The sky as seen from the patio on Thursday, November 29th, 2018.
It has been raining for much of the last 2 weeks and most days it has been quite heavy rain.
It was nice to have a clearer day today.
The sun was out a bit earlier but I wasn't able to take a photo of it.
I've had a different kind of week.
I've been feeling very tired and my neck is very tight causing me to feel nauseous. I get like this from time to time.
So mostly I've been resting and reading and doing a little tidying here and there.
I finished my berry and pink coloured afghan but I still have to tie off all the loose ends in the back.
This is time consuming but I am pleased with how it looks. Very pleased.
I haven't started on the last afghan of the year but hopefully next week.
My little tree is up and all my presents are wrapped except for one more I must buy for my niece.
I'm so glad the job of wrapping is finished as that is the most time consuming part of everything
I never did get around to completing the task of putting up my curtain rod.
I just was not up to it.
Perhaps I'll feel up to it in a few days. I also need to finish the Christmas decorating but the decorations are in storage downstairs.
I've also kept a bit pre-occupied with technical issues this week.
I don't know how many of you try to watch DVDs on your computer.
Since I downloaded Windows 10 long ago it has messed up my usage of the CD/DVD feature on my desktop.
It also makes my scanner more troublesome to use.
I got my brother to try to adjust things but he had no more success than I did.
In the end I purchased an inexpensive DVD player so I can watch DVDs from the comfort of my sofa.
Mostly I borrow DVDs from the library but from time to time I also watch one from my small DVD collection.
I also had an issue trying to sync my Kobo reader (Canada's version of Kindle).
It's been a long time since I charged it up. In the meantime it no longer recognized it's Wi-Fi connection at home.
Despite inputting the correct Wi-Fi address it just would not connect to the internet.
My brother is more tech savvy than I am.
He got it working again by deleting some public Wi-Fi addresses I'd used in the past.
I was very happy since I've recently purchased the book
Shadows Along the Zambezi as recommended by blogger friend, Diane at
Photo Diary.
I also have many other novels on it which I would like to read.
Now my library is up to date and I can start carrying the little reader with me.
The following books are in various stages of completion.
I want to return them to the library this weekend or at latest by Monday.
Half finished. I'm not enjoying the stories as much as I'd hoped. Most are quite bleak. |
A complex piece written by a Vancouverite. I'm enjoying it but the story doesn't quite flow easily for me. |
Half finished. My completion was hampered by the fact I do not intend to begin the meal plan although I guess that could change. |
An easy read but an odd and only slightly satisfying story. |
A satisfying read which kept me engaged until the last page. My enjoyment was enhanced by learning the author is Canadian.
A nice documentary about a wonderful human being. I cried at the end. |
I found this cute little children's poem about the end of November.
I hope you enjoy it.
It's the end of the month.
The glory of Fall has passed us by and in some cases barely arrived this year.
I started the month by wishing you a month of adventure.
I hope you found it despite the inclement weather in most of the northern hemisphere.
As we move into December and wind down 2018
I wish each of you peace and time to reflect upon and enjoy the month ahead.
Thank you for your visit.
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