Thursday, February 29, 2024

Skywatch Friday ~ March 1, 2024

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Happy March to you all!

A few days ago I shared some early cherry blossoms but since then it's turned colder. We're expecting very unsettled weather for the next week or so.  I'm hoping consistently warmer temperatures arrive in a week or so.   In the meantime, I'm preparing to plant some seeds so I have something to plant in the garden.

These sky photos were taken today around dinner time. The sky looks menacing but the temperature was much warmer than it was on Tuesday night when we had a bit of snow. 

I baked a bit of bread last night. There's nothing nicer than freshly baked bread with jam and butter and tea on a cold night.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Happy New Week to You

Happy New Week to you friends and fellow bloggers.  This week we face the end of February and the beginning of March. I'm wondering if it will be a cold one or a warmer one.  Right now the forecast seems to be for a cold one with possible snow once or twice this week but we will see. I guess I'm skeptical but anything can happen. 

It's actually been somewhat warm here recently as evidenced by what I found yesterday (Saturday) in my neighbourhood.  Today, although I don't have a photo, there were far more blossoms on the tree than there were yesterday.  But later on Sunday the temperature plummeted.

Tonight when I went for a walk and a few errands,  I had to wear my gloves to keep my fingertips warm. I hope the sudden cold won't harm the cherry blossoms.  Although there have been some periods of great cold snaps around the province, even in Vancouver, there has not been enough snowfall overall.  In fact, many ski hills were not able to open for their usual ski seasons due to lack of snow. All this is not good for the summer when it's predicted to be very hot once again.

In home news, I found this recipe in a magazine dedicated to one pot dinners. It's called Pecan Chicken with Brussels Sprouts and Apples. I made it Saturday night and I omitted the pecans because I didn't have any. I also omitted the sugar because the balsamic vinegar and apples was enough to sweeten the dish.  It turned out delicious.  Now I have a new chicken dish to add to my repertoire when I need a quick and tasty meal. The other one pot chicken dish I like a lot is Creamy Tuscan Chicken.  But I don't always have sun dried tomatoes on hand and I also don't always want to have a creamy dish.

This year I hope to do a lot more things creatively but I'm not off to a rousing start. I'm still reading a bit more than I'd planned but soon the garden/s need planting so we'll see how I make out. It's also tax time again and that always keeps me busy as I do the taxes for DH and I jointly. It means, I have to corral all the receipts for the both of us which is hard enough to do with one of us. I'm sure some of you understand what I mean.

Besides keeping busy in various ways, I'm still trying to be a bit creative. A friend in England sent me this adult colouring book. I see that I need better lighting to colour within the lines and since I like felt tip pens I think I need to work on pressure of ink application. Either that or buy some wooden crayons. How about you dear reader? Do you do any colouring? Do you have any tips for me?  If you don't do any colouring, do you have any favourite hobbies?

Thanks for stopping by! 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Skywatch Friday ~ February 23, 2024

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

We've had a few days of beautiful weather though now we are back to rain. I think Spring is just around the corner and I'm beginning to plan for what to plant at the community garden. My patio is being renovated and I'm not quite sure when it will be ready for planting.

I hope you are enjoying the season wherever you are in the world.

 Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week. Have a wonderful week ahead. 

Friday, February 16, 2024

Skywatch Friday - February 16, 2024

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

Another Friday is upon us. I hope you're all enjoying a good February so far 💕.

The photos I'm sharing today were all taken in the last few days. I hope you enjoy.

Have a great weekend.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Skywatch Friday ~ February 9, 2024

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope this month of February is going well for you. 

Time is passing so quickly and I didn't have a chance to join in with Skywatch last Friday so here I am today.

We've been having mild and warmer weather for a few days but it is turning cold again. It was nice having a few days of unseasonably warm temperatures.  Though I know that isn't the best for our water supply and our forest, my bones need a good warming and rest from the draftiness of winter.

I hope you're keeping warm enough or cool enough wherever you live.
Happy Skywatching.

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...