Thursday, August 8, 2019

Skies Over Vancouver, Skies Over You

Hello friends,

It's hard to believe but the summer here is almost over.

I captured these beauties in the early morning hours of Monday, August 5, 2019. 

Taken at night at the community garden plots on August 8, 2019.

Just a brief note about the Kenyan missions.  Ernest, the young man who was run over in Kenya (see side bar photos) is recovering well at home. He is escorted to the hospital each week for a check up to make sure everything is going well. The metal contraption (its name escapes me) has been removed. He now wears a cast and gets around with crutches and a wheelchair.

Ernest is discharged from hospital.

Here he is a few weeks later after the medical device was removed from his leg.
Thank you so much to the two friends who helped with his hospital bill.

Night descends quickly but still lots of people sitting in the park.


In sadder news, my friend Eunice has been in hospital for going on 6 months in a city called Nakuru, Kenya.  This city is about 3 hours away from her home and she is at this hospital because she requires more more specialized care.  But she really hasn't been doing well for most of the 6 months.  The family has been told to remove her from hospital due to significant unpaid bill but before she can be transported she needs to get a bit stronger.  The bill must be paid before they will allow her to be moved  (a catch 22 situation).
The family is hoping to move her back to her home town and is trying to arrange hospice care there.
Hospice care will take more funds but if she has to be hospitalized in the public hospital much of the cost should be covered by health insurance. We'll have to wait and see how this all plays out because very little is ever straight forward in Kenya.
Kindly keep this need and this family in prayer.
I believe in answers to prayer.

It's a miracle to know the same sky that covers me here at home covers the people where you are and moreover covers the people in Kenya. Such an awesome thought.


Joining in with 
Skywatch Friday this week. 
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


Lady Fi said...

Such gorgeous sky shots!

Tanza Erlambang said...

wonderful it

eileeninmd said...

Hello, sending prayers for your friend! Pretty sky captures, I love the moon capture and the view of the community garden. Pretty sunrise. Hope your day is great, happy weekend!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Beautiful captures of morning and night

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So very sorry for your friend Eunice. Is she also in Kenya? Praying that a reasonable solution can be found for her, and praying for her healing and comfort and peace. So sad when money is more important than a person's well-being. Praying God will meet all her needs. Yes, the same sky is over us all, and better yet, so is the same Almighty God, who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ever ask or think...(Eph. 3:20) so we know we can rely on Him to take care of these dear ones. Praying now.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

It is amazing how we all share the same sky. A very sad story indeed about your friend and the catch 22 that she is in.

Rhodesia said...

Beautiful photos and sad news. Poor Eunice, catch 22 has a habit of getting in the way. Hope that things work out, thoughts are with her.

Have a good weekend, Diane

HappyK said...

Pretty views. Love the quote.

Joanne Noragon said...

My thoughts and prayers go to all your friends and acquaintances. An you, too.

Mari said...

Glad to hear Ernest is doing so well. So sorry to hear about Eunice though. What a crazy situation.
Your sky shots are beautiful!

diane b said...

The golden light makes nice photos. Great skies.

shayndel said...

Beautiful photos and the thought about the sky, and yes as Pamela commented our God Almighty who is over all. Agreeing with the prayers for Eunice. May God provide ample and abundant provision for her and make a way as He opens up new possiblities for her healing and care. Glad to hear the good report about Ernest! Blessings and Shalom !!♡

Joyful said...

Yes, Eunice is in Kenya.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful photos of the sky and garden. Its comforting and assuring that the same Creator is watching over us all. Hope for improvement and recovery for both your friends in Kenya.

annie said...

Beautiful photos. So many people with so many needs all over the world and in our own backyards. We all need to pray a lot more for this poor world.

Jeanie said...

Your skies are beautiful. And it's very good indeed to hear that Ernest is recovering.

Skywatch Friday - February 21, 2025

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Thank you for joining my submission to this week's Skywatch Friday .  We've returned to rain whic...