It's been a very busy week and it isn't over yet.
At least it's been a productive week so far.
I've been doing a lot of catch up to paperwork, appointments, old tasks and a little cooking, cleaning, knitting and reading in between.
I completed a few books this past week or so and started on a number of new ones. All of the books are very interesting.I'm still reading An Arctic Man. It isn't such a long book but it is chock full of information and new place names so I only read a bit at a time.
The late Andre Leon Talley is someone I used to see interviewed on television quite a lot so when I heard he had passed, I wanted to read some of the books he wrote in the latter years of his life. The Chiffon Trenches is quite an information packed book and shows me how widely this man was travelled and how many people he knew in not just the fashion world but the world of high society. He tells it like it is about certain people and some have called him catty for doing so. Honestly I don't know how you can write a truthful book and not come across as somewhat catty if the people you are mentioning were not so nice. Apart from all of that I enjoyed the book a lot and I personally didn't find anything in it that was so badly maligning anyone. In fact, I think he tried very hard to speak to the positive things about everyone he knew.
(As always you can click on photos for an enlarged view).
Very interesting & informative and all about those in the fashion/society world.
I've started the middle book and the end book, Burke's Law, all very good.
I am constantly uncovering new to me stories about Jewish experiences during WW 2. The book The Dressmakers of Auschwitz was very eye opening. I had no idea that there were Jewish women whose skills as seamstresses were in much demand during the war and at internment camps no less. This particular book is not a novel but is based on real life experiences of several women whose skills were in demand and their heart breaking stories.
Opened my eyes to a new to me story about the Jewish women who sewed for the Nazis.
A few dishes made recently.
Beef stir fry and a lot of vegetables over steamed noodles
Roast chicken,Caesar salad, mixed mushrooms/onions/asparagus
Taco Soup
Baked salmon, quinoa, mixed veggies (mushroom,/bell pepper/broccoli/onion)
Late at night while it's cold I make a hot cup of tea and do a little knitting. I am always in need of new dishcloths and I also gift them to friends near and far.

Earlier this week I heard the weather report of possible snow in Vancouver. It didn't happen as anticipated but the temperature did drop two nights ago. The first few photos show the fresh snow on the mountains and a fairly clear sky with beautiful patches of blue.
Fresh snow on the mountains on Tuesday night
It was a clear day to see the mountains in the distance.
I love the snow covered mountain tops.
Then tonight, the snow really started to fly. I snapped this photo as I was returning from a quick grocery shopping expedition. I tried to capture the snow in video but my short films are poorly done.
Wednesday night the snow was flying as I ran an errand to the grocers.
I'll end here and wish you a fantastic rest of your week.