Since my diagnosis of diabetes several years ago, I've only had sporadic success with balancing my blood sugars. I've tried many different things to balance them including: taking my medications on a regular basis, taking alternative supplements, eliminating certain beverages and foods, eating healthier, incorporating more fruits and veggies into my diet, exercise, and other things which I've long forgotten about. None of these things has really helped me on a consistent basis but perhaps if I hadn't done them my diabetes challenges would be much worse.
I used to walk a lot until I started having numerous issues with my knees. I've since learned that I have arthritis in the knees. That was another set back. But I rallied and am now walking much farther than I have for ages. I'm using walking poles to help me (I do not do well with canes) and am working on consistency as it has been so long since I've been able to walk consistently. I track my exercise on a daily basis so I can see when I am falling behind. I can also see if this activity is helping to balance my blood sugar levels when I get an A1C test every 3 months. One thing I can't seem to do, is control or manage the stressors in my life, of which there are several. I know I need to pray more and meditate more. I can pray often during the day but have discovered that I need far more time to meditate than I commonly have time for on a daily basis. This is the next thing I really need to work at.
In the first 6 months of the year, my blood sugars were balanced (that is without the walking) and after a few months of walking, I discovered my blood sugar was a little elevated again. When the doctor called to let me know last week, I have to say that I was utterly frustrated and left feeling a little blue. I feel I try so hard and yet positive results elude me. In reflecting back on the last three months, I realized that I had become a little lazy with my diet. In part because I had balance sugars for half of the year, and in part because I had started a regular exercise program.
To get my sugar readings back to normal, the doctor wanted me to increase one of my medications. I was reluctant to do so. I am fearful of adding more medications and in fact, I want to get off some of my current ones. She also asked me to track my blood sugar levels and food intake daily as well. Again I didn't feel hopeful about these measures. I've made so many positive changes to my diet already that I didn't think tracking things was going to help. However after a day or two, I decided I must keep track of my blood sugars at least 6 times a day so I can better see how certain foods affect me. I have to be honest and say I'd become a little slack concerning my
diet due in part to my new exercise regime and because my blood sugars had been under control for the first half of the year. I felt things were really on track. When I got my A1C results, I had a rude awakening. I also can't underestimate the level of stress I've been under over the last 3 months. Though I can't control the stress, I can do some things to try and manage it better.
Oatmeal with cinnamon. I also eat some bran flakes or Fibre 1 for breakfast but porridge seems to be best. |
So now I'm keeping several logs: a daily food and blood sugar log, and an exercise log. The food and blood sugar logs have already been very useful. I am learning what foods are good and what foods aren't and how little of something bad it takes to really raise the sugar levels. My exercise log is great too because I really don't like exercising. But with a log, I can see what I've done or haven't done and try to correct it. I also keep track of when I do much more activity around the house and whether I do more stretching or other movement. All these things add up to physical activity that can help a diabetic.
After keeping my food log for a few days, I realized that I had become complacent over the past several months about my eating habits. I had let good habits slide a little due to the extreme heat we've been having and because I had started exercising. I thought I had room to "play" because I was now burning more calories. (If I had thought about it for awhile I know that wouldn't have been my conclusion. But sometimes we turn a blind eye to things). I also know that with the two trips I made out of town this summer, I had to eat a lot of restaurant food and that didn't help matters. I did try to eat salads while on the road. But that was not enough to compensate for eating out more often than usual.
I'm also discovering that when my body feels a certain way, it is
NOT necessarily low blood sugar. This is borne out by the regular glucose testing. In the past, I would simply snack if I felt I was
hypoglycemic. Now I test myself and find I am not so no need to snack
at that time.
Green salad with pinto beans. I am trying to eat this or a variation of it 1 or 2x a day. Another salad I like is made of grated celery, carrot, apple, avocado with freshly squeezed lime juice. |
Today I talked to my doctor again about what I'm learning through the food logs and glucose testing. She thinks I am making great progress and we will review my progress in a few weeks time. It is my goal to eventually get off all of my medications. I've had this goal for a few years already and so I know how difficult it can be for most diabetics to truly do this. I have renewed determination.
One thing I can say is that all these logs take an awful lot of time on a daily basis. It also takes a lot of time to plan and prepare healthy meals and snacks every day especially and to take food with you when you go. One also has to shop for all the food.
Barley soup with vegetables (carrots, onion, celery and spinach). Good thing I love barley! This is good for me for lunch or dinner along with some lean chicken or baked salmon. |
For whatever reason, my blood sugar levels don't seem to drop quite so readily as other people who make positive dietary and physical activity changes. Because of this my emotions and attitude have been on a roller coaster for some time over the consistently high sugars. I get frustrated when what I am doing isn't working.
In the last few days though I can "see" the results of my more focussed approach. The blood sugar level is improving. Today though it dropped so low after lunch and I had a scary incident. My sugar reading was 3.8 and I was very irritated, unable to concentrate on a phone call and shaking. I had to have pop for the first time in a while just to get my sugar levels to normal.
I'm hoping to be on a more even keel soon with all the hard work I am putting in. Replacing bad habits with good ones, or implementing positive habits on a consistent basis, will be my big challenge.It takes me a very long time to form new habits (at least the good habits).
I also signed up for a coach to check in with every week to make sure I am getting my exercise. I am currently doing it on my own but feel I need an accountability buddy with all my current challenges. I hope that after my 6 month stint with the coach is done, that I will feel like and look like a new me. If I have my starts and stops and ups and downs, I hope to be able to pick up again after I dust myself off. Wish me luck.