Sunday, December 21, 2014

Projects (Near) Completed

Two posts ago I wrote that I was busily working away on several sewing projects and that I would attempt to finish two quilts that I started making in Fall 2013.

Hard to see the sparkles in the light

Good size for one to snuggle up.
This week I managed to make two half slips, one sparkly burgundy vest and have almost finished the two quilts.

Finishing the two quilts is taking much longer than I would have liked. One quilt (in the photos) is complete.  The last step to finishing the sunflower quilt is to make and sew on the binding.

I  remember now why I set the quilt aside in the first place. I had run out of sunflower fabric and tried to find more.  My search wasn't successful and I set the quilt aside.  Since then I haven't felt like working on it.

Finishing up the quilts would have been much easier if I had used a walking foot.

Walking foot
When I finally remembered to use it, it made the job a lot quicker but I still had to keep un-doing and re-doing seams. Another issue is that I didn't have quite enough of the various fabrics needed to make either of the quilts and thus a lot of improvising needed to be done.  Like most things I do, I don't really follow a pattern.  That means I have a general idea when I get started and along the way I make changes depending on the amount of fabric I have.

Some decorative stitching around the edges.

My projects would probably work much better if I simply followed a pattern and purchased enough fabric to make it.  However, I do not like to pay the cost of patterns and quilt kits. It is all terribly expensive and I keep trying to do things on the less expensive side.

Anyway all of this is by way of explaining why it has taken so long to finish one lap blanket and one twin size quilt.  Trust me, I am so glad they are done so they can actually be ready for gifting this year.  LOL. Both were meant to be given as Christmas gifts last year.  Next up on my unfinished projects list is the African hexagon quilt that I enlarged from a foot of the bed cover to a double size bed cover. I won't be able to gift that for Christmas but will see what to do about it in the New Year.

I was especially pleased with the vest. I purchased some remnant material last summer for $3.99 and that is what I used to make the vest. It will come in handy during this festive season.

By the way, have any of you read the last book, Edge of Eternity in Ken Follett's Century Trilogy? I put it on hold at the library and I've been called to pick it up. I very much enjoyed the first two books in the trilogy and am wondering what my blog readers think about it. It's a good thing it is Christmas. It will give me time to make good progress on the book.

Have a good Sunday everyone!


  1. Hi Joyful, I don’t know what others think, but as far as I’m concerned, a homemade quilt would be among the most appreciated gifts someone could give. A beautiful quilt can completely change the atmosphere of a room. I really like the design on the two quilts you are making. Of course you will know that I collect old postcards, but did you know that old postcards and quilts can go together? I met some people in Montana, years ago, who were into collecting old Yellowstone Park postcards. As time went by and computerized printing came into its own, they learned how to put the images from old cards onto quilts. If you will put oldeamericaantiques (dot) com into your browser you can check out their website. Although the quilts they sell may be pricey, it gives me an idea … I think an ordinary printer can be used with some special paper so that an image can be transferred (ironed on) to fabric. It might be possible to make some neat quilt blocks economically that way. In any event, thank you for sharing on SNAPTHAT. John

  2. Oh my... That mauve scarf is absolutely gorgeous! I would think the recipient of that gift will be well pleased.
    I have made a few quilts with the help of a dear friend, so I can relate somewhat, although I could never do it alone or take chances without some kind of a pattern, therefore I greatly admire you. :-)
    All so beautiful!

    Many blessings to you, Debbie

  3. Maybe try your local resale shop for patterns...we get them donated fairly frequently. A lady at my works was showing me some ideas for my left over yarn. Maybe I will feel up to some projects when I am home next week during surgery.

  4. I love buying remnant bits of fabric at bargain prices. Your quilts are really good x

  5. What beautiful gifts someone will treasure. You have been busy!

  6. Thank you to all you lovelies for your beautiful and kind comments. I want to thank you all for visiting my blog and wish you all a very Merry Christmas with lots of love and laughter. I hope to read from you all in the New Year. Blessings. xx

  7. I think the quilts will be an amazing gift and good for you getting them done. I have not read that series, hope you like the third book.

  8. I found your blog from Merediths (mere knits) blog roll. I am thinking hey that looks like Grouse Mountain, and it is! Your quilts are lovely. I hadn't heard of that trilogy, he's a great writer. Thanks for the tip!


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