Showing posts with label Linet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linet. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Little Linet

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

The last time I wrote you about little Linet she had been taken to hospital.  You might remember Little Linet is the girl with a cleft palate. Her family is not able to afford hospital care.

This photo shows Linet as a toddler when Jonah first started helping her with doctor visits and food.

My friend Jonah, in Kenya, first helped this little one because she couldn't eat. Somehow by the grace of God, the baby was able to start eating after medical attention and she gained weight. However she has been having  many problems and is now malnourished.

She went to hospital again a few weeks ago and the doctors took out her long front teeth, administered oral hygiene and tended to her  mouth wounds.  She is now on a strict diet which the mother cannot afford to purchase for her little girl. She needs our help.

This is Linet (standing) with her mother on her way to see doctor at mission hospital.

We still need to cover some nominal costs of Linet's oral surgery from a few weeks ago.   At the same time, we are trying to help with special food needs and raising the funds for the cleft palate surgery. The mission hospital is not close to where Little Linet lives with her family so there are additional costs like transport, food and lodgings.

You can see the little girl's long teeth in front. These were removed.

This girl is supposed to go to the missions hospital for an evaluation as to whether she can have surgery to repair her cleft palate.  Repairing it is the only way to resolve the different medical issues she has been suffering for a few years now.  It will cost us a few hundred dollars for the medical costs, transportation (Linet, her mother and Jonah to assist them), food and follow up costs.  If we can't raise the money for her surgery, she will continue to lose weight.

The surgery we are doing is NOT through Operation Smile. I did look into that program some time ago but learned that not everyone who can get to screening will be selected for surgery.  I also learned that Operation Smile collects a donation of $240 US even though surgeon and nursing care are donated to the surgery efforts.  The $240 doesn't cover the cost of a family's transportation to get to the medical center, lodging or food costs.  I've posted this information about Operation Smile just so you have something similar with which to compare Little Linet's need.

If you can help Little Linet get the medical evaluation and the surgery she so desperately requires, you can send your donation

via Pay Pal to kerichojoy[at]

or link here at Kenya Missions of Hope for the DONATE button.

My apologies, but the links to Kenya Missions of Hope don't always work consistently.  If you have any problems at all please let me know.

Thank you so much for your understanding.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Please Say a Prayer & Lend a Hand

My uncle had surgery several days ago to remove cancer from his colon. Everything went very well and he was recovering nicely. But after I returned home tonight I had a call from my mom and she says things have taken a turn for the worse. It sounds like my uncle had a fall and his newly sewn intestine is ruptured. He had to have emergency surgery and they are operating again tomorrow (Friday). I am not sure all the details or what exactly happened as mom got the information 2nd or 3rd hand. I prayed with mom for her brother and we are waiting to hear more in coming day or two. We prayed not only for my uncle but for the entire team of people caring for him and for the family.

Yesterday I asked for prayer for little Linet in Nakuru, Kenya. Please know her family is very poor and though we have tried to help her mother start a business it is not enough to meet the special food and health needs of her little girl. The little girl needs cleft palate surgery and had to be taken to hospital for surgery due to some complication. We need your prayer and financial support for this family. If you are considering, please don't delay as the help is needed now.

Thank you for your consideration.

UPDATE JULY 16, 2012

After doing well initially, my uncle had a setback. It seems that putting the intestines back together did not work. Since his first surgery my uncle had to have emergency surgery on Thursday. Then on Sunday he was operated on again and given a colostomy bag but he did not regain consciousness. He passed into glory today at 5:35 p.m. PST. His mortal body will be laid to rest sometime this weekend. His immortal body has been welcomed into Heaven.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kenya Missions of Hope: Linet Goes to Hospital

(Please click on the link below, to read an update from Jonah about little Linet.  It would be great if you could help to spread the word. Blessings. xx).

Kenya Missions of Hope: Linet Goes to Hospital: Hello friends, I have finally taken the gal who is sick in the mouth to the hospital ( read more here).  Please continue to pray for the...

Skywatch Friday ~ Last Friday in March

Hello and welcome to Friday's Skywatch post, It has been raining so very heavily now for what seems like forever. It makes it difficult...