Showing posts with label Autumn 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autumn 2018. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Just Popping In

Hi friends,

I'm just popping in to say 'hello' and 'how are you'?  It's been awhile since I posted here and today's post will be brief.

Since I wrote last we have been having quite a lot of inclement weather.  Very dark skies and lots of rain. I would say we also have cooler temperatures than usual. We sure could have used the rain during the summer when all the wild fires were raging. Some parts of western Canada (northern British Columbia and Alberta) have even had snow yesterday and today and quite cold temperatures. We expect less rain and snow and warmer temperatures again soon and normal autumn temperatures to follow.  The intense heat of the summer and sadly, my garden is pretty much done for the year. I plan to dig all the debris from the annuals up before the end of the month.

You can just make out the Light Rapid Transit in the middle right.

I'm reading.
I started a Creative Writing Class yesterday. I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to the next  few weeks of classes. I'm just hoping I can keep up with my homework. The instructor says we really should be writing every day! For a procrastinator & non-writer like me it will be a challenge but one I hope to meet.  The course is actually free and I cannot believe the caliber of the instructor. She is a writer, editor, publicist and comedian.  Maybe this is her way of giving back or looking for new authors.

Farmer's Market
On my way back from class I managed to stop at a local Farmer's Market. Sad to say I've been wanting to stop at this market for a few years and just never seem to remember what day it happens.

I happened to be walking by and saw that the market was underway, albeit much smaller than during the fullness of summer. I decided to have a quick look. I was on the hunt for bread or baked goods and there were some nice baked goods but no bread. In the end I bought 2 small tubs of hummus (one with beans and one with red pepper). I also bought one round package of vegan cheese. It is all very tasty but the vegan cheese as you can imagine is very pricey.  By early October, the Farmer's Market will be finished for another year so I'm glad I made it to at least one market day.

The photo below is taken from a 7th floor window looking south. The high rise you see on the horizon is the one you sometimes see in photos from my balcony.  You can see how threatening the sky looks but amazingly the sun came out late in the afternoon and it only rained a bit in early evening.

Last, but not least, is my small patio garden.  My flowers are pretty much finished for the year what with all the rain we've had over the past week.  I'm trying to hang on to them a wee bit longer because the brightly coloured flowers give me so much enjoyment.  But I'm planning to try and clean all the garden of debris by the end of the month if all goes well.

That's it for now friends. I'm feeling like an apple cake due to the coolish weather.  I've made this cake a few times but the recipe is from a blog that is no longer public. I'll have to google a new recipe.

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Thursday, August 30, 2018

A Change is Coming

The last few days there has been a definite change in the temperature of the air. While it is still generally warm, there is now a distinct chill and I need to have a shawl or a light jacket when I go out. It seems to me that the chill has arrived somewhat early this year and rather abruptly. We don't usually notice the shift until the day after Labour Day (the first Monday of September).  This year Labour Day is on September 4, 2018.

The sky was looking quite cloudy when I came home from an appointment around 4 p.m. on Thursday.  There is no rain in the 14 day forecast but the temperatures are anywhere from 6-10 degrees cooler each day than they have been for months.  I don't mind because the Fall or Autumn is one of my favourite seasons. I do not do well in intense heat.  I far prefer the chill of autumn when it isn't yet cold and one can wear cosy sweaters and scarves. In some years the Fall season can go on for some time. Those are special times.

After I finished my errands I stopped for this breakfast/lunch. It isn't my favourite place to dine but it was handy and I enjoyed the omelette and sourdough toast.

The next few photos were taken on Wednesday. You might notice that the light of the day is not a intense as the past few months.

The photo below was taken at 7 p.m. It was still quite bright out but now the daylight hours are shortened by 1-2 hours each day.

I'm reading my 45th book of the year.

It is very interesting.
 I haven't gotten to the sad part yet but it will come.

Here is a synopsis of the book taken from the internet.
On July 12, 1969, Ruth Davis, a young American volunteer at Dr. Jane Goodall’s famous chimpanzee research camp in the Gombe Stream National Park of Tanzania, East Africa, walked out of camp to follow a chimpanzee into the forest. Six days later, her body was found floating in a pool at the base of a high waterfall. With careful detail, The Ghosts of Gombe reveals for the first time the full story of day-to-day life in Goodall’s wilderness camp—the people and the animals, the stresses and excitements, the social conflicts and cultural alignments, and the astonishing friendships that developed between three of the researchers and some of the chimpanzees—during the months preceding that tragic event. Was Ruth’s death an accident? Did she jump? Was she pushed? In an extended act of literary forensics, Goodall biographer Dale Peterson examines how Ruth’s death might have happened and explores some of the painful sequelae that haunted two of the survivors for the rest of their lives.

I watched the much hyped first episode of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime Video. If you have a chance to watch it I would recommend it. It is very well done and quite riveting. 


I managed to get my documents photocopied yesterday to add to my earthquake kit.
If you missed my post on earthquake preparedness you can find it here.

I've always loved zebras. They are so beautiful and these ones are from Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya. I'll never forget my safari there.
I'm sharing them for Saturday's Critters with Eileen.


Last but not least, I am remembering my mom today.
She would have been 82 on Friday.

 These photos are from the last celebration of her birthday and were taken a few days after her stroke.
We were surprised to arrive and see her driving her wheelchair. She couldn't swallow yet so she she couldn't eat the cake that's why we only bought a small one. We usually bought her a chicken, seafood or Chinese dinner but this day we didn't want to eat in front of her so we only bought a cake to mark her day.

I always liked to treat her on her birthday.
 She loved her roses, her cake and balloon.

I remember wanting to wait until she was able to eat with us to celebrate. My youngest brother insisted we celebrate on her day. I'm so glad he did because it was the last time we were able to do so and see her smile.

 That's all for now.
Wishing you all a wonderful and safe weekend.

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Skywatch Friday

Friday Foto Friends


Saturday's Critters

A Gorgeous Day

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Here in my part of the world we will soon transition to Spring and planting season or growing season.  Wh...