Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Trip Down Memory Lane

When I was a child Sundays & nights were always a busy time. Family outings, dinners, church services, television and last minute home work filled my day.

Often I would have knots in my stomach because I didn't do my homework when I should have because weekends were always a busy time at my house and playing and church were more fun than doing homework.

Needless to say I didn't look forward to Monday's and getting back to classes. As much as I really did love school, I didn't like returning to school with unfinished homework and I would get so anxious about it that I could hardly get the work underway as the minutes ticked on through Sunday night.

Back then I was very much a procrastinator on weekends in so far as homework was concerned.

I don't think I ever outgrew the dislike of impending Monday mornings though I have no longer suffer "Monday blues".

Just out of curiosity, did any of you dear readers ever suffer from Monday blues or anxiety over unfinished homework on weekends? 

I'd like to think I wasn't alone in my feelings and experiences though it isn't something I've heard heard my friends admit to.

One thing I did look forward to on Sunday nights was the "The Wonderful World of Disney".  An hour long children's program featuring the work of Walt Disney. That was always a highlight of the week.
I also looked forward to watching "The Ed Sullivan Show". Ed Sullivan had a variety show in which he introduced many new acts (entertainers) which went on to be very famous in North America.  Acts like Elvis Presley and The Beatles.

Mr. Sullivan also had many established acts and entertainers on his program; most of whom I enjoyed for years afterward.

One entertainer I really enjoyed was Doug Kershaw, better known as the "Ragin Cajun". He so impressed me with his unique style of fiddle playing.  I'm sharing a more recent video of Mr. Kershaw here. He must have already been in his 70s when this video was made.  I just marvel at his energy!

I don't exactly know why I like fiddle music so much. I didn't hear a lot of it as a child but whenever I did, it was in my blood. Kind of like bagpipes. I actually heard more bagpipe music as a child than fiddle but I truly love the stringed instruments whether it be folk music, country music, or classical.


  1. Your Sunday's were very much like mine and yes I often did not get my homework done or worse did not study for a math test being held on Monday mornings. I loved Disney, it was a wonderful way to end the weekend. I still dread Monday's.

  2. Sundays were busy like yours as a child church, and family around for a big dinner. Homework always went out on the back burner.My homework either got done early before school or not at all : ) x

  3. Hi Joyful, Wow, that video is great! Talk about energy! My goodness. Yes, I watched Ed Sullivan, Sky King, Walt Disney, and then, there was always my parents’ favorite show: What’s My Line, where the contestants tried to guess what someone did for a living. I’m sure I’m with you on not getting the homework finished. Always the last minute jitters on Mondays. It’s great to sit and think about those good-ol’-days. I remember that TV we had in the early days … just a big box, black and white picture, and the screen wasn’t that big. Ha ha … that didn’t seem to bother anyone back then. What do you like to watch these days? One show I enjoy these days is Sunday Morning on CBS. Do you have that up in Vancouver? (If not, it is on the internet.) It is kind of a variety show … today they featured Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the influence of design from that city that is home to so many artists. Thank you for sharing on your blog and thank you for your kind comments on mine. Wishing you the best in the week ahead. John

  4. I have wonderful memories of watching TV as a child. Shows were special events for us back then.

  5. You made me nostalgic! I remember the Wonderful World of Disney and the Ed Sullivan show, it was so much fun watching them!


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