Thursday, November 29, 2018

A Friday to End November

The sky as seen from the patio on Thursday, November 29th, 2018.

It has been raining for much of the last 2 weeks and most days it has been quite heavy rain.

It was nice to have a clearer day today. 
The sun was out a bit earlier but I wasn't able to take a photo of it.
I've had a different kind of week.
I've been feeling very tired and my neck is very tight causing me to feel nauseous. I get like this from time to time.

So mostly I've been resting and reading and doing a little tidying here and there.

I finished my berry and pink coloured afghan but I still have to tie off all the loose ends in the back.
This is time consuming but I am pleased with how it looks. Very pleased.

I haven't started on the last afghan of the year but hopefully next week.

My little tree is up and all my presents are wrapped except for one more I must buy for my niece.
I'm so glad the job of wrapping is finished as that is the most time consuming part of everything

I never did get around to completing the task of putting up my curtain rod.
I just was not up to it.
Perhaps I'll feel up to it in a few days. I also need to finish the Christmas decorating but the decorations are in storage downstairs.

I've also kept a bit pre-occupied with technical issues this week.
I don't know how many of you try to watch DVDs on your computer.
Since I downloaded Windows 10 long ago it has messed up my usage of the CD/DVD feature on my desktop.
It also makes my scanner more troublesome to use.

I got my brother to try to adjust things but he had no more success than I did.
In the end I purchased an inexpensive DVD player so I can watch DVDs from the comfort of my sofa.
 Mostly I borrow DVDs from the library but from time to time I also watch one from my small DVD collection.

I also had an issue trying to sync my Kobo reader (Canada's version of Kindle).
It's been a long time since I charged it up. In the meantime it no longer recognized it's Wi-Fi connection at home.
Despite inputting the correct Wi-Fi address it just would not connect to the internet.
My brother is more tech savvy than I am.
 He got it working again by deleting some public Wi-Fi addresses I'd used in the past.
I was very happy since I've recently purchased the book
Shadows Along the Zambezi as recommended by blogger friend, Diane at Photo Diary.

I also have many other novels on it which I would like to read.
Now my library is up to date and I can start carrying the little reader with me. 


The following books are in various stages of completion.
I want to return them to the library this weekend or at latest by Monday.

Half finished. I'm not enjoying the stories as much as I'd hoped.  Most are quite bleak.

A complex piece written by a Vancouverite. I'm enjoying it but the story doesn't quite flow easily for me.

Half finished. My completion was hampered by the fact I do not intend to begin the meal plan although I guess that could change.
An easy read but an odd and only slightly satisfying story.
A satisfying read which kept me engaged until the last page. My enjoyment was enhanced by learning the author is Canadian.

A nice documentary about a wonderful human being. I cried at the end.

I found this cute little children's poem about the end of November.
I hope you enjoy it.
It's the end of the month.
The glory of Fall has passed us by and in some cases barely arrived this year.
I started the month by wishing you a month of adventure.
I hope you found it despite the inclement weather in most of the northern hemisphere.
As we move into December and wind down 2018 
I wish each of you peace and time to reflect upon and enjoy the month ahead.

Thank you for your visit.

Joining in with 



  1. Hi Penny, I hope that you are feeling a bit better today. I have finished reading Shadown over the Zambezi, although it is fiction, so much of it is very true and extremly sad, but I hope it opens up a few eyes and maybe someone will take note and change things for the better. It applies to so many African countries. I am now reading Shadows over an African Heart and so far enjoying that as well.
    Take care. Have a good weekend Diane

  2. Computers are a mess, they are temperamental, it's a love-hate relationship for me!
    Have a good day!

  3. Hello, the view of the high-rise and mountains is lovely. I hope you neck feels better soon! I just ordered a new kindle, my ipad was getting slow turning on. You have a great reading list, I see one my hubby should read, Let food be your medicine. Take care and have a great day and weekend.

  4. Oh you touched my heart with Mr Rogers at the end. We so need him now with all the hatred around us.

    1. Carol that is exactly what I was thinking as I watched the movie. How we need him and others like him.

  5. Rain for a long time can make things very dismal. we tend to stay in and things get dull and boring. One good thing is you get a lot of reading done.

  6. I cried at the Mr. Rogers too. Best movie I saw all year. And enjoyed Couple Next Door. French Exit -- that was odd. Sort of fascinating but really odd. Can't say I'd recommend it.

    Best wishes on the neck and computer. Not fun. You're so far ahead of me with Christmas. But it'll all be good.

    1. I'm so glad you read several of the books I've read. It sounds like you and I can agree on several of them. I had to wait quite a long while for the Mr. Rogers DVD and now I see there are hundreds of people waiting for it. I must return it very soon.

  7. Hope you feel better soon. Glad you got your Kobo working. I'd be lost without my Kindle. Although on vacation I read an actual real book. I don't do that often.

  8. I've never watched a movie DVD on the computer, although I have watched movies on my iPad with Amazon Prime. I'm sorry about your neck pain and hopefully you will get relief soon. How many afghans do you make each year?

    1. Hi Nonnie, I don't own an IPad but I'm talking about DVDs rather than just movies you order on line or watch for free. Can you insert a DVD into an IPad? This is the first year I've made so many afghans. I've made 7 so far. The others I made at the beginning of the year and the last 3 I made this past month. I hope to make 8 in total before year end.

  9. Beautiful view!
    I read The Couple Next was indeed good!
    I know nothing about technology!
    My daughter's soon to be hubby is a wiz at all of that, thank Heavens!
    Have a cozy weekend, my friend.

  10. I really want to see the Mr. Rogers movie. I just ordered a new laptop. Unfortunately, you can only get Windows 10. I was perfectly happy with Windows 7 and wish I could have kept using it, but my old laptop is falling apart. Not looking forward to all the compatibility issues I'm sure I will experience!

  11. Hope your neck is feeling better soon.
    I always watch DVD's on our DVD player that sits under the TV. I like a nice big screen!!

  12. Lovely refelections, even in the rain, there light comes in your sharing!!!
    Hope you are feeling better, and that the tech issues get solved! I have an external DVD drive for the computer, though I don't watch movies I use it for various things, and am glad for it!!
    Good that you have a brother who helps and knows tech!!
    Have a restfull and beautiful week!! I also wrote about sun today and was looking up scriptures with "sun"! And now it is rainy week starting, so will keep looking for the light!! Blessings and Love!!

  13. Hope you feel better soon, and you have took beautiful photos of the mountains. Your book list looks good, you will have to rest up and read xxx


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