Friday, February 12, 2021

A Frigid Day

It's been a very busy and a very frigid week. It didn't start out so cold but as the days went by it got gradually colder and it isn't done yet.  You can perhaps see the chill in the sky.



It was rush hour as I headed out to the library. 


After I picked up the new books I head straight to McD's for a hot coffee and began to read the new memoir written by the country singer, Sara Evans. I'm enjoying it so far and the other books look really good as well. At least I have my reading material for the weekend.


It snowed twice this week. Once on Monday and once on Tuesday but the snow didn't stick around. It is supposed to snow again on several days before the weekend is over. I found it very cold here and apparently the city smashed a 100 year record for cold weather in the last day or so. However the temperatures are nothing like it is in most of the rest of the province and in other parts of Canada and probably the USA too.


Saturday night I made some boiled bratwurst and had potato salad with it. Sunday night was the NFL Superbowl. We had BBQ ribs and chicken wings. I didn't have anything else. I don't actually watch the football game I just listen to the half time show and I was pleased and proud of Canadian, The Weeknd (not a spelling error) and his show. It's been reported that he spent $7M of his own money in addition to the production funds provided by Pepsi company,  to create a fabulous show. I don't know if that is true or a rumour but I thought the show was very, very creative. Did any of you see it, and if yes, what did you think of it.

Monday night we had fried fillet of sole with lemon pepper, buttery corn niblets and steamed rice.

Tuesday night I made roasted pork belly, stir fried kale and crispy tofu and steamed rice once again. It is only the second time I've made pork belly and it is quite delicious. I bought a fairly large chunk of it and have cut and packaged enough for another two meals in future.

On Wednesday night I made a tossed salad with a variety of greens, grape tomatoes cut in half and red onions. The dressing was made of grapeseed oil, mustard, honey and freshly squeezed orange juice.  We had steamed BBQ salmon and steamed rice.  Sorry my photo of the salmon shows a partially eaten dinner. I had forgotten to take a photo before I started eating.

I think it must be some kind of record for me to make steamed rice so often in one week.

Friday's dinner is going to be beef brisket with a homemade brisket rub, nugget potatoes and salad. I might actually make fried rice instead of, or in addition to, the nugget potatoes since I want to use up the leftover rice. Whatever is not eaten will be good for leftover lunch.

Here are some photos I took when I went brisket shopping. I didn't actually know I was going to buy brisket but always keep my eyes open for a sale on it. It has become very expensive over the years.

These ones were far too big and close to $100 Canadian.

I bought one of the smaller ones on the left.

Kenyan Missions

Pastor Jonah has had a busy week too and was unexpectedly called to a village where he is helping a widow with land issues in a situation where her husband died intestate. The matter is proceeding through court to get legal land grant and I understand that land and court officials and the area chiefs (local traditional leadership) want to make a site visit to assure themselves that everything is above board. Once this is done I don't think it will take too long to get a court hearing to hear the final verdict. I'm not sure how much longer after that it will take for all the grantees to obtain land titles in their own names as the widow/executrix is subdividing the land amongst the rightful beneficiaries. Then she can breathe easier knowing that she has a place to live until the end of her days.  It has taken long to get this far and also been costly. Kindly keep this matter in your prayers.

The usual helps have been given out to 5 people for medicine, medical care and food as well as some funds for medical insurance cover.


 I was planning to go to the lab for blood work on Friday but was thinking of  waiting until Monday due to the cold weather we're having. Now I see that it's Family Day, a statutory holiday on Monday so I either have to go on Friday after all, or wait until Tuesday.

Take care everyone and keep warm.

 Linking up with Skywatch Friday



Rhodesia said...

Hi Penny, our weather has not been much better though thankfully so far we have not had snow but it could happen. We have had double normal rainfall for this time of the year and there has been a lot of flooding in South Western France. Our lawn is like a sponge but luckily we live on top of the hill!!

I have just started reading The King's Spy: (Thomas Hill 1) by Andrew Swanston we have two more in the series and so far I am really enjoying it. It is an historic novel around 1643. It's the English Civil War. And Thomas Hill, mild-mannered mathematician and bookseller from Romsey, is called to Oxford to serve the King by his old tutor. It seems that His Majesty has need of a skilled code breaker. If you enjoy history but with a great story then you might well enjoy this.

Your meals look quite delicious and I love salmon and spareribs both of which are quite often on our menu at home.

Keep safe and well. I have had my first vaccine, second one 8 March. Nigel sadly is not quite old enough so he might have to wait another couple of months. Diane

Light and Voices said...

Greetings and Salutations! I too watched the intermission during the Super Bowl. Regardless of who spent the money, the show was the BEST half time I have ever seen. My husband played football in high school so Super Bowl Sunday is always on here or at some one else's house. You must be a good cook. All the meals look utterly delicious. I usually read a good book or three books a month. It is harder to check books out now that the libraries are closed to the public. I have switched to reading magazines and newspapers because they are easier to obtain. Magazines and newspapers are not in doctor's waiting rooms anymore either. I have a subscription to three magazines for $12 annually. Plus the Smithsonian which I dearly read all the time for years. It is very frigid here in Illinois. Sunday it is suppose to be 6 above zero. YIKE! Our grandson, Alex, is coming to visit and we haven't seen him for about a month. We are both excited! Sending prayers for the land issue. Stay safe.

Jeanie said...

I love that photo of the clock in the city scene. Great lighting. And I hope you enjoy Les Parisiennes as much as I did. I found it fascinating! I think I need to have dinner at your house this week!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Brrrr... stay warm! I like the photos of the old town clock.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

AN eventful week for you but it does look cold there. The meals look appetising

affectioknit said...

Hi Penny,
...That does remind me of North Dakota skies...our friends there said it was about 40° (F) below zero with windchills at 60 below...I hope you are staying warm...and well...
Have a lovely day!

Red said...

So the cold weather makes you cook tasty stuff??? Looks good.

magiceye said...

Lovely captures.

Mari said...

Your city shots are so pretty, but it does look cold!
Your meals look good as usual.

Joanne Noragon said...

Those are some lovely meals!
It seems to be cold from east to west and north to south.

Joyful said...

Hi Diane, before this frigid spell we too have had all kinds of rain. So we either get rain or cold weather until spring season arrives, hopefully soon.

Thanks so much for the book recommendation. I do enjoy historical fiction a lot and am always on the hunt for books in my library since I try not to buy books anymore (I do buy the odd one).

I'm glad you got the vaccine. I won't be able to get mine until mid to late summer like Nigel. In the meantime I hope that you and he will stay safe in the countryside.

Joyful said...

Greetings LV. I'm so glad to hear your enthusiastic response to the Super Bowl Half Time Show. Thanks for for your kind words about my cooking. I am a cook by necessity and I hate to follow recipes so I wouldn't consider myself a good cook though I enjoy most of what I make. My late mom was a really good cook though so maybe some of it rubbed off. Our libraries closed completely to the public and mine only opened in March. When they are closed they promote digital loans of books, magazines, music and movies. I'm grateful for their services. I haven't been to a doctor's office since Covid but my doctor's office never has magazines in the lobby anyway. Have a fun and safe visit with your grandson.

Joyful said...

Thanks Jeanie. I'm sure I'll enjoy the book. I believe I noted it in one of your photos about books you've read. I'm glad you like the clock.

Joyful said...

Yes it is still very brrr here today. I'm staying inside all weekend. I'm glad you like the clock photo.

Joyful said...

Yes, it is still very cold today. Warming meals help keep warm indoors.

Joyful said...

I imagine it can reach very cold temperatures in ND, just like much of Canada in winter. I'm trying to stay indoors where thee is also a little draft but much warmer than outside. Keep well.

Joyful said...

Hi Red, cold weather keeps me eating soup and filling foods to stay warm. Do you also get hungrier in cold weather?

Joyful said...

Thanks so much!

Joyful said...

I'm glad you like the city photos and the meals. Happy weekend ahead.

Joyful said...

Thank you Joanne. Yes it does seem to be cold all over for those who get winter at this time of year. Even in places where it doesn't usually get so cold.

Jim said...

Good sky shot.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Penny,
Pretty views of your city! Our weather has been cold with snow and freezing rain. I am looking forward to spring. Your meals all look delicious. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

stardust said...

The city streets during twilight is beautiful. With your words, I felt like that chilly air wafting from the photos. Weather seems to go to extremes. My corner of the world was like spring past week. I didn’t need a coat. I found you have “atsuage” which you call crispy tofu. With such wholesome meals, immune system of your body would have been boosted. Stay warm, and take care.


shayndel said...

Hi Joyful!We can appreciate all the seasons as you show in your photos of the winter sky!! And yet the chilly Feb days make me ready for spring to come soon!! Happy week to you and enjoy the pleasures of reading and cooking and photographing and being thankful for all the blessings in each precious day! Much love xoxoxo

Pamela M. Steiner said...

It seems like the whole of North America is very COLD this week, but here in Florida we are having mild to warm temps and a lot of rain. Today is sunny and in the 60's after a very warm and wet couple of days and bad thunderstorms last night with tornado warnings. Thankfully none touched down anywhere that we know of. Your food looks really good. Your pictures of the city lights and skies are marvelous. I guess it looks so "foreign" to me, living down here in the country where there are no high rises or big city lights and stores, etc. or mountains in the distance. But each have their own kind of beauty. We did watch the superbowl and the half time show. It was "interesting", but I could not engage it or understand it at all. I am sorry to have not truly enjoyed it. It just seemed very weird from start to finish to me, and to most everyone I know who watched it. But that is my opinion. At least there was no nudity or profanity, so I can say that positive about it. Sorry. I wish they'd bring back the marching bands! Take care my friend and have a wonderful rest of your week.

diane b said...

Your meals look scrumptious. Keep warm.

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