Friday, September 21, 2018

It's Friday Today!

Hi friends,

I'm sharing sunflowers today. I took these photos last Saturday when I went grocery shopping. They caught my eye in the parking lot and you can see the beautiful blue sky in the background.

These patio photos were taken within a few days of the sunflower photos. It's been raining for the better part of two weeks and is a bit chilly too. I managed to snap these photos during some dry and clear periods.

This morning the rain started up again but I understand it is to be a short few days of rain and sunshine for several days after that. I cherish any bit of sunshine we can get before the winter rains.

I'm reading two Jane Goodall books, one book of letters by Laura Ingalls Wilder and this short book about Swedish Death Cleaning.  The concept of death cleaning is to make sure you declutter before you die and leave a bunch of goods, furniture, letters, jewellery and other possessions to your loved ones to clear out after you are gone. The book is short and humorous and gives a few ideas for how to go about the process. I like this concept of death cleaning and taking time to go through things yourself to decide what to do with them.

My sister tried to do this before she died and my mom cleared some of her personal papers. In both cases, there was still a lot to deal with after their last moves and demises. It brought home to me just how important it is not to allow the build up of extraneous things. I've been trying for years already to down size. I don't think I've made a whole lot of progress but I am learning things about myself in the process. I also think that next year will bring a lot of changes and progress. 

If you'd like to know more, have a listen to this short video where the author is talking about death cleaning.

Here at home I've been very busy doing a bit of decluttering and organizing little bit by little bit. I'm also reading of course, cooking, shopping and the usual household tasks.  I spent the day waiting for a delivery which never came despite my best efforts to call the UPS and get it done. I waited the entire day and half the night.  Now I have to stay home again Friday waiting for the delivery. They also have to pick up a returned item so I hope to get it all done at once.

I think I mentioned last time that I am taking a Creative Writing Class. In the class a few days ago we critiqued each other's short stories. My story was up  first and I was quite pleased with the feedback received. There were some really good, constructive comments that will help me undertake the revisions.

Overall people responded well to my story and very positively.  The instructor said she thought with a bit of work my story could be submitted.  There is a lot more work ahead for me writing, editing and so on but I was stunned, and pleased.

Have an awesome weekend everyone.


Lady Fi said...

Lovely sunflower shots.

Malee said...


Billie Jo said...

What beautiful photos to greet me today!
Sunflowers are one of my favorites.
I am very interested in the idea from the book you are reading.
We are currently going through my mom's things as we just moved her into a beautiful assisted living home.
My sisters and I are finding so many things that filled my mom's life through the years.
I am off to her place now.
Have a cozy day!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Sunflowers are so bright and cheerful!

Joanne Noragon said...

We have so many sunflowers blooming beautifully around here, I have smacked my forehead and asked why we didn't plant them. Just wait for next year!

Visits With Mary said...

The sunflowers are so pretty. I've been doing a lot of decluttering lately, at my age too much 'stuff' gets on my nerves!! lol

Jeanie said...

I'm so excited you got such wonderful feedback on your story! It's so exciting to get that kind of validation.

And I'm with you on the decluttering. The death cleaning looks very interesting. I'll need to come back and look at that video. And thanks for sharing your beautiful sunflowers. My favorites! Happy weekend!

Red said...

This is the first year I didn't have sunflowers. Decluttering? Well I don't worry too much. My wife finds it hard to part with anything. If she goes before me , things will be decluttered in a hurry.

Annie said...

How beautiful the sun flowers are. You can find beauty everywhere, even in a parking lot.
The view of your balcony is wonderful. I enjoyed your post today a lot.

Rhodesia said...

I wish Nigel's Aunt had read about death cleaning. My word, I would never have believed that such a small flat could have housed so much rubbish and junk. Everything though had to be searched, and even books page by page, she had hidden money everywhere. It was a nightmare. Nigel was executor with two cousins that could also not agree on anything!!!!!!!
Love your photos, our sunflowers are all pretty much over here. Hope you have a good weekend Diane.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

So beautiful how the blue sky offsets the yellow sunflowers! Looks like you have a beautiful view from your patio. Enjoy your weekend!

HappyK said...

Oh those sunflowers are gorgeous.

Stephanie said...

My dear, sweet friend, your sunflower pictures took my breath away! Simply beautiful!

May you have a most blessed weekend. Hugs to you!

Mari said...

I love sunflowers! They are so cheerful.
It has cooled off here today. This morning it was hot and steamy, now it is in the high 50's. Fall is coming!
Death cleaning is really a good idea.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love sunflowers -- they always look so cheerful! I know as I get older I will need to pare down my belongings. I did quite a bit when I moved west from New York and it was fairly painless so I'm sure I'll be able to do more as time goes on.

Phoebes World said...

After my mother died suddenly in 2004..(she went on holiday and never came back)I went to help Dad clear her things. I think she must have had an idea she was ill as there was hardly anything to do. Two dress hanging in her closet..hardly anything in her drawers...important papers in one folder...scores of books reduced to a dozen.. It took less than two hours to sort everything. Although still heartbreaking it could have been much worse. Thank you Mum
Beautiful sunflower pics... its THE flower of the season.
Have a great weekend
Phoebe x

Nancy Chan said...

Sunflower is one of my favourite flowers! The plants in your garden is also flowering. I too do not like clutter. Have a great weekend!

Richard Pegler said...

Hi Penny. Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words, which have prompted me to visit your blog - and I'm so pleased that I did.

I love your sunflower images! This year I decided to let the sunflower hearts which were spilled from our bird feeders grow, and I'm so glad I did as the flowers attracted numerous bees and other insects.

My wife and I are currently going through an extended period of what seems to be called 'death cleaning' in your neck of the woods, but we call 'life laundry' (a much less sinister-sounding name), so it was interesting to see your words on this. It's not that were expecting to give up on life any time soon but, at our age, it's probably not that far away! Life Laundry has the advantage that it leads to a less cluttered house, and makes it easier to find things!

With my very best wishes - - - Richard

Aritha said...

How beautiful yellow-gold is your sunflower. Love to see the photo. And so nice to read about your writing!!!

Valerie said...

Yes, great Sunflower captures, and I do like the book cover. You commented on my blog that it seemed I was visiting the USA - no, the past 3 months were spent in British Columbia; 2 months on Vancouver Island and one in an outer suburb of Vancouver. Thank you for dropping by!

Breathing In Grace said...

I'd love to declutter, but my husband refuses to let go of anything, so it's a lost cause for me. 😔 😢 I feel sorry for our daughter. Love the sunflower fotos! Hope you've had a great weekend! 💜

diane b said...

What an interesting concept, 'Death Cleaning'. I wish I could be bothered.

Angie said...

Congratulations on the feedback from your Creative Writing Class! I look forward to hearing more about this. I loved your sunflower photos - so cheery! When we moved to Montana, we worked very hard to get rid of anything that was not really required. And yet there are still a few boxes downstairs that have not been opened!!! Hmmm.

Breathing In Grace said...

Hey, sweet Lady...thank you for letting me know about my fotos not showing up on my post I did for yesterday...I think it's fixed now! <3

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