Thursday, June 4, 2020

Hello June

Happy June to all my lovely readers. 
I hope and pray that June finds you doing better than May 😀

I've been busy working away on various projects that I've let languish for long. I'm pleased with my progress thus far and have more work to do.  Mainly I've been continuing my major decluttering project and in the process of doing that I've identified some household projects and also some decor needs.  These are minor things not major projects but they take time to implement.  It has been raining for much of the last 6 weeks so that has helped me move forward and squeeze projects into the available free time here and there.

Where I live, the restrictions put in place over the last several months to contain the cases of Covid 19 are slowly and cautiously being lifted.  For now I remain in isolation and I intend to remain so until we see what happens with the forecasted 2nd wave of the virus in a few months time.  As in many countries and cities around the world, containment of the virus is made more challenging due to the protests going on over the egregious deaths of several Black Americans.  Of course I support peaceful protests for righteous causes but I do not support the looting, rioting, burning of buildings and so on that has gone on in some places and I hope peace will be restored before military interventions.

These are my first sky photos for the month of June. These are very early morning photos.

Joining up with Skywatch Friday.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Hello, Penny

    Happy June to you! Beautiful collection of sky captures. I do believe we all have the right to protest, but the looting, destrcution and violence is uncalled for. I think they are some troublemakers mixing in with the protestors trying to make them look bad. Take care and stay well. Have a great day and a happy weekend ahead.

  2. I love your sky pictures. Very interesting skies. Yes, we are all quite disturbed over the events of this past week. Praying for peace and calm to reign once again soon. We are getting some much needed rain this morning, and supposedly throughout the next few days. Our pond will be happy! Please continue to take care. Praying this virus will also go away and not come back. I believe we all could use some times of some kind of normalcy again. Praying hard for our country and our leaders...yours too! Amen.

  3. Beautiful skies...Happy June to you!
    ~Have a lovely day!

  4. I find it hard to believe that is June already!!! We had our first meal out with friends at a barbecue on Tuesday, the first time we have eaten out, or in fact spoken to anyone other than to each other since 27th February!! Yes we are remaining pretty much at home until we see what happens as well. Stay safe, Diane

  5. Well done and productive! Those skies are so dramatic. Very beautiful. I, too, am distressed at recent events. It's terribly sad and terribly wrong.

  6. You have some beautiful skies on the coast.

  7. Beautiful sky photos! It's good to see God at work in nature, instead of the news which has me so sad lately.
    Covid was bad enough, but seeing what happened to Mr Floyd and then the riots has my mind very flustered.

  8. Happy June! Lovely skyscapes to wake up to.

  9. hard to believe it is June already! beautiful skies.

  10. Beautiful layered skies.

    The protests are understandable and I support them. I love that most of the police forces, including ours in Tulsa, have been very understanding and restrained during them, but they have had to step in and stop vandals at times, one time with the help of the National Guard. I regret the isolated acts of police violence against peaceful protesters.

  11. Beautiful skies in an ever changing world. Be safe.

  12. Wow~ Gorgeous sky shots! Happy June to you ^_^

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Pretty skies. Your situation sounds similar to ours. Stores are slowly opening, but people are reluctant to go out.

  14. Very unusual sky photos and stunning. Declutter means getting stuff out of a residence and here in Ontario we have been told to hang on for now as even those places are locked. We will attempt this coming weekend to open up a few places like out door patio food places .. we hope it will go okay.
    The street protests these days in our area hopefully do not creat a new spike. Stay safe.

  15. Good for you getting into projects around the house. I can't say that I have been so motivated. Dramatic sky shots.

  16. Such beautiful skies in your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  17. We are still taking precautions too...we are in the older group and have to take more care. I haven't gotten as much done lately but this coming week will be a challenge. (we have a hole in our roof that the roofers put a patch on....more work to come!) Hugs!

  18. Beautiful skies. Not sure how June will turn out. It hasn't started very well. - Margy

  19. Hello June! Hello Joyful!! Beautiful sky pictures!!
    Good to look *up*, The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. JOHN 1:5


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