Showing posts with label community garden 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community garden 2024. Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2024

Skywatch Friday ~ The Last Friday in August

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all doing well this end of the month of August.  For those of us in the western hemisphere, the end of August typically signals the end of the summer and back to school for those with children. In fact, many already seem to have begun the school year earlier this month. How did that happen?!  

Most schools where I live will start classes after the August/September long weekend and head back to classes on September 3, 2024. This rings true for school age children and those studying at the colleges and universities.

Over the past 2 weeks or so, it was raining and the temperature chilled quite a bit although the forecast is for warmer temperatures through to at least Sunday where we may reach 30 degrees Celsius. I think that will be it for our summer however and the forecast is for a colder (and wetter where I live) winter this year due to the effects of La Niña. I am hoping to do a bit of window proofing earlier this year to prepare for it.

Right now I'm just going to enjoy the sunshine that there is.

This photo was taken on the renovated balcony. Unfortunately, it took all summer to do the work and so we were not able to plant the garden or enjoy the finished result during the summer season. I'm now trying to see what I can do before the rain sets in this autumn.

The rest of the photos were taken at the community garden plot. 

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week. Thank you for stopping by!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Enjoying the Colour

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the last of the current season wherever you may be in the world.

We've had a long run of beautiful skies and warm, sometimes very hot temperatures but we are now going into a cooling period and some rain is expected within the next few days.

I wanted to share the beautiful sunflowers growing in our community garden and the beautiful, blue sky as the back drop.

We also have a few ears of corn ready for harvest.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday today.

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Weekend Happenings So Far

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I finally made it to the community garden plot to do some weeding and some harvesting.  But I only made it there very late in the day and it was cloudy, a bit cold and threatening rain so I didn't stay long. 

Sadly, I didn't get any photos at the park. I'd forgotten my phone when I left the house. It's the second time I've done that in as many weeks.  I always feel a bit lost when I've forgotten the phone because I rely on it for all kinds of things like checking store hours and locations, testing my blood glucose, checking the transit schedules and taking photos of my outings to name a few tasks.

At the garden I plucked out quite a lot of weeds and harvested a bit of purple Kale and Swiss Chard. I hope to make juice later on and add it to some ginger and lemons.  I'm hoping to get back to the garden soon to finish the weeding and harvest more Kale and Swiss Chard since that is mostly what I'm growing. Last time I picked some strawberries, chives and sweet peas but the chives are well past their best and the sweet pea plants withered and died. I'm not sure why. DH is in charge of the watering and I think the soil seems a bit too sandy. The compost we were provided at the beginning of the season seemed like it was mostly sand.

Anyway, I'm glad I made it to the garden because I've been trying to get there all week.  I only did about half of the weeding that needs to be done. Hopefully I can make it to the garden again before Tuesday to continue the work.

I need to be home on Tuesday for various reasons, mainly because I'm expecting an Amazon delivery of a replacement bathroom fan.  I think mine stopped working when we had the water leak a few weeks ago. So much water came down and I heard that moisture can affect the fan. It only makes sense. I can see all the rust in different areas of the fan and box from the different leaks coming from upstairs over the years.

It might have been cheaper to go to Home Depot and get a fan but then I need to expend the energy to get there and back,  find the time to actually go there and then find someone to help me once there.  I've got too many things to do this week.  I've saved myself some time if it fits.  If it doesn't I'll send it back and go to Home Depot next weekend.

Bathroom exhaust needs replacing.

I also have a parcel to pick up at the post office.  If the Amazon delivery gets here early, I'd like to pick up my parcel.  I'm hoping that something I ordered fits and is comfortable enough to wear to the  Rolling Stones concert on Friday.  Otherwise I'll have to dig in my suitcases and see what I have.  I'm still camped out in the living room and most of my clothing is not accessible as it's in storage.

The decluttering continues this weekend. I've got most of one big box from the master bedroom cleared out and I have one more to sort.  In the meantime, I decluttered a few more items from the bathroom counter.  Every little bit helps.

Last, but not least, I completed the novel, The Victory Garden. It's about a young woman from a posh family who decides to volunteer for the war effort during WW1. Her fiance dies in battle but she discovers she's with child. She decides not to tell her parents and sets out to find a way to survive. In the end, she is reunited with her parents.  The story by Rhys Bowen is poignant and sensitively written. I recommend it.

Well that's my weekend so far. How is your weekend going?

Saturday, June 15, 2024

A Trip to the Garden

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I finally made it to the community garden plot the other day. It was over due for some weeding. It was already getting late but there were still people enjoying the park.


After plucking all the weeds, I harvested some chives and some strawberries.  The chives are well past their prime but I think I can salvage some of them.

I could see the sunset and the clock on the city hall building in the distance. The time says 9:20 p.m.

After my work at the garden I took a walk to the local grocers to pick up a few things. On my way to the grocers I passed another clock. The time was around 9:40 p.m. 

I ended up buying more than a few things when I only really needed bananas.  The ground beef was on sale and I only buy it when it's on sale. I bought 2 packages as well as some mangos, strawberries and bread.

How about you dear reader? Do you go to the store for one thing and bring back several items instead?

Friday, May 31, 2024

Happy New Month of June

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you're well. I don't know about you but I feel as if the month of may went by in a flash. I've been kept on my toes so that usually makes the time fly by.

Let's hope the month of June is a good one for all of us and that it doesn't get too hot or too cold where you live.  In Canada, wildfires started a few weeks ago in the far north of British Columbia and northern Alberta.  Several communities in both provinces had to be evacuated. Fortunately, they got the green light to return to their homes just a few short days ago. Sadly some people did lose their homes but I think the damage might have been less than originally expected. Thank God for small mercies. It's never fun having to move out of your home unexpectedly and especially not knowing what you might be returning to at the end of the ordeal.

Where I live the weather has been beautiful for much of the month of May but in the last week it turned quite cold.

The small community plot that I planted is doing 'so so'.  It was very cold in April and the garden rules are that the gardens must be fully planted by May 1st.  In April, there weren't a lot of starter or nursery plants available in my neighbourhood but I bought what I could and also sowed sunflower seeds directly into the soil.

They are green items growing in the foreground.  I probably planted too many because they didn't do so well when I tried to start them indoors so I wasn't sure how they would do being sown as seeds into the garden plot.  I've been to the garden plot a few times to check on them.  They seem to be growing a bit slowly but perhaps that is normal since they have a longer growing season than many vegetables.

Various invasive plants have planted themselves in the garden plot as well. I just let them grow.  It doesn't bother me but it does bother other gardeners.  I plucked out most of the mint but I left the strawberries and some poppy plants.  The cherry tomatoes haven't grown very much since planted but this seems to be normal.

We are growing kale, swiss chard, lettuce and tomatoes, sweet peas and corn.  The other plants have sown themselves or they come back yearly.  Soon I have to return to do some weeding and also harvest some chives.  They grow so well no matter what the weather and it seems like they don't really need any maintenance.

I picked a few strawberries and ate them after washing. It was a nice little treat.

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday today.  Thank you for stopping by! Please come again soon.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all fine this beautiful day.

These photos are from a walk to a small local park.  Some trees are just now blooming while others are well underway to showing their green beauty.

After the seemingly long winter with dull, grey skies, we are now experiencing lovely blue or mixed blue and cloudy skies on almost daily basis.  It makes for many photo opportunities.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week. Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Last Weekend - Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all doing well.  

We've had a few beautiful days of sunshine. Now we are in the very last hurrah of April. I captured these photos on Tuesday before the rains returned Wednesday morning for the rest of the month.  

It was a beautiful and sunny day but by the time I took these photos the weather was turning in preparation for the morning rain. The temperature was just right for me with a thin long-sleeved top and puffer vest.  

Thank you for visiting and sharing your comments. I'm linking up with Skywatch Friday today.

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...