Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The First Week of January

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope your first week of the New Year has gone well for you. I've had a steady week...not overly busy but getting a few things done.

The decluttering continues.

A few master bathroom items were tossed

and replaced as per the next 3 photos.

I also got rid of an area rug. I really like the print but the rug never did have a comfortable home here and I didn't like the quality so out it went. It was purchased on line so I wasn't able to check it out well before I bought it. I've had my eye on another area rug but after checking it out in the store, I decided it wouldn't do so I'll manage without a replacement for now.

A carpet that wouldn't cooperate

I didn't like this cushion cover so I'm remaking it.

I've started the re-do (sorry for the poor lighting).

The cushion cover finished. Now for the backing.

I waited weeks for a notice from the library about the books I put on hold. Earlier this week I picked them up.

The first books of 2025

I purchased a lot of fruit and vegetables which need to be used quickly because they aren't top quality.  I'm trying to use the vegetables in new ways.

A completely vegetarian meal (below) which is quite unusual for us.  I have been craving sweet potatoes with peanut sauce (a Ugandan dish) and it was yummy.

Green beans & almonds, sweet potato and peanut sauce, mixed beans & cabbage

The broccoli, potato, chicken coconut curry was especially delicious so I'll be making it again.

So that's it for now. I. hope to be making similar progress in the weeks ahead. Have a great week!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Special Event

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I trust you had a great start to the month of June. Can you believe we're almost halfway through the year already?  Are you making the most of it?

I can't say I'm making the most of it yet because it's been a very busy year so far with lots of unexpected things happening both with regards to health and hearth.  But I am doing well and grateful for being able to handle everything so far.

On Saturday I had a slow start. I couldn't decide whether to relax as I was tired, or whether I should do some work. Thankfully the work part won out because I just know I'll feel mentally better having cleaned and gotten things ready for the week ahead.  At least I won't feel behind as the week gets underway.

I try to follow the general outlines of a cleaning system called Fly Lady. On weekends one is supposed to rest, have family time and so on. Mondays are for what is called the Weekly Home Blessing hour (WHB) in which you vacuum, sweep, wash and generally pick things up so that the week starts off on a good footing. It's just a quick hour of working as fast as you can to get things looking in shape as the week begins.  I often, though not always, do a WHB on the weekend.  That way I can enjoy a tidier space during the weekend and have less to do come Monday. I also do the bulk of the laundry and bedding on Saturday so I might as well get other work done at the same time.  Since I do mine on the weekends, I take my time.  One hour is not enough time to do everything when you move more slowly.  Can anyone relate? What about you dear reader? Do you follow a certain schedule for household tasks? Do you do housework on weekends or do you like to keep those days free for fun and outside tasks like shopping and errands?

On Friday, I went for a walk and did some errands though I really wasn't expecting to buy much.  I did a bit of thrift store browsing, shopping at the dollar store, buying groceries and looking for a graduation gift for a friend's son's high school graduation.  I've been invited to the graduation ceremony.  I didn't know what I should get for a gift.  The young man will be moving across the country so I didn't want to get him anything that takes up a lot of space or is heavy to carry.

My friends live at the university campus and the graduation ceremony will be held in the same place as the university graduation ceremonies. After the ceremony we'll all go out for a tasty Kenyan dinner afterward. My friends are from Tanzania but they speak the same Swahili language as in Kenya and they share many of the same foods. 

After browsing, I had the idea to buy a small container of items that can come in handy for a student.  I bought things like sticky post its, a journal, pens, paper clips and magnets, some small organizing trays, and a book of prompts for daily prayer.  I also added a wooden puzzle that will give him something to distract his mind when he needs a break from studies.  I just have to wrap the gifts now and think about what to wear on the day which is forecasted to be mixed clouds/rain and sun.

I also stopped off at the thrift store for a little 'look see'. I bought a small rolling cart organizer for the main bathroom. I've been thinking about getting one of these for the narrow space between the bathroom cabinet and toilet. It fits and I think it will work well. I didn't take a photo but it looks like the one in this photo from Ikea. I believe they are also sold on Amazon.


I've been fighting a cold and it doesn't help that it turned quite cool for several days. I though some Vietnamese Pho Soup would hit the spot before I continued with my errands.  The soup was very good but I couldn't finish it.  I should have ordered the small bowl since I'd also ordered spring rolls.

On Saturday I was in the mood for a bit of cooking.

I made beef brisket in the Instant Pot, mixed lentils and rice in the rice cooker and a sauteed mix of okra, eggplant and green beans.  It was good and also filling.  Again, I couldn't finish it but it will make a good Sunday snack.

I made ground beef and vegetable soup for Sunday.   Normally I put rice, potatoes or pasta in the soup but this time I did not. Since I didn't cook and render the fat from the ground beef first, I'll skim it off after it cools in the refrigerator. 

I hope you had a great weekend. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy the week ahead.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Keeping Distracted & Focussed

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

When life gets hectic sometimes I just slow everything down with reading, cooking, cleaning or making something.

This week my mind is occupied with the patio renovations and now having to deal with the recent water leakage and damage into my living quarters.  I kept busy with a lot of decluttering and a bit of knitting.

Story of my life, lol

A few decluttered items

Making these simple dishcloths keeps my mind focussed on the repetitive tasks required in working the yarn.  While I'm doing that I can't really dwell on any negative thoughts.  

I also did a bit of cooking.  Once we move out, we'll be gone for awhile.  Food will potentially be spoiling in the refrigerator so I'm trying to use up what we have and buy food very sparingly.

I made a huge batch of spaghetti sauce for some quick meals this week.   I also thawed out some beef rice soup I made a just over a month ago and stored in the freezer.

I'd be interested in knowing whether you ever had to move out of your home due to damage of some kind?  Where did you move to and what was the best and worst part of the experience?

If you're here for Skywatch, my post will be up in several hours. Have an awesome day/night and thank you for your visit.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

One Thursday in September

I watch the cooking show Mary Makes it Easy and saw this chicken pot pie hand pie recipe being made.  I decided to try it out because the hand pies appealed to me as a 'grab and go' snack or an easy meal served with a side salad.  I also made some chicken pasta soup so I don't have to cook tomorrow. I usually give myself a day or two off from cooking on a Friday or a Saturday.  (Click on any photo to enlarge).

I have to fast for an abdominal ultrasound in the morning but have already tried the hand pies and they are delicious. I still have some filling and will make more very soon but have to buy more ready made pastry or make some.

I try to get in a short walk every other day or so.  These are some photos I took around 8 p.m. last night just as the sun was setting.

I had to return a few books to the library.  If interested I would recommend The Rose Code by Kate Quinn and the Sunflower Sisters by Martha Hall Kelly.  The first book is quite fascinating and is based loosely on historical facts about the role of women as codebreakers in WW2.  The other book, is also based on true events of a woman who pursued a medical career as a nurse during the time of the US Civil War when women in the battlefield were considered a bother.

I also picked up this book which I'd placed on hold.  Chita is the memoir of Chita Rivera,  famous for appearing as Anita in the Broadway musical West Side Story, among many other roles. I saw her a few weeks ago on the Tamron Hall Show and she still looks and sounds fantastic.  She's a true inspiration at 90 years of age, still limber and dancing on the stage.

Here is the interview if you'd like to see it too.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Past Week

Happy Sunday everyone,

I hope you are all doing well.

I've been busy this week; mostly with reading, running errands and grocery shopping, dealing with financial stuff, dealing with family needs, connecting with friends from far and administration concerning the community garden plot for summer 2023. 

Recently completed; all equally good.

In progress, a quirky but well written book.

Cooking always takes time as most of you know but I limit my cooking to one main meal a day and something lighter to start the day. Due to high food costs I'm trying to shop less and use what I have. In the past, I really did buy far too much and I need to use it up or give it away.

Saturday dinner was roast beef, broccoli and roasted potatoes and onions.

Sunday dinner was Chicken Cordon Bleu but covered in flour rather than bread crumbs. It was good but next time I'll try it with bread crumbs and use toothpicks since most of the cheese melted into the baking pan. Looking at the photos I see the dinners were too carb heavy so I need try and correct that but as I mentioned I'm trying to use up what I have and vegetables and fruits are always first to be used up.

I've got a lot of paperwork and tidying to do. So last night I decided to get started on some cleaning in my office area and get everything set up again but after I started reconnecting everything I discovered the modem wasn't working and that meant no television or internet services.

So today was an unexpected day of dealing with technology issues. I don't deal well with them at the best of times but since I had no communication services or television whatsoever I had no choice.  The only thing working was my landline.  I was fretting a bit because I have a very busy week ahead.  I was also anxious about how much time it was all going to take because the telecommunications company I deal with is notoriously slow to connect you with a live human being. They always want to direct you to online services and it is usually the online services that are giving me an issue. 

Thankfully once I connected to technical support I was able to get everything up and running again. I also asked to speak to someone about a new service plan. I had been trying off and on for a few months to do it myself but their system only let me see a deal that was not suitable for my needs. Again, I was able to get great customer service and get a deal for a much better price. My monthly bill will be $55 per month less ( for the exact same services ($660 savings for the year).  Plus they gave me a theme pack of news channels (3 channels) completely free for one year (savings of $95 Canadian).  Total savings is $756 Canadian in Year 1 and $ 660 in Year 2.  I only wanted one news channel for my DH but the channels come in packages so we now have 3 additional news channels.  I feel very blessed by the outcomes.

Altogether the time it took for getting things working and looking for monthly cost savings took about 2.5 hours of my time. Not too bad because I've sometimes waited that long just to talk to a live human being about an issue.  Overall I find it very frustrating dealing with the company when I need them so today was a nice surprise and a real blessing. The bonus is that I don't need to have a technician come to my home or wait for new equipment to be delivered because both of these scenarios would have resulted in loss of services for as long as it took to get help.

In related technology matters I'd been having problems in trying to access a Kenyan missionary's blog for some months. Try as we might we could not seem to find a way to give me access to read and comment on her blog.  Today we gave it one more try and thankfully it worked! That is another blessing because I love reading about her family's work and ministry in Kenya.  I've been reading about their work in Kenya for about 10 years.

My good day was topped off by my being able to connect my wireless printer and get it working.  I had been postponing the job due to internet and wi-fi issues which started a few weeks ago and culminated in lack of internet service last night.  Today was the right time and everything is now in working order. Whew!

I do have a few more outstanding technology issues.  My brother had installed extra drives in my old computer and instead of wiping them clean he will remove them and save them for me in a special case. I also backed everything up on a new external hard drive I bought late last year.  Fortunately I culled a lot of my old documents and photos before backing them up. A second issue is figuring out how to wipe the old printer clean. I didn't realize that I needed to do that otherwise I would have done so before disconnecting the old computer. Actually I hadn't even given the printer any thought as I was most concerned about the computer because the former one had been on it's 'last legs' for so long. Anyway it will all get done.  These things tend to take me time especially when I've got many projects on the go.   Everything moves at a snail's pace because my brain can only deal with one big thing at a time.  But there is a saying 'Strive for progress, not perfection' so I try to remember that.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I'm expecting delivery of an artificial tree for a spot in my living room. I hope it isn't too big. I did read the dimensions of the tree but it's a little hard to know how it looks and 'fits' until I put it in place. It will prevent me from wasting funds every year in buying a tropical plant that doesn't do well in my draughty home if it fits into the space I have for it. I have several appointments this week but I'm most looking forward to a visit from two cousins of mine, both of whom live out of town.

I hope you have some great plans for your week! Thank you for stopping by.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The Temperature Has Dropped

It's been a very busy week and it isn't over yet. At least it's been a productive week so far. I've been doing a lot of catch up to paperwork, appointments, old tasks and a little cooking, cleaning, knitting and reading in between. 

I completed a few books this past week or so and started on a number of new ones. All of the books are very interesting.I'm still reading An Arctic Man.  It isn't such a long book but it is chock full of information and new place names so I only read a bit at a time.

The late Andre Leon Talley is someone I used to see interviewed on television quite a lot so when I heard he had passed, I wanted to read some of the books he wrote in the latter years of his life. The Chiffon Trenches is quite an information packed book and shows me how widely this man was travelled and how many people he knew in not just the fashion world but the world of high society. He tells it like it is about certain people and some have called him catty for doing so. Honestly I don't know how you can write a truthful book and not come across as somewhat catty if the people you are mentioning were not so nice.  Apart from all of that I enjoyed the book a  lot and I personally didn't find anything in it that was so badly maligning anyone. In fact, I think he tried very hard to speak to the positive things about everyone he knew. 

(As always you can click on photos for an enlarged view).

Very interesting & informative and all about those in the fashion/society world.
I've started the middle book and the end book, Burke's Law, all very good.

I am constantly uncovering new to me stories about Jewish experiences during WW 2. The book The Dressmakers of Auschwitz was very eye opening. I had no idea that there were Jewish women whose skills as seamstresses were in much demand during the war and at internment camps no less.  This particular book is not a novel but is based on real life experiences of several women whose skills were in demand and their heart breaking stories.

Opened my eyes to a new to me story about the Jewish women who sewed for the Nazis.

A few dishes made recently.

Beef stir fry and a lot of vegetables over steamed noodles

Roast chicken,Caesar salad, mixed mushrooms/onions/asparagus

Taco Soup

Baked salmon, quinoa, mixed veggies (mushroom,/bell pepper/broccoli/onion)

Late at night while it's cold I make a hot cup of tea and do a little knitting. I am always in need of new dishcloths and I also gift them to friends near and far.


Earlier this week I heard the weather report of possible snow in Vancouver. It didn't happen as anticipated but the temperature did drop two nights ago. The first few photos show the fresh snow on the mountains and a fairly clear sky with beautiful patches of blue.

Fresh snow on the mountains on Tuesday night

It was a clear day to see the mountains in the distance.

I love the snow covered mountain tops.

Then tonight, the snow really started to fly. I snapped this photo as I was returning from a quick grocery shopping expedition. I tried to capture the snow in video but my short films are poorly done.

Wednesday night the snow was flying as I ran an errand to the grocers.

I'll end here and wish you a fantastic rest of your week.

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...