Monday, July 18, 2022

Inquiring Minds Want to Know - Tuesday 4

 Hello!  Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 in memory of Toni Taddeo.

Let's inquire about stuff....

1. What gets your blood to boiling?

Injustice and mistreatment of people through any form (examples, government corruption, police brutality, unfair legislation, policies or court practices, the mean way some people treat others and so on).

2.What does a really good day look like for you? What makes you say, "That was a great day"?
It doesn't take a lot to make me happy. I love a beautiful, sunny or slightly rainy; not too hot or cold. I enjoy going for a short stroll and looking at the natural beauty around me. Then I would end my outing by reading a good book over a cup of fresh coffee.  Preferably at a coffee shop since I usually have only morning coffee at home. This is how I love to spend days alone. But I also enjoy going to a movie or a coffee outing with friends or having a dinner in or out with family and spending time talking to them.

3. Are you continuing to grow mentally, spiritually, talent wise or are you  just marking time?
I definitely continue to grow mentally and spiritually and there are still new talents I'd like to learn as long as I'm alive and able.  The internet is a big help these days with learning and staying on top of all kinds of things. You can even learn new skills and a variety of other things from watching You Tube videos. It is very helpful especially as one grows older or becomes less mobile. One of the things that make me sad is that time is flying by and I have so much I still want to do and learn and see.  There is far more on  my list than I will ever actually get to do. I try not to get too stressed about it because there is only so much time we all have. I am blessed to have had the time I have had and I pray I get to have more awesome times ahead.


4. Have you changed your hair style since high school?   Why or why not?

Oh yes, I had long straight hair in high school. During the ensuing years I've had all kinds of hair styles.  Some of them were super short, some were curly, some straight, some were 'big', some styles had bangs, some did not. Nowadays I have gone back to straight hair with no bangs. I colour it myself and now and then I go to the stylist. I prefer straight, longish hair that I can simply pull back during the day. The photo is of me getting my hair done in the salon in March after a long period of no appointments due to the pandemic.


Jeanie said...

I agree about learning -- and now, with the internet -- there are no excuses! My hair is a mess -- yours is so pretty! I need to go get it cut but have been too nervous or too away-from my person to do it. I may have Rick take a scissors to it, although I'm not sure that's a great idea either!

affectioknit said...

Hi Penny,
...that was a lot of fun!...
~Have a lovely day!

Joanne Noragon said...

My hair person hung on through Covid and she and her partner cut hair around masks and with their own. I only missed a couple of my six week cuts. Well, maybe half a dozen.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

What a lovely post, and that picture of you has me so curious. For some reason I've always imagined you being a bit older...and then with your recent announcement of your marriage, and well, you just have made me even more curious! You have led a very interesting life and I appreciate all the things you do and have done so much. God bless you dear friend!

Joyful said...

I say let Rick have a go at it. At first just let him trim it up; nothing too drastic :-)

Joyful said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Joyful said...

Most places of virtually every type of service shut down here during long stretches of the pandemic. Some hair stylists did remain open but not the ones I go to.

Joyful said...

Enquiring minds want to know, right? LOL. I am a bit older though I guess it's all relative. I'm glad you enjoyed the post my friend. God bless.

Jodi said...

Time sure is flying on by way to fast!! Loved reading your answers!

Melanie said...

Yes, always learning. I have the Complete Jewish Bible with David H. Stern. Is that the same one you have? I had two copies - one was mine and the other my mother's. When she passed on, I kept her copy full of notes in the margins. A treasure. I had long hair in my early 20s but it was pretty thin. I love your idea of a good day. Yes, I get very angry to see injustices to those who don't deserve it. Have a lovely week.

Stacy said...

I am in agreement about the lifelong learning process. I love your hair color. My hair is the same style, though a bit shorter than yours these days. I used to have roughly the same color as you, too, but post pandemic I've decided to let the gray come in. While it grows in and the color grows out my stylist has added some platinum "highlights" to help it all blend together.

Anne in the kitchen said...

Nice post and your hair is beautiful!

Lori said...

I got so lucky during the pandemic and had my hair done just a few days before the shutdown. I was good until the salon reopened when I went again. Your hair is so pretty!
#2...I am the same way. It doesn't take much to make me happy. Loved your answers!
Have a nice week.

Joyful said...

Thank you Jodi.

Joyful said...

Yes Melanie, that is tge Bible. How blessed you are to have your mom's with her notes.

Joyful said...

Nice style you have. At some point I'll transition to gray too.

Joyful said...

Thank you for your kind words Anne.

Joyful said...

I like your hair and agree that simple is best.

Susan said...

Hi Joyful, I love your hair color. I color my own to save money for crafting. I would love to add some color and go lighter. I am not ready to go gray yet though I thought about it during Covid shutdown. I even cut my own hair and thought I did okay. I plan to stop coloring my hair in 3 years when I turn 70. I agree with you on wanting to do more, but knowing time is going by way to fast. My mind is great, but my body is not doing well thanks to osteoporosis. I would love to get that Bible. I teach Bible journaling and studied a lot about the Jewish Passover and comparing it to the Last Supper. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Joyful said...

Hi Susan, I think 70 is a good age to make the hair colour transition. I've got that age in my mind at this time too. I love your idea of saving money to spend on what you enjoy like crafting. I save money to send to Kenyan missions. Have a wonderful week and thanks for visiting my blog!

annie said...

Beautiful hair! It feels good to have someone take care of your hair. I cut my own usually but, when I can have it done I feel so good. I am in your corner with things that make the blood boil. I get too angry actually and then have to pray about that. I like the idea of a fresh cup of coffee and a nice book to read, especially in the evening. Thanks so much for joining in! I do appreciate it.

Kirstin said...

Love your answers. Your perfect day sounds just perfect to me!!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, those things would definitely get your blood boiling. Sounds like you know how to have a great day. Your Bible study sounds interesting. Your hair looks beautiful.

Joyful said...

Thanks so much Annie for visiting and saying kind words about my hair. It really does feel good to have someone else take care of it now and then. Have a wonderful weekend!

Joyful said...

Thanks so much Kirstin. Great minds think alike ;-)

Joyful said...

Thank you Debby for your visit and your wonderful comments. Have a great weekend!

Skywatch Friday - February 21, 2025

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Thank you for joining my submission to this week's Skywatch Friday .  We've returned to rain whic...