Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday Scripture

This scripture (Isaiah 41:10) might give some of you comfort today.
(Please click the photo for a larger view).

Where I live we've had a few days of slowly flattening the curve regarding Covid 19.
We are told that some restrictions might lift as of next month but that there will be no large gatherings for the entire summer. For sure that means no festivals and no Fall Fair.


Have an awesome day and continue to stay safe.
I am hoping to spend some of my Sunday in the patio garden.


  1. Love this verse and also the picture with it. So many have been afraid during this time, and certainly we should be concerned and careful, but not fearful. God has promised to be with us and to help and strengthen us. He has also promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He will carry us through to the other side of this "pandemic" and give us peace in the midst of it. Thank you for this message today. You stay safe as well. God bless you.

  2. Have a good Sunday and stay safe. Diane

  3. Beautiful photo and one of my favorite verses!

  4. Beautiful verse and photo!! Thank you!!
    Enjoy the time on the patio garden!!! You too stay safe dear Joyful.
    God bless you!!
    Much love!♡

  5. Thank you for your visit. I hope you found solace in viewing Sakura. We are fighting against our common enemies. According to an expert in analyzing incidence of infections, at least 80% reduction in person-to-person contact would be able to stop the radical spread in about a month. The only way is, as we have been doing, social distancing and staying home. I think I know you have many to do indoors. We shall overcome!


  6. How beautiful! I hope and pray we can all get out safely soon. Take care and stay healthy!

  7. I fear our restrictions will lift too soon. Indeed, these words you share are beautiful.


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