Thursday, April 9, 2020

Happy Passover and Happy Easter

Hi friends and fellow bloggers

I love this time of year. It's a time when the cold of winter starts to vanish and the warmth of spring begins to appear. It is the promise and the hope of better days ahead.

I am not enamoured of summer which is the season most people in the northern hemisphere enjoy.  It's far too hot for me. But give me good old Spring with all it's new growth and blossoms, bright sunlight and longer days and I'm in heaven on earth.

I missed the blooming of cherry blossoms but more blossoms will be out in the next few weeks. Hopefully I will be able to go out and capture some. Right now though we are pretty much discouraged from going anywhere except to do essential grocery shopping or to pick up pharmaceutical needs. I am also trying to spread out my grocery store forays so I don't go out as often and that means we go without a few things here and there for a little while longer.

Indoors I've been keeping busy. Surprisingly I haven't been reading that much. I've only finished one book in the several weeks of social distancing. It's a book about an American expat in Paris. I've read a few books of this type but this is my favourite one so far. I found it very touching; especially the final chapters. Check it out if you can.

Our local libraries are completely closed until further notice so we can only borrow from the digital library. My latest book is a cosy murder mystery called The Long Quiche Goodbye. I know a lot of my followers enjoy cosy murder mysteries.

Since it will be Friday tomorrow I thought a nice sunrise photo would be in order. This was taken from my balcony on Thursday morning.

I haven't been able to get out and garden yet as it has been too cold for me. I hope to get out soon but time will tell. In the meantime I love to see plants that come out whether you prepare anything or not.

Black Eyed Susan poking their way through

Solomon's Seal

I close my post with a few photos from April of 2019. These beautiful blossoms lined the streets where I went to hear an Easter concert at a church near a friend's home. Lovely blossoms like this never fail to bring me joy.

I want to wish you and your household a Happy Passover (April 8-16, 2020) 
and a Happy Easter (April 12-14, 2020).

May the peace of God rule over your hearts and minds.

(Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week).


  1. Happy Easter to you!! I love Spring also, especially the flowers and blooms that explode out of winter. Plus baseball starts. And we can get out in our shorts and tshirts.

    Great photos!!

  2. ...spring is a magical season for me too, the simmer heat can be too much for me. Enjoy your spring and safe safe.

  3. Those blossoms would raise anybody's spirit. Happy Easter to you.

  4. Hi Joyful, glad you are sounding well and optimistic for spring!! Beautiful sunrise picture and blossoms picture!! I love springtime too. The pinks on the blossoms there are magnificent!! Probably this year we can all particularly feel the promise of Hope in springtime. God's design of the seasons is right on!!! lol! Much love and a Happy Passover and Easter to you !!
    Prayers for your strength and good health and a promise of a blossoming season ahead as we are all being made new in Yeshua!! He is the Resurrection and the Life ♡

  5. My favorite is the last photo of the pink blossoms on the tree. It's just lovely. Happy Easter!

  6. Hello, beautiful blossoms and sunrise. Spring is my favorite time, I love all the flowers. Take care, stay safe! Have a great day! Happy Easter weekend!

  7. Happy Easter to you ~ lovely photos ~ ^_^

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Beautiful pictures from last year and this year too. Love the sunrise. Yes, spring is so lovely...we've kind of already had ours here in Florida, and we are hoping summer will hold off for a while yet. The temperatures keep going up and down like it can't make up its mind. Today is a little cooler, so I love that. We took a nice walk earlier. Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons. Praying that you will have a safe and blessed Easter season. Things are much different right now for everyone, and we are all making sacrifices, but none like the sacrifice Christ made for us over 2000 years ago. We are so blessed to be His children. He will carry us though these difficult days. Stay safe.

  9. Happy Easter weekend! God bless! Stay safe!

  10. Wow, beautiful blossoms! Have a Happy Easter.

  11. Beautiful photos! I'm with you - Spring is my favorite.
    Have a blessed Easter.

  12. Thank you for sharing summary of the book and beautiful photos...
    Spring is the most favorite for me as well

    # Happy Easter for you and yours

  13. It's lovely to see spring in your world. That first book sounds just delightful and my cup of tea. thanks for the recommendation. Oh, those flowering trees. Wow!

  14. Thank you and Happy Easter to you too. The blossoms are absolutely beautiful. Lucky you have the snaps to remind you what they are like.

  15. I love getting ideas of books to read. I'm reading a good mystery now by David Rosenfelt but I'll be ready for something new after that. Stay safe this week!


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