Saturday, September 19, 2020

Farm Animals at the PNE & A Few Other Things

These are not the best photos due to low lighting and use of a poor phone camera but I took these several years ago and don't believe I ever posted them. They are photos of the farm animals I took when my niece and I went to the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE). She really enjoyed all the animals. I did take photos of other animals and will probably share them at a later date. Today I am showing the pigs.  I love little piglets and always think of the movie Babe whenever I see them.


Sadly, my niece and I couldn't have a visit at Christmas or this summer for her birthday like we usually do. Both of us have underlying conditions so it isn't worth the risk. 

We have been going to the PNE every year for years with her late mom and grandma but of course this year the PNE was not open for business as usual.

The spider I photographed last week is still on it's web in the same spot. It was difficult to get a good shot today.  Please check this post if you would like to see better photos of the spider and it's web.

Tonight's news reported that the air quality advisory for Vancouver and area has been lifted. That's such a relief.  The sky is full of rain clouds and we are expecting rain for several days this coming week.  I took the photo below on Saturday early evening.  There was a flock of birds flying around (click the photo to enlarge and you will see the black spots near the church steeple).  The birds were flying too fast and were too far away to capture them clearly.

I captured a few geranium shots using a lens borrowed from my brother who is a more serious photographer.  He is letting me try 4 different lens and I'm experimenting here and there.  They are all prime lenses not a zoom like I usually use.  I eventually want to move beyond my zoom lens.

I'm currently reading these two digital books and have a notice to pick up 5 paper books at the library.


I've made a new header for my blog.  I was looking for some Fall photos which I know i have somewhere but my digital files are not well organized. I have been decluttering digital files here and there and there is much more to do. The last step will be organizing what I have left,  be it digital assets or physical ones. Anyway the photo I've selected instead is of the Pokot children who come from the northern part of Kenya. 

It was taken on a mission we undertook some years back to bring a bit of food relief to the Pokot people who go hungry whenever there is a drought. We have undertaken several food missions to the Pokot people as they are often overlooked given their location in the far north and dusty parts of Kenya.  There are little to no amenities where they live.  The Pokot are largely pastoralists and when there is a drought their cattle die off. 

In the photo the children are eating bread and juice and I believe they also got some fruit that day.  Watermelon if I remember correctly. Many Kenyans love white bread and it is a treat as it isn't something they get very often.  The food stuffs we gave to the households consisted mainly of rice, maize flour and oil. There is a button on the right side bar for anyone who would like to help the people of Kenya. That button will be there for the foreseeable future and there are other links to different aspects of the needs and work in Kenya.

Last,  but not least,  I'm on Day 19 of the 31 Fly Lady Baby Steps (click the highlighted words if you would like to read more about Fly Lady's Baby Steps). If  you already follow the Fly Lady, let me know how what you think of her system.  As for me, I'm working hard at it even though I don't like routines.  For clarity, I do much more than the Baby Steps during the course each day but gradually I am hoping to replace my various quasi routines with a system that seems to work for so many women around the world.  (Note:  I am not buying Fly Lady books or  merch to undertake any routines. I use what I have or get something local if needed).  I'm working toward better routines so that I can keep a household running smoothly, keep up with all my responsibilities and have more time for reading, hobbies and most importantly Bible studies and devotions as well as the  Missions of Hope Kenya.

Enjoy your weekend and stay safe.

I'm linking up with Saturday's Critters.


  1. Gorgeous photos! We have a similar spider that hangs about in the door frame. It tends to come out at night.
    A Batch of Fishes

  2. Hello, Penny

    It is sad so many family gatherings had to be cancelled due to the virus. I guess it is still best for all to remain safe. I loved seeing the farm animals at our state fair, the piggies are cute. I usually do no mind spiders, they have a purpose. I love your pretty geranium and the sky view. I love your header photo of the children. I like when everything runs smoothly. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day. Wishing you a great new week! PS, thank you for the comment and visit.

  3. I"m sorry you two weren't able to experience this exhibition again. We're all doing our best to stay safe and it's the smart thing to do but still hard. Those geraniums are so pretty and so bright and cheery. I'm glad you are getting rain.

  4. Hi Penny I love pigs such interesting creatures and they make fabulous pets. That sky shot is superb. 2020 has been a very odd year, we have seen almost nobody since February and I suspect the rest of this year is not going to change much. I can only say thank goodness for having a garden which has kept me very busy and sane.
    Take care and keep safe, Diane

  5. I grew up on a farm and always enjoy seeing the farm animals.
    I like your new header and your photos with your brothers lens!

  6. A great new header, Penny, to keep important topics on our minds.

  7. I've never been to the PNE but we pass the fairgrounds on the way into Vancouver. As a kid in Los Angeles I used to love the country fair with all it's animals and fair food. - Margy

  8. The photo of the spider and geraniums are beautiful.
    Phone is still doing quite well, I think.
    Greetings Irma

  9. Dear Penny, I LOVE your header! How my heart cries to go back to the Kerio Valley (neighboring Pokot) And I love the image of the stormy clouds. Your photos are good. I need to do digital housekeeping and cleaning up. Thanks for sharing. Blessings Jo

  10. That's a great header! Love those little ones. Thanks so much for your visit to Writing Straight from the Heart and your comment and good wishes, too. Susan

  11. Your header photo is very touching. It is a powerful reminder that we are so blessed here and many are starving around the world, and are so grateful just to have a slice of bread. It certainly puts our many wants and "needs" in a different perspective. Thank you for sharing that picture with us. It has touched my heart. I love our pictures of the pigs and the story of visiting them with your niece. I am sorry you haven't been able to get together this year. I pray that we will soon feel the freedom and safety to gather with loved ones again. We will be gathering this weekend for my birthday with a few family members and friends. Praying God will keep us safe and that it will be a blessed time together. Some of our elderly friends are experiencing a lot of depression during this time of being so isolated and it is starting to take its toll on people's spirits. It is also affecting our young people, and suicides are really spiking. Praying that the veil of fear will soon be lifted and we will be able to breathe freely again. Your geranium pictures are lovely. And I love watching spiders on their webs. They are amazing creatures...all a part of God's amazing creation! Thank you for sharing these lovely photos with us. Praying for the children in Kenya. May God provide for all their needs.

  12. lovely animals and beautiful flowers...
    Hope, you can visit PNE by next coming years as usual....

    Have a wonderful day


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Skywatch Friday ~ Last Friday in March

Hello and welcome to Friday's Skywatch post, It has been raining so very heavily now for what seems like forever. It makes it difficult...