Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Close of Another Week

I love the first, blurred photo.
The blurred, coloured lights give it added interest.

(You can click each photo to enlarge).
This was taken just after 5:30 a.m. The light is coming out about an hour later these days.


I've been busy this week with some  personal business and several things concerning the missions in Kenya.
Eunice is still in hospital in Nakuru, Kenya awaiting the clearance of the bill before she can be transferred to hospice care in her home town.

Much of my summer has been busy trying to declutter and also take care of old business. I write about some of it here on my blog.

While I've been very busy from time to time I take time out by knitting and reading.

These are the coloured, knitted cloths I've made so far. Some will be gifts and some will be for my own use as most of my dishcloths are at the end of their use.  I seem to go through a lot of them.

I like seeing the different colours of cloths in the basket.

This last photo was taken last night. I love the colour in the sky and the illuminated cross and twinkling lights on the ski hill.  It is getting darker a little earlier now and before too long it will be the end of summer.   Every year I am amazed at how the weather goes from hot to a bit chilly at night on precisely September 1. It's amazing.

I still have so much work to do at home but in a week my niece will visit for one week and we will be busy with different activities and dinners.  My cousin will visit from afar the week following.  Once my relatives are gone I hope to visit with a missionary from Taiwan. She hails from my area but she now makes her home in Taiwan and she comes to visit her family and friends each year.  She won't be staying at my home.  We just hope to do something nice together.

This photo was taken just before 9 p.m. It is getting dark about 30 minutes earlier than a few weeks ago

Here's to the close of another week.
I hope you all had a wonderful week with love and laughter or at least some progress in an area important to you.
Make time to take care of your needs.
Hugs and love.

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Yogi♪♪♪ said...

The photo with the cross is spectacular. I love your header photo, it makes it look as if the ship is leaving the city in its wake.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Penny, You are blessed, helping out with the missions. I love the colorful dishclothes. Enjoy the coming visits with your relatives and friend. Your night sky images are lovely. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

Rhodesia said...

Lovely photos. Will catch up when more time a bit chaotic here at present, Cheers Diane

Red said...

We always seem the find lots to do in retirement.

HappyK said...

The dishcloths are such pretty colors.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty sky shots. Sounds like you are going to be very busy over the next few weeks!

affectioknit said...

I love both the peaceful and calming...and the colourful cloths too!
~Have a lovely day!

Joanne Noragon said...

The change in the amount of daylight is quite obvious to me, too. Summer is dwindling away.

Mari said...

Thanks for the updates on your friends.
Your dishcloths are so pretty!
I love the sky in morning and night.

Lady Fi said...

Such lovely shots!

Cath said...

Fabulous first photo...I love the bokeh effect of those lights

diane b said...

Lovely early and late shots/ I can't imagine it staying light for so long. never happens here in the sub tropics

shayndel said...

Praise God for "another week"!! And looks like so many beautiful moments, all are a miracle when you think that He brings on each day with all its new mercies!! I think of that in the precious hour between day and night as you share in your photos, and I like the "blurry" quality in the first too, has an ephemeral? eternal? quality and at the same time, a moment in our very physical world!! Love the colors in the basket too, I would be hesitant to use them as dish cloths, as they are so beautiful, but thats good that you use the the things that you create as the work of your hands!!! Blessings! Hope Eunice will be relocated soon and may she find comfort in God's love and healing and provision. Much love!! Your post inspired me to Praise, as I feel the preciousness in each moment and the miracle that each week is!!

Joyful said...

Amen Shayndel. It is always good to praise God :-)

Joyful said...

I understand what you mean Diane. When I am in the tropics I have the surprise of early night consistently every day.

Joyful said...

Thank you Mari. Two of my favourite things, knitting coloured dishcloths and taking sky photos.

Joyful said...

Thank you Yogi. I took the header photo several years ago already on one of my favourite beaches, Spanish Banks.

Joyful said...

Thank you Eileen. I do love missions and always wish I could do much more but I do what I can. Thank you for your visit and your kind words.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful morning and night sky shots. Being involved in missionary work can be interesting and rewarding. Have a lovely meet up with your family members and friends.

Jeanie said...

I love the blurred photo, too. I went on a dishcloth knitting jag a few years ago. You have some beautiful colors there. They work so well!

Dianna said...

Your dishcloths all grouped together look almost too pretty to use!

betty-NZ said...

Your week sounds rather emotional but God has it all under control :) I like your blurry photo, too Sometimes, imperfect is quite perfect! Lovey dish clothes. I never thought about making my own!

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