Showing posts with label Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friday. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2025

First Friday in February 2025

 Happy new month of February to you all. 

Snow was in the forecast for a week or two before it finally fell about 1 week ago.  It's actually stayed longer and been colder than I was expecting.  Those who are used to getting snow and cold temperatures all winter long would call us wimps, lol.  The cold snap doesn't stop us from getting out and about and I always enjoy watching the sky whether it's day or night.

Thank you for joining me on Skywatch Friday. Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are in the world.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Night & Day


Night & Day by Robert Louis Stevenson

When the golden day is done, 
Through the closing portal, 
Child and garden, Flower and sun, 
Vanish all things mortal. 

As the blinding shadows fall 
As the rays diminish, 
Under evening's cloak they all 
Roll away and vanish. 

Garden darkened, daisy shut, 
Child in bed, they slumber-- 
Glow-worm in the hallway rut, 
Mice among the lumber. 

In the darkness houses shine, 
Parents move the candles; 
Till on all the night divine 
Turns the bedroom handles. 

Till at last the day begins 
In the east a-breaking, 
In the hedges and the whins 
Sleeping birds a-waking. 

In the darkness shapes of things, 
Houses, trees and hedges, 
Clearer grow; and sparrow's wings 
Beat on window ledges. 

These shall wake the yawning maid; 
She the door shall open-- 
Finding dew on garden glade 
And the morning broken. 

There my garden grows again 
Green and rosy painted, 
As at eve behind the pane 
From my eyes it fainted. 

Just as it was shut away, 
Toy-like, in the even, 
Here I see it glow with day 
Under glowing heaven. 

Every path and every plot, 
Every blush of roses, 
Every blue forget-me-not 
Where the dew reposes, 

"Up!" they cry, "the day is come 
On the smiling valleys: 
We have beat the morning drum; 
Playmate, join your allies!" 

Linking up with Skywatch Friday

Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Glorious Sky

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope the end of the week finds you well and in good health.

On my end it's been a hectic week and I suffered a bit of ill health here and there but am more or less fine. I think it's just the transition from hot to coolish weather that usually gets to me at the change of seasons. But I'm enjoying getting out in the cooler weather while the sun still shines.

I hope you enjoy today's skies over Vancouver.  

I was happy to catch the sunset. Usually I cannot see it from where I live as I don't have a good and clear view to the west. Too many trees in my line of vision. I'm happy for the trees though.  They help keep things fresh. 

The moon is out and shining bright. It's time to say goodnight.

Enjoy your weekend and thank you for visiting. This is my submission to Skywatch Friday

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Short Errand

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

How are you doing so far this week?

The weather at the end of the last week turned quite hot though not unbearably so. In fact, the weather so far during late spring hasn't been very hot at all and sometimes not even that warm. This is great not only for me but also for our forests because too hot weather means more wildfires.

I've had a tiring week but that's because it's also been a productive one.  I'm making progress on a number of fronts. I'm always happy when I get things done on my long list of things to do. 

On the Friday past, it was a hot day but I had to go out for one main errand at Home Depot.  On my way back, I stopped for dinner at a spot I haven't visited recently. Friday nights are often spent running errands and eating out because I'm gone during the dinner hour.

One of my favourite Bento Box meals

It was getting close to 9:30 p.m. as I made my way back home.  I always appreciate looking at the sky when I'm out and about. These clouds were gathering and by Saturday the sky turned gray though it didn't rain. 

I sometimes stop at Blenz for coffee or cold tea.

I stop here for lunch or dinner and sometimes a buffet.

In years past, I've visited for the lunch buffet at the Holiday Inn for special occasions. They had a wonderful buffet with a different theme each week day.  The selections were not huge but they were more than adequate with a soups, salad bar, a hot entree with a particular theme (examples Asian, Greek, BBQ etc.) and a dessert bar. Sadly they stopped the lunch buffet several years ago and concentrated on a breakfast buffet for their guests. 

On Friday I noticed that the hotel has restarted their lunch buffet but only on Thursdays and Fridays from 11:30 to 2:00 p.m. I see that the menu will be a BBQ theme on Thursday, June 27th and British food on Friday, June 28th.  Neither of these cuisines is my favourite so I hope that they change the menu themes each week.  A friend and I are over due to celebrate our respective birthdays which are both in the month of May.  Perhaps she will be the first one I get together with for lunch there soon. This place is good because the price was reasonable and the food was always excellent. 

Do you have a favourite place you like to go for a meal?

Thanks for coming to visit.  Please come again soon.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Last Weekend - Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all doing well.  

We've had a few beautiful days of sunshine. Now we are in the very last hurrah of April. I captured these photos on Tuesday before the rains returned Wednesday morning for the rest of the month.  

It was a beautiful and sunny day but by the time I took these photos the weather was turning in preparation for the morning rain. The temperature was just right for me with a thin long-sleeved top and puffer vest.  

Thank you for visiting and sharing your comments. I'm linking up with Skywatch Friday today.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Beautiful Friday Sky on a Cold Evening

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I keep thinking Spring is around the corner but my hopes keep getting dashed. We had an unexpected bit of snow on Wednesday night and on Saturday we are expecting up to a foot of fresh snow. Knowing that I went out tonight and did a few pressing errands.

Here are some of my night shots.  There seemed to be a lot going on including an explosion that happened at the dinner hour just before I was about to get off one bus in the heart of the city. I heard a lot of sirens after that. Later I learned the sad news that 2 were treated for burns and lacerations due to the fire which they believe was caused by some kind of underground electrical vault fire. My bus had passed the site where the explosion occurred just seconds before hand and some passengers that got on the bus seconds later says there was smoke and balls of fire coming from the side of the building. Roads, buses and skytrain in the vicinity were all closed or affected in some way but I was on my way out of the city before that happened.

Here are some photos I took while I was downtown. I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday. Please join in too.

Thank you for stopping by. Have an awesome weekend.

A Gorgeous Day

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Here in my part of the world we will soon transition to Spring and planting season or growing season.  Wh...