Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Sunflower Sky

I hurriedly snapped these photos as the light was quickly fading.


Walking through the community garden after watering I could see that many sunflowers had already dried up and died.  The plot holders probably haven't watered in quite some time.
Many sunflowers in other plots were much taller than mine too.  
When I was assigned a plot I was told not to plant a very tall variety. I guess some people don't listen well or their sunflowers were self seeded from last year's tall ones.
Nonetheless I was pleased the sunflowers came up and that they got as tall as they did (they are over 6 feet tall).

It's been a busy and a quick week.
My niece and I had a whirlwind visit with me trying to keep her occupied and busy for the time she was here.
Her brother took her to the annual air show but this year they went to Chilliwack
which has a free air show rather than the one they usually go to in Abbottsford.

We didn't know the one in Chilliwack was free. It just fell at the right time in the calendar.  The free entrance was a bonus and my niece had a wonderful time.
Other than several long walks to the garden and to and from other places, we also went to see the Disney movie, The Lion King.  We both enjoyed it a lot.  The scenery and animals are so realistic looking.
It made me want to go to Kenya again soon.

Tuesday we went to the annual Pacific National Exhibition (PNE).

 There we went to went to see the farm animals and the always fun, Super Dog show.
My niece had a lot of laughs watching the dogs run through their races.
We went early to the dog show to get a good seat.
The dogs move so quickly that it is hard to get a good photo.

Of course we also had corn on the cob, ice cream and a few other goodies that we don't get to eat on a regular basis.

I was seated at the pretzel place having a salty pretzel while my niece had a vanilla one.

It was a very hot day. Thankfully there were several places to fill your water bottles and it seems each year they improve the seating. Of course the seats under the shade get taken up quickly.
After each activity,  my niece pronounced it as her favourite one.
That is a good sign and means she has been enjoying herself.
Nonetheless she is anxious to get home to her own bed. 
She loves to come each year but she is basically a homebody.
Before she goes home we are going to the beach on Wednesday.
On Thursday we will have a small dinner to celebrate her birthday. Her brother will bring the cake.
Then it will be time to get ready for the journey home on Friday.
In a year or two, I'm hoping to take my niece on a plane trip. Before then we have a lot of 'training' to do like getting her a bit more independent and less fearful of doing things like climbing stairs, riding the city buses and so on.
A cousin I see about once a year, sometimes twice, will be visiting in another week or so.
Unfortunately it seems my building will be turning the water off for the days she will be here.  I guess they are upgrading the boiler system.
I have to make some inquiries so I can properly prepare.
I always enjoy a visit with my cousin. She is usually only here for a very short time but this time I told her she needs to stay a bit longer so we can enjoy some outings.  She was game.
When we were teens we were the best of friends but then for many years life took us in very different directions.
In later years we kept in better touch due to my late mom's ill health and now we try to keep in better touch.


 Linking with Skywatch Friday

 Take care and have a lovely week.


  1. Having a visitor is a good excuse to go to the PNE

  2. Lovely post, do you make oil from the sunflower seeds?
    Bless you,

    1. Thank you Jennifer. This is my first year growing sunflowers so I haven't made any oil. I will check into it.

  3. Hello, sounds like a fun time with your niece! Happy Birthday to her! Love the sunflowers and quote! Have a happy day!

  4. The sunflowers are so pretty. Didn't grow any this year but I sure will next year!!
    I love that Helen Keller quote.

  5. Some lovely pictures this Friday. I like the first flower garden, with so many colors.

  6. I love your sunflowers, especially that white one. It's beautiful!
    So glad you've been able to spend time with your niece.

  7. Such a sweet time with your neice!! Wonderful sunflower sky photos! Much love!!♡

  8. That airshow looks like fun! Wonderful sunflower photos, and I love the quote. Have a good visit with your cousin!

  9. I love your sunflowers, great job. I am glad that your niece had a good time. Son and I went to see the Lion King and I loved it.

  10. Beautiful sunflowers! I am so glad you and your niece had a good visit.

  11. I didn't know that sunflowers come in many colours.

  12. Awesome sky shot juxtaposed with the beautiful sunflowers ~ great photos! ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbour)

  13. You sure have had a busy week. Love your sunflowers.

  14. Hi Penny,glad you and your niece are having such fun, and that you are finding cool things to do. The allotment gardens are beautiful. The sunflowers are my favourite in your photos. Holly as four sunflowers she is growing she is pleased they have not out grown her in height yet!!!

  15. I love your flower photos. Sunshine is a miracle worker. WOW! You and your niece did a lot of stuff...fun, memorable stuff!!...:)jp

  16. Beautiful sunflowers...I love those plants. Nicely done..


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