Christmas and possible gifts for much of the year.  Though my list of gift recipients is not so large it does include all immediate family members and a handful of close friends. In particular, I have to get creative when it comes to suitable gifts for my niece for all holidays and celebrations so my mind is always working to try and make things special for her.  I also like to send cards. Since the advent of email, smart phones and high postage costs, I have tried to limit the cards but I am old fashioned and cannot resist on sending 'just one more'. I officially don't start with decor until the end of November and sometimes even well into December. In a more 'perfect world', I would have the decor up by the middle of November to enjoy through the season.  Though I love the sparkling, twinkling lights and decor over Christmas, I like to take it all down as soon as we've entered the New Year. I find that by then everything looks tired and worn, but I also got this tradition from my mom and maternal grandfather, who both loved to start the New Year with a completely fresh slate.

Joining up with Tuesday 4 this week. Check it out!


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Personal Update and Urgent Appeal

Hi friends and fellow bloggers,

It's been a busy time since my last blog post. Much has been happening and mostly of a positive nature.

I was able at long last to have an appointment at the hospital with the plastic surgeon to discuss the outlook of the accident on my face. I suffered a fracture but the good news is that it is expected to heal without surgery. I have to return in early 2022 to assess things as they stand then. If you missed the story on what happened to me you can read more here.

My brother who lives quite far out of town came to the city as part of a multi-city tour with his wife. They were just taking a few days break since they attended a wedding about half way between where he lives and where I live. His wife also used the opportunity to do some Christmas shopping at some of the many malls along the way. They invited baby brother and I to dinner and we drove out to meet them in the suburbs at one of the branches of the Old Spaghetti Factory. The food was delicious but the best part was our visit. We haven't seen one another since we laid mom to rest 4 and half years ago.  They don't usually come to Vancouver at the best of times and I travel to where they live even less frequently. I didn't realize until after they left just how much I missed them even though we talk and share news from time to time by phone and by chat. My nephew who lives in the city also managed to spend time with them separately before they made the long drive home.

I have some news from Kenya about a very desperate situation and want to update all of you on an urgent basis in case any of you can find it in your heart to help.  The number of people who respond to these kinds of posts and requests is very low.  But make no mistake, we appreciate you so much.  Those of you who have given have made more of a positive impact than you can ever truly know and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We also believe that if people don't know about the needs of other people, there is no way they can do anything to help.  So here goes.

This woman named Janet and her husband are separated. They married when she was only about 16 years of age.  Since the recent separation, she has been living with her 4 daughters on family (ancestral lands) trying to eke out a living doing casual labour.  In a sad state of affairs, her biological brother was not happy to have them on the family land.  Usually the brothers inherit family land and the women go to their husband's land. The problem is that laws in Kenya do not protect women when their marriages break down and they have no where to go. Then you are left at the mercy of your biological family and often they themselves are in a difficult economic position.  As more time goes by, I see and read about more such stories of families in the news. Families that have been ripped apart over land issues.

Janet's brother removed the roof from her home in a bid to force her and her daughter's out of the home.  He also threatened Janet's life if she did not leave the property. 


Needless to say, Janet and her daughter's are traumatized and living in terror and don't know what to expect. They have no home, no food, no source of income, no security, no hope. The only hope they have is in the good of others.


Janet is wearing a pink toque and purple hoodie.

A local good Samaritan stepped in to give Janet and her daughter's temporary shelter and called on Pastor Jonah to attend so they could try to figure out a plan of action. They called the Chief/Elders and also went to the police. I haven't heard what, if anything, the Chief/Elders think and would recommend.  But I do know that police do not involve themselves in domestic disputes unless and until it is too late. I do not know whether criminal charges can be brought against Janet's brother for uttering threats to her personal safety. Whatever the case, the situation of Janet and her daughter's is desperate. Who would want to go and try and live in the home where she escaped knowing full well your own brother intends to harm you! 

After putting heads together with Pastor Jonah and investigating options and costs, we decided that Janet and her daughters need shelter and a way to provide for themselves first and foremost. We have put together some funds for Janet to rent a humble abode which is attached to a simple shop that can also be used to sell goods that are needed daily by villagers.  Alternatively the space can be used to run a simple eatery. The place we can afford is very humble so it has no electricity or amenities. It's just basically one room for them to sleep and eat in. The good Samaritan and his family of 8 are living near the edge of security themselves so cannot do more than provide a temporary place to sleep. It's amazing that he stepped up to help out and his action tells me he has a compassionate heart. 

We have purchased a simple solar system that can light up the rooms and can also be used to keep her as yet unopened shop/eatery open late at night since it gets dark at around 6 pm at the equator. It might even generate a few shillings by allowing others in the village to charge their mobile phones. This may or may not be an option because usually the villages already have places where the locals can charge their phones. We've also provided a small bit of funds for food needs. It would be nice if we could also provide a jiko stove to cut down on fuel usage and the smoke generated when cooking. We are trying to provide rent and food for at least 5-6 months until Janet can get on her feet again. Hopefully she will be able to generate enough income for all her needs with this breathing room. The tuition for her daughters will be the most challenging part.

The girls all go to school with the exception of the eldest one who recently graduated. School has already started but there are no funds to send the girls back to classes. See the cost breakdown in the photo below for the 3 school going girls (Approx $530 for each girl which amounts to $430 US, $575 Australian, 49,000 Japanese Yen, 370 Euros).  We've discussed sending the eldest daughter to hair dressing school. The tuition and related costs will be at least the same as the annual tuition for the girls. The hairdressing course would be in Kericho Town or Nakuru City and last about 9 months. After that she would be able to gain employment and provide for herself.

If you can assist with any of these needs please let me know. There is a Pay Pal button to the right on the side bar. From time to time, people say it doesn't work. It should be working now but if you have any issues kindly let me know.

If you've read this far, I appreciate it.  I also appreciate your prayers and any help you might be able to provide. God bless you as you consider whether you can help.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Appointment Follow-Up

It has been very hot here. At least hot for these parts though I know in many parts of the USA and other countries it can get much hotter.

All week we've had temperatures of about 35 Celsius at the local airport. That usually means a few degrees hotter where I live. I've had the fans going night and day, am wearing very loose cotton clothing and very lazy to do anything but drink cold water, eat lightly and read a good book. So I finished The Known World.

I didn't quite know what to expect from this book. I would say it was quite eye opening for someone like me who didn't grow up in the South.  Though I have seen various movies and read various books, watched different interviews about slavery, etc. I can always stand to learn more about the slave trade and what life must have been like for slaves and their families.  I would recommend it if you haven't already read it. I believe in educating oneself about different issues affecting our world.

I have also been preoccupied this weekend by the passing of an older cousin of mine, and by issues pertaining to my mother's health (pressure wounds) and on going wheelchair issues.

My cousin is the eldest daughter of my aunt who died a couple of years ago.  My aunt's funeral was the last family funeral I attended and I won't be able to make it to this one either due to the very long journey.  It is so sad as you see your elders passing. Not only for those left behind but because the family becomes smaller to those of us who are older. There are so many younger relatives that I've never met and will likely never meet. I never thought that would ever happen.

Mom's wheelchair stopped on Monday. Again! This is like the 5th or 6th time since she first came into possession of it in January 2014. It seems a screw fell out after the chair was "bumped".  Loss of the screw affected the tilting mechanism and more, which rendered her chair unusable. The mechanic couldn't make a service visit until Tuesday.  When I talked to mom Tuesday night she said the staff told her that she would be out of bed early on Wednesday and that the chair had been fixed.  These days she is usually in bed every other day all day to alleviate the pressure on her sores. She is then supposed to be turned on her side every few hours to help with the healing process.

Also on Monday, the nurse practitioner performed a treatment on mom by opening up her wounds to have a look below and see what is going on.

The good news is that the healing of the wounds below seems to have progressed over the past 6 months. That means the staff and nurses will continue doing what they are doing to treat the wounds.
That was great news to me because I wasn't sure what they would find.

However, I didn't get the promised phone call about a rescheduled appointment with the doctor after the original appointment got cancelled last week. I called today to get an update.  The appointment is now set for August 19th at 8:30 a.m.  This means a day trip is out of the question.  But between now and August 19th it is possible that her wounds will heal well enough that the doctor's appointment may not even be necessary.  They will assess the situation about a week in advance of the new appointment.

It means I won't be seeing mom for another month or more so I have to prepare another care package. She is always in need of over the counter items from the drug store, some food and items of clothing. I don't know why but it seems like mom always needs or wants something that is very hard to find.  She doesn't do that deliberately. It is just how it works out.  It means more time is required to hunt things down for her before they can be delivered.   I also have her clothing repairs to do but will send those later when I have time and energy to do the mending. Besides, right now it is too hot to sit at a sewing machine.

I have a question for those of you out there who are cooks. 

I'm wondering what you do on very hot days for meals so that you don't overheat your kitchen?

It is supposed to be back to rain here by Saturday but in the meantime we have several hot days ahead. It will be fun to read how you deal with hot weather meals.  On that note I am heading out soon to buy some watermelon. I love it but I am only supposed to eat a small amount due to the high sugar content.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Short Update

Hi friends, I trust you are all doing well.

I've had a busy time with my niece who has now gone home. We had a lovely but very short visit.  At least we had an opportunity to have a birthday dinner with her brother, go to the beach, the movies and a bit of shopping and relaxing.

Since I posted here last (and after my niece's visit), I went out of town to escort my mom to the hospital for a consultation with a specialist. Unfortunately after leaving very early from my home to get to her city on time, the appointment was cancelled.

On the return home, the light is beautiful and these mountains near Hope on the way to Vancouver are in full view.

The medical van did not bring the right stretcher to transport mom and though they were in process to get the right stretcher delivered,  the doctor's office cancelled the appointment altogether and said it would need to be rescheduled.

Passing through farm fields near Chilliwack.

Mom was disappointed and I wasn't so happy either.  But what can you do? Things happen and I always try to think that things happen for "the best" because of things we cannot know or foresee. It is just a real pain in the butt to have to travel 355 kilometers one way (220 miles) to be told that the appointment is cancelled. So we wait to see what happens next.

I did my best to make mom feel less upset about things but understandably she wasn't happy.  She has already been waiting 4-5 months for this appointment. It is important to the healing of her pressure wounds and once healed she can be free to get out of bed every day. Since I got back home I found out that the wound nurse is going to work with the nurse practitioner and open up and treat the wounds and it remains to be seen about the doctor consultation. I would appreciate your prayers on this as the procedure will happen on Monday.

Approaching the new Port Mann Bridge

On this most recent trip to mom's we were able to bring all the remaining things from mom's storage unit. She was a little shocked (perhaps surprised is a better word) that I threw away some pieces of her furniture. But I explained that it wasn't good sense to pay for storage of furniture that has become old and battered after the many moves they have been through. I am storing all of her excess things in my storage unit which also needed cleaning out first.  I have a lot of medical equipment in my storage and I don't want to throw it away because of the high replacement cost.  I may need something for my own use or if have a friend or acquaintance who could benefit from some of the medical equipment at some point. The only thing I do want to get rid of is one of her electric wheelchair as it takes a lot of space in my home.

In other news, I got home from my trip to mom's, logged on to my computer to check messages and discovered that my hard drive failed. I have been without computer for over 24 hours and lost a lot of documents and photos.

It isn't a major problem because most of what I want to keep or really need is older stuff which I saved in a special place.  These are still safe. It is just the inconvenience factor and the additional cost and lost time trying to find things again that are a nuisance.

The old bridge is being dismantled.

Fraser River looking northeast from Port Mann Bridge

I'm afraid I'm not so good at keeping all my photos and documents organized and safe. It requires more work and effort than I'd like to put into it the task.  So for those things I did lose, I have no one to blame but myself.  Is anyone in my shoes on this one?

Driving west toward Vancouver and home, the sun sets as we pass through Burnaby/Port Coquitlam.

The weather in the next few days is expected to be very hot at 30 degrees + Celsius (86+ Farenheit).  I will be trying to stay cool. 

I wish you all an enjoyable week ahead.

Our World Tuesday 

 Our World Tuesday Graphic

Monday, June 9, 2014

Safari Fever

Some of you will remember I started a little knitted sweater some time ago for my as yet unborn niece or nephew. After my initial start, I haven't felt much like knitting so I decided I'd better make something else.

I settled on a very simple baby quilt. Since I don't yet know the sex of the baby, I am making a unisex blanket.  I bought the prints almost 2 years ago and the muslin backing a year ago. I don't remember when I purchased the brown fabric which I've used for the binding but I'm sure glad I had it in stock.  I absolutely love the African themed prints. They remind me so much of the wonderful times I've had on safari in Kenya over the years.

My inspiration for this little quilt came from Jenny of the Missouri Quilt Company. I was inspired by the quilt process she described but the finished quilt is obviously quite different (size, number of squares, no borders, etc.).

The baby will be born any time and I need to get this quilt shipped out as soon as possible.

Square blocks.  I started out with 8.5 x 8.5 inch squares and made generous seams.

I used muslin for the quilt back.  I made 3 inch binding, attached it to the top of the quilt by machine and to the back with a whip stitch.

Quilting is a simple stitch in the ditch.

Finished quilt size: 32 inches x 36 inches (81.28 cm x 91.44 cm)

I've given it a little pressing and folded it for mailing.  I hope to ship it out on Monday.

I'm so glad I managed to use up some of my fabric stash and make something for a wee member of the family at the same time.  

My goal is to finish the sweater in time for the baby to wear in Fall.  It is far too hot where the baby will live for him/her to wear a wool sweater over the summer months.  The finished sweater should fit about a 6 month old child though I guess that depends on how fast the baby grows. It should be ready before September when the baby will be about 3 months old and summer will be at an end.

I've also completed my hexagons for the African Flower Crochet Quilt. I'll try not to upload any more photos of this quilt until I've finished attaching all the pieces.

Besides working on these projects I've had a busy week shopping, a bit of indoor cleaning and a bit of gardening.

I sent mom her monthly parcel so that entailed a bit of shopping. The contents vary each month and this time there was:  chicklet gum, raw shea butter, a large container of Vicks and tube of Baby Oil Gel. The mail often gets to her the very next day if I send it early but this time it took two days.  I think it is still a quick delivery given the mail has to be sorted at both ends before it gets to her. I'm hoping to visit her again too just as soon as I can get past a few appointments and such.

In my garden, spent some time dead heading all my plants though I fear I may have done this a little too late.   I'm not much of a gardener but my plants do not generally go to seed quite so quickly.  I plan to have guests on the patio soon and need to try and revive my plants and get my patio cleaned up.  Though I love looking at flowering blossoms the outdoor jobs are not my favourite (for reasons I've explained before) but they are necessary.

Just over a week ago I took out a few books from the library.  I completed one of the books, A Weekend in Paris by Robin Susskind. It was a nice little summer read.  Nothing too heavy but still satisfying because it deals with themes of love, travel and adventure.  This book is probably geared to the young adult set (of which I am not a member,lol).  I still enjoyed the book quite a lot.  Probably because it is set in Paris.  A city I still dream about travelling to one day.

Now I'm off to finish The Paradise Guest House by Ellen Sussman.  This book is set in Bali a year after the 2002 nightclub bombings.  Jamie, an adventure guide, has gone back to Bali to reconnect with the man who saved her from the blast.  But upon landing she starts having traumatic memories of the bombings.  I'm at the part where she has travelled back to Bali against the advice of her mother.  She has settled into her room at the Guest House and is dealing with a pesky young man (child of 14) who wants to work for her and won't leave her alone every time she ventures out.

The Glacier Gallows by Stephen Legault is another book in my reading pile.  This is a mystery about a tragedy that strikes during an expedition through Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. I think it will be an interesting read by a "new to me" Canadian author.  Apparently it is the 4th book in a series.  Though I haven't read the other 3 books I'm hoping it won't make a difference.

Yesterday after running some errands at a local mall I decided to take in a movie and use one of my free passes. It was a toss up between "Spiderman 2" or "The Immigrant".  I ended up going to "The Immigrant" because it was playing in the mall I was at.

Marion Cotillard plays Ewa Cybulski, who along with her sister sails to New York from their native Poland in search of a new start and the pursuit of the American dream. Through unfortunate circumstances Ewa is driven into a life of prostitution and a complex and volatile life with with two men, played by Joquin Phoenix and Jeremy Renner. It is quite a slow moving, heavy (as in intense) and dark (as in lighting and subject matter) movie. All the actors give strong and moving performances, especially Cotillard, Phoenix and Renner but even the supporting actors are good and help bring this movie to life. The movie shows just how difficult life was many of those who came to America trying to make a better life.

I've got loads more more to do this week.  I'm looking forward to it.  I like checking things off my list.

How is your world this week?

Tragedy strikes during an expedition through Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park - See more at:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Please Say a Prayer & Lend a Hand

My uncle had surgery several days ago to remove cancer from his colon. Everything went very well and he was recovering nicely. But after I returned home tonight I had a call from my mom and she says things have taken a turn for the worse. It sounds like my uncle had a fall and his newly sewn intestine is ruptured. He had to have emergency surgery and they are operating again tomorrow (Friday). I am not sure all the details or what exactly happened as mom got the information 2nd or 3rd hand. I prayed with mom for her brother and we are waiting to hear more in coming day or two. We prayed not only for my uncle but for the entire team of people caring for him and for the family.

Yesterday I asked for prayer for little Linet in Nakuru, Kenya. Please know her family is very poor and though we have tried to help her mother start a business it is not enough to meet the special food and health needs of her little girl. The little girl needs cleft palate surgery and had to be taken to hospital for surgery due to some complication. We need your prayer and financial support for this family. If you are considering, please don't delay as the help is needed now.

Thank you for your consideration.

UPDATE JULY 16, 2012

After doing well initially, my uncle had a setback. It seems that putting the intestines back together did not work. Since his first surgery my uncle had to have emergency surgery on Thursday. Then on Sunday he was operated on again and given a colostomy bag but he did not regain consciousness. He passed into glory today at 5:35 p.m. PST. His mortal body will be laid to rest sometime this weekend. His immortal body has been welcomed into Heaven.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Birthday

It's my birthday. I'm not into big celebrations or at least haven't been to date.  But I do like a cake now and then to mark the day.  This is the cake shared with a family member. It's my favourite cake because of it's light texture. It's made by a local Chinese bakery. It has real whipped cream, vanilla cake (so light too) and fruit cocktail.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

What Have You Been Doing Lately?

Hi friends,

I hope you've had a chance to read an update about the progress of young Edwin from Kenya. If you haven't yet, I encourage you to read the short report and if you can, leave an encouraging comment for Jonah who I'm sure will pass it along. Words have an incredible capacity to heal and Edwin needs all the help he can get through healing words and prayers.

In other news, I have been very busy. My uncle too has recently been diagnosed with colon cancer.  At the same time, my aunt who has had breast cancer in the past, has seen a return of it.  I know that all this is in God's hands.  But as you can imagine, it has been a very busy and at times, tiring time. I am assessing whether I can make a visit to these dear ones soon. They live far away and there is a lot to do first.  But if it is possible, I will go and  I will try to blog photos of my journey.

I also wanted to share some books I've purchased and am reading.  I went out looking for one book called Half of a Yellow Sun, by

In addition to reading, family and missions matters, I've been busy spending time cleaning up computer files, updating the software on my smart phone and playbook and sorting through and re-organizing my media centre (CDs of music and movies). I've also been attending to long delayed paperwork, like organizing receipts, doing taxes, submitting receipts for reimbursement and all those kind of little things that take time and concentration. I will continue sorting through old bills and paperwork over the next few months as part of my major decluttering project. Little steps add up to big gains.

In time, it will all get done. Lastly, the garden patch has been cleared but no veggies have been planted yet and it has been too wet to put out the new cushion covers on the patio chairs. Sadly too, a family member who was cleaning out the remainder of the garden for me accidentally pulled up my beloved poppies and wild flowers. I was devastated for a few moments. But I guess they can all be replanted or something else planted in their place.

And what about you dear reader. 
What has been taking up most of your time?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Family Visit

I can hardly believe it but it has been 6 long months since I visited mom. That is simply far too long. I have delayed and delayed my travel due to all the problems I was having with my foot and then my leg and then with a bad cold that lingered. The many highway closures over the long winter season  didn't help. But at last the weather is warming and I will be away for a quick visit  this week.

She really wants her room cleaned "properly" so I am taking my own cleaning supplies and will dust and clean all the surface nooks and crannies. Of course the cleaners sweep and wash her floor daily and take out her garbage, but resident's and their families are responsible for keeping their own things organized.  She also wants her closet and clothes organized so I will do that too. Finally, she wants a few more photos put up in her room.  I already know which photos she wants so I will look for a suitable large frame before I leave. You know that ones that have different cut out frames inside so you can put lots of photos in one frame? That kind.

I meant to pick one up yesterday but got carried away with looking at organizational containers and figuring out which snack foods she could eat or would like to eat. Last week I bought mom a bunch of food items that she can snack on when she hasn't eaten properly.  Things like canned sardines, mini wieners, crackers, cup of soup, cookies, and the V-8 juice which she loves so much.  I've been buying a little of this and that each day.  I thought some Rooibos tea and a thermos to keep hot water in for her tea would be a good idea too. They do have tea time twice a day where she lives.  But this way she can have tea whenever she wants as long as she has remembered to keep her thermos filled. It also means she can make tea for a visitor.  They do feed her where she lives but visitors are not catered for so you need to be organized.  Lately it seems the food quality where mom lives is hit and miss, and for whatever reason, she missed a meal or two. That meant she was very hungry at odd hours and she didn't have anything to eat.   When she told me that I decided to put a care package together and she loved the idea.  My brother took most of it to her over the weekend.  I didn't have quite the right container to keep the food in so I bought this plastic purple tub with handles to keep it accessible and easily movable.  Isn't it cute?

I also bought some more crackers and granola bars. That's what you see peeking out of the container.  I hope to add a few more cans of sardines , some dried fruit, and a few items of fresh fruit before I travel. She will of course have to eat the fresh fruit right away but the other stuff lasts longer.

I sent her new nightgowns by mail over a week ago so I don't have to take any clothes up with me. She does want me to organize her closet so that likely means bringing things back that she doesn't wear or doesn't need. They have such a small closet where she lives and a very tiny dresser also.

Possible organizational containers to keep on a table near her. I think the clear one will work best. I also have purchased two types of standing shelves  that I hope will work on her dresser to keep all the supplies organized that the care aides use every day.  They don't tend to keep things neat and tidy after using things but I can dream!  It causes mom anxiety when things are spread all over the place.

When I was younger my mother used to like to get dressed up and wear make up. As she got older, less mobile and always in pain, she only dressed up for rare occasions when she had to attend a meeting or a function.

Her new cosmetic bag.
I love that this bag has several pockets. Mom can keep all her facial products together. Ordinarily it wouldn't be so full but I don't want her to run out of facial creams or foundation.

Now that she has daily grooming help, I've bought her some make up.  She has been applying it herself and is enjoying the compliments and the pick me up she gets after having her hair done and her make up on.  She basically wears foundation and lipstick and sometimes a little eyebrow pencil and blush.

Of course, I bought some perfume for those occasions when she wants to go out. Just some light scent, Imari, from Avon. Later I will get some Diamonds by Liz Taylor. Mom loves Diamonds. I will probably get it for Mother's Day or her birthday.

Her make up and some lipstick.
I had to buy something for me too.  These beautiful notebooks are for me.  I will keep notes of things I want to remember and also keep a record of my prayer requests. That way I won't forget who to pray for and it will make it easier to keep a record of answered prayers.

Well I can't wait to say hello to mom in person and give her a big hug.
I think she will like her new cosmetic bag with all the goodies in it. What do you think?
I will be visiting her by the time you are reading this so I'll visit your blogs later.
Soon I hope to post more news of Mama Linet and Edwin
Please keep them in your prayers.
Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Preparing Mom for Winter

Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and the wrong. Sometime in your life you will have been all of these.

Dr. Robert Goddard


Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD. 

(Leviticus 19:32) 


Last winter I bought her a beautiful red car coat in lightweight wool. However, it is supposed to be a very cold winter this year and the little red coat, though pretty, won't keep her warm.  Especially if she has to go anywhere on a cold and windy day.  Mom and I chatted a bit the other day about her needs.  In the end I think I was able to find things that were a good compromise between her wants and what I thought would match better with the clothing she currently wears. She doesn't have a lot of space to put too many clothes so we have to be able to coordinate multiple outfits with fewer items of clothing. Not as easy as it sounds when we have limited purchasing options.

First up was a warmer jacket. I bought her this beige coloured jacket which has a warm, but not too thick, inner lining.  It also has a detachable hood which she likely won't wear. I paired it with this beautiful chocolate and camel coloured shawl for added warmth on a blustery day. I am thinking of taking off the garment tag at the neckline.  This will give an added colour option because it will then be reversible.  The compromise is that mom wanted a purple jacket (same style). I felt the beige one would coordinate better with all the bottoms she is likely to wear on excursions. I got the nice cape to give her a bit of a colour lift while still coordinating with her bottoms.
Here is what the cape looks like on the inside if she chooses to have more of the tan colour showing.

Next up was a nice woolen sweater. This will enable her to wear the summer dresses over the winter months.  She really enjoys wearing the dresses because they are so comfortable and have big pockets.  This nice purple sweater and a soft camisole underneath will keep her nice and toasty. She wanted purple. The compromise is I would have preferred a slightly heavier knit for her and a shorter length so she doesn't have to sit on it. I think in the end, the care workers will probably tuck the length in at the back of her,  rather than have her sit on it. I would have selected a gray sweater but I know that colour isn't to her taste.

  In the photo below, I've paired the sweater with one of the summer dresses.

In the next photo, I've paired the sweater with a beautiful tank top I bought.  It will coordinate well with two of the skirts she wears in winter. I hope she likes it. It is a stretchy comfortable fabric. I don't normally buy her tank tops to wear especially for winter but this one is so pretty.  She doesn't have to wear it over the Winter but can wait until Spring.

I also bought this lightweight and long, striped t-shirt. It will coordinate well with the sweater and a navy velvet skirt she likes to wear.  I really like this t-shirt and I think she will too! It still coordinates well with the purple sweater.

Here, I've put a stretch navy blue camisole underneath the top. It isn't as see through as it looks. It looks very see through because of the back light coming through the window.


It seems a never ending job to buy things for my mom. I am happy to do it most times but my longstanding leg and heel issues make this a somewhat more difficult task than it used to be. However, with the exception of one or two skirts, a heavier weight dress and coordinating sweater, some warm socks, two or three nightgowns (I've been looking for long cotton jersey nightgowns) and a proper pair of shearling booties (to be ordered on line from New Zealand as my Christmas gift to her), I think I have finally got enough clothing for her. In retrospect, that list of outstanding items sounds rather long! LOL.  Sadly, there are many outfits (jacket and pants which mom can no longer wear and didn't wear at all) and which I probably need to bring home from the residence to make room for what she does wear.

What about you my dear readers? 
Do you also shop for your elderly parents? Do you have difficulty finding what you need? Do you have to buy adaptive clothing or can you get by with regular clothing? If you do shop for your parents, I pray the good Lord would bless you for your caring heart.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sorting, Combining & Chucking

People are going hungry in parts of Kenya. If you can pray or help please read about it here.

I spent a few hours on Monday night going through mom's photos (the few that I brought back with me, the rest are with her) and my dearly departed sister's photos. I got rid of  a few photos and some papers but need to go through them once or twice more to decide what papers to keep for her children.  As for the photos, I hope to make a keepsake album or two for my nephew who is now a young man.

I then spent the entire day on Tuesday going through all my craft and sewing items. Well almost all of them. I didn't go through my tole painting supplies as they don't take up much room and are in a small plastic container. I was sorting and cleaning as I went along and trying to make room for some of mom's things that I brought back to my home.

My condo doesn't have much storage space inside so I had to cull some more towels and odds and ends,  in order to make room for other things. I would likely have been getting rid of these things anyway in my regular decluttering exercise.

Odds and ends for giveaway. I will add to it as I continue going through the apartment.
I also decided to discard my trusty shower curtain. Would you believe I've had the same shower curtain since 1989/1990?!!!

It is hard to see in this photo but this shower curtain has all kinds of colours in it: peach, beige, pink, green, dark and light blue, white, gray, pink and black. I think I kept the curtain so long because it has so many colours.  All I had to do was change up the towels and the bathroom rug for a different look now and then.
I've temporarily replaced my shower curtain with this all blue and white one which belonged to mom.  She hardly used it and it had been packed up for a few years.  Though I do like the colour blue this isn't the curtain I want for the long-term.  I've been meaning to do a minor change in the bathroom but haven't got around to it yet.
My bathroom redecorating will likely feature the colours in this floral wall art; a gift to me by my nephew.
In my sorting and cleaning today I had to remove virtually everything from their containers and repack things as I went along.  My living and storage space is limited with all the supplies I already had.  Now I was adding some of mom's supplies, especially knitting needles, a few sewing supplies, all her beads and leather and all the material with Native American designs.

I saved all this stuff because I want to take up beading once again and perhaps make some quilts with the unique material she had. At least the material is unique in Canada though perhaps in the USA it would be much easier to find.  It would be shame to get rid of all this crafting material since mom kept it so long.  Moreover, if I needed to buy it again it would cost me a small fortune.

Perhaps I can gift my nieces and nephews with some of the craft items once I make them.  Or perhaps I can even sell some of them as unique gift items if I have enough of a stash. Whatever the case, I will certainly be busy for awhile once I start making things!

My crochet threads are now all in a basket in the front room for easy access.  Thankfully mom never crocheted with thin cotton yarn or I would probably have kept some of hers too!
My knitting yarns are all in a big plastic tub rather than spread out in different carry bags.  I didn't bring back any of mom's yarns with me. I figured I had enough to keep me busy for awhile.
This is one of the carry bags I had my knitting in. I now use it to house all the knitting needs, crochet hooks, stitch counter, needle gauge, stitch holders, etc. I inherited a few knitting needles from mom but gave all her yarn to a friend who was helping me pack. She will give the tub of yarn to an avid knitter.

These are the fabrics I've inherited. Since I only have room in my closet for one tub of fabric, these additional fabrics will go on the top shelf in another of closets.  I'll be making a bit more room in that closet when I get rid of some linens, blankets and pillows.  I've place two large, thinner tubs containing leather and beads on the floor in another closet.
The other things I brought back were plastics for food storage, a few pots, a juicer, a meat slicer, a dehydrator, some large plastic bowls, a spice rack, food and supplies like laundry soap, paper towels, some matalesse coverlets I had bought her some years back and a pendleton blanket. These things will all be put to good use and except for the food (for which there is no room in the cupboards), the other things have been put away.  

I think one of the hardest things for any one who has to go into a nursing home, is the loss of all their possessions. I didn't have much time to give things away but where I could, I did. I know it helped mom to learn that some of her things didn't simply go to waste and that someone wanted them.

I didn't actually intend to do all this sorting today but I am sure happy that I did.  I have now cleared a path in my bedroom and in the front room and things aren't overflowing everywhere. I ended up chucking about 3 small bags of garbage and emptying two 3 small boxes, two larger boxes and two big, plastic tubs in addition to putting together at least one basket for giveaway.  On Wednesday I plan to carry on sorting through a box of family personal papers. Things I need to save for my nephew and his sister.  Once I get through this, I can get back to sorting my own papers. I still have a lot to discard but it is pretty well sorted now and that will make it a bit easier to go through.

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...