Showing posts with label cherishing parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cherishing parents. Show all posts

Thursday, August 30, 2018

A Change is Coming

The last few days there has been a definite change in the temperature of the air. While it is still generally warm, there is now a distinct chill and I need to have a shawl or a light jacket when I go out. It seems to me that the chill has arrived somewhat early this year and rather abruptly. We don't usually notice the shift until the day after Labour Day (the first Monday of September).  This year Labour Day is on September 4, 2018.

The sky was looking quite cloudy when I came home from an appointment around 4 p.m. on Thursday.  There is no rain in the 14 day forecast but the temperatures are anywhere from 6-10 degrees cooler each day than they have been for months.  I don't mind because the Fall or Autumn is one of my favourite seasons. I do not do well in intense heat.  I far prefer the chill of autumn when it isn't yet cold and one can wear cosy sweaters and scarves. In some years the Fall season can go on for some time. Those are special times.

After I finished my errands I stopped for this breakfast/lunch. It isn't my favourite place to dine but it was handy and I enjoyed the omelette and sourdough toast.

The next few photos were taken on Wednesday. You might notice that the light of the day is not a intense as the past few months.

The photo below was taken at 7 p.m. It was still quite bright out but now the daylight hours are shortened by 1-2 hours each day.

I'm reading my 45th book of the year.

It is very interesting.
 I haven't gotten to the sad part yet but it will come.

Here is a synopsis of the book taken from the internet.
On July 12, 1969, Ruth Davis, a young American volunteer at Dr. Jane Goodall’s famous chimpanzee research camp in the Gombe Stream National Park of Tanzania, East Africa, walked out of camp to follow a chimpanzee into the forest. Six days later, her body was found floating in a pool at the base of a high waterfall. With careful detail, The Ghosts of Gombe reveals for the first time the full story of day-to-day life in Goodall’s wilderness camp—the people and the animals, the stresses and excitements, the social conflicts and cultural alignments, and the astonishing friendships that developed between three of the researchers and some of the chimpanzees—during the months preceding that tragic event. Was Ruth’s death an accident? Did she jump? Was she pushed? In an extended act of literary forensics, Goodall biographer Dale Peterson examines how Ruth’s death might have happened and explores some of the painful sequelae that haunted two of the survivors for the rest of their lives.

I watched the much hyped first episode of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime Video. If you have a chance to watch it I would recommend it. It is very well done and quite riveting. 


I managed to get my documents photocopied yesterday to add to my earthquake kit.
If you missed my post on earthquake preparedness you can find it here.

I've always loved zebras. They are so beautiful and these ones are from Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya. I'll never forget my safari there.
I'm sharing them for Saturday's Critters with Eileen.


Last but not least, I am remembering my mom today.
She would have been 82 on Friday.

 These photos are from the last celebration of her birthday and were taken a few days after her stroke.
We were surprised to arrive and see her driving her wheelchair. She couldn't swallow yet so she she couldn't eat the cake that's why we only bought a small one. We usually bought her a chicken, seafood or Chinese dinner but this day we didn't want to eat in front of her so we only bought a cake to mark her day.

I always liked to treat her on her birthday.
 She loved her roses, her cake and balloon.

I remember wanting to wait until she was able to eat with us to celebrate. My youngest brother insisted we celebrate on her day. I'm so glad he did because it was the last time we were able to do so and see her smile.

 That's all for now.
Wishing you all a wonderful and safe weekend.

Joining with

Skywatch Friday

Friday Foto Friends


Saturday's Critters

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The End of an Era

Dear friends, it has been long since I posted here. I wasn't sure if I would post again at this space, start a new blog or stop posting altogether. 

 For now I thought I should at least come back and report what has happened since I posted last in the Fall of 2016.
(Sorry Jo for taking so long to post after your suggestion).


 Some of my readers will remember I took a break due to needing a rest. I  didn't quite get the rest I anticipated.


First it was Christmas with the busyness and travel all that entails. 

Next came more medical issues for my dear mom and hospital checks and ultimate admittance.  
She stayed there for a month and that required much travel back and forth to visit with her, comfort her and make sure her needs were being met.

After surgery she wanted to go home.

We worked on setting everything up for her there but there were a few setbacks and delays in getting her home.
Ultimately though we succeeded and  she was so very happy.

She told me several times (and others too) that she felt she was going to her (real) home as she pointed upwards toward heaven. 
I wasn't really sure if she meant it or if she was just under the influence of the pain medications.
She was in a lot of pain.

Of course, I knew that anything was possible at her age and health.

On April 14, 2017, Good Friday, my mother left her earthly home and went to be with our Lord.
It was hectic to organize a funeral on a long weekend and being from another city but it was done and we laid her to rest on Friday, April 21, 2017. 

Both days were absolutely beautiful, sunny days. For that I am grateful.

Travelling relatives left their homes in winter storms and arrived in beautiful, peaceful and warm weather.

We had a nice family time and mom's home going was truly a family celebration.
Her sister, brother and niece each sang songs, her grandchildren and nephews carried her casket and her grandson gave a powerful eulogy encouraging others to take on some of mom's exemplary traits such as her strength of character and ability to deal with life's tribulations, her great sacrificial care and concern for others and the contentment and satisfaction she had with her life. Our childhood  (mine and siblings) Sunday School driver officiated the service. 
Everything had come full circle.

Mom never looked so peaceful and contented as she did in the final days of her life.
At times she would smile in her sleep and I felt that she was somehow being prepared and given a glimpse of the glory that awaited.

She did not speak in the final week of her life but she was not in any real pain or discomfort.
As a gift to my brother and I, she sat up in bed and spoke extensively to the care providers and to us on the day we arrived to be with her for the final days of her life.
I am grateful for all of this.

Mom had her 80th birthday on August 31, 2017.
I was grateful my brother insisted we get a cake for her despite the fact she couldn't eat it post-stroke.
I wanted to wait until she recovered more fully.
Now I see the wisdom in his thinking and so very glad we have the memories and the photos.

Though it is never easy to lose a loved one, it is definitely made much easier in the light of the knowledge that one day we will meet again and that she is never again going to suffer or shed a tear.

Moreover she will be reunited with her maker and all the many loved ones that have gone before her.  

What joy!
What joy!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Difficult Times

Hello dear friends,

I'm just stopping in to let you know I may be missing in action for awhile.

My mom had a massive stroke yesterday.  
Thankfully she is still with us and alert.  She knows what is happening but she can no longer speak
though she can  mumble a few words and move her hands a bit.
She is undergoing more tests and observation at the hospital.
Today she received a feeding tube. Today she failed the swallow test to receive a feeding tube but it seems like she may have had a slight improvement by end of day. No more tests will be done until next week as specialists are gone now for the weekend.
 I don't have much more information to share at this time.
Since I'll be busy dealing with her needs and responding to family and friends, I won't be here updating on a regular basis.

If you wish to keep her and the family in prayer that will be much appreciated.

 Thank you.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

On the Road Again

On the road again
Just can't wait to get on the road again
The life I love is making music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again
"On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson

Another whirl wind trip has been completed.
I got home very late on Wednesday and was quite tired but had some missions business to attend to in Kenya.

That done, I tried to do a number of things: call my mom to let her know I arrived safely home, partially knit a new dishcloth, view & cull  trip photos and prepare this post.
I thought it would be nice to share a lot more photos this time of the road trip especially since the weather was quite variable throughout.

I'm not sure what happened but it took several tries before the mosaics were successfully saved.

Starting out in Vancouver it was raining. I didn't start taking photos until almost in Chilliwack. Here is a map just to help situate you if you are not so familiar with the Province of British Columbia.

 A map is always nice to situate oneself. We travelled from Vancouver through Burnaby, Surrey, Chilliwack, Hope, Merritt and Kamloops (Merritt is located just south of where it says Logan Lake).
Clicking on the collages/mosaics will enlarge them a bit.
Highway & weather between Vancouver and Hope

The weather conditions in both directions was much the same each way; raining in the Lower Mainland and 
scattered cloud in the Interior. 

The gusts of wind were quite chilly. Most definitely not like the past few months.

Highway and weather between Merritt and Kamloops

A small group of 5 enjoyed a combination of Chinese cuisine topped off with sodas and white cake as per my mother's favourite cake. It was all quite the starch overload today. 

I compensated by having water and a chicken Caesar Salad for dinner as well as the requisite road beverage, coffee!

The tops, skirt and care package here were all gratefully received but the telephone has to be exchanged since the new set didn't have clips to attach to clothing.

As always I managed to tidy the dresser drawers and closet, cull the clothing and put away all food snacks.
It is always a quick journey requiring days of preparation to make sure everything is done just right.
This trip went very smoothly and enjoyably.

I hope your week is going well.

Skywatch Friday

Mosaic Monday

Monday, August 31, 2015

Another Trip in the Works

Since I posted last we've had a major wind and rain storm here in Vancouver. I was without power for the better part of a day and night but my power was restored in the wee hours of Sunday morning.  There are still over 30,000 homes without power. In addition to a long power outage on Saturday evening, I also had a fire alarm near midnight. It was nothing to do with a fire but you just never know so out you go. Thankfully I wasn't asleep yet but many of my neighbours were wearing night clothes.  I didn't take any photos of the storm damage but click here for today's storm update and to see the extensive damage.

Now that our hot weather is behind us and Fall on the way I will likely be waxing a bit nostalgic about the beautiful summer flowers.  However this year was so hot that it was hard to enjoy the flowers and some (most) gardens, including public gardens really suffered for lack of water due to lack of rain and resulting water restrictions.

Mosaic of summer flowers from a previous summer.

Other than the bit of weather excitement I've been busy all week with shopping and sewing for my mother.  I've got a lot to take her in terms of clothing and snacks on this trip and we will also celebrate her birthday with a bit of food and cake. I've coordinated my niece's arrival time to join my brother, mother and I, but haven't booked a room yet for our meal.  If there is no extra room available we will  make do in a corner of the dining room.  The main is just to visit and make sure mom is comfortably prepared for the coming Fall.

Normally I don't post a long list of what I'm taking for my mom but I thought this time it might be interesting to post a list and have something I can reference later.



- 20 small juice (orange and apple)
- 3 cans smoked oysters
- 30 cans cocktail wieners
- 3 cans snack tuna packages
- 1 package whole wheat crackers
- 1 can sardines
- 1 bag popcorn twists
- 3 types of hard candy
- 2 packages Cup-of-Soup

 Toilet Articles

-  face cream
-  body cream
-  bar soap
-  Vick's Vapour Rub
-  hand wipes

- cordless phone set
- 1 plastic mason jar sipping mug with straw
- 1 small plastic Tupperware container

- 2 nightgowns, labelled and modified up the back
- 1 undergarment, labelled
- 2 knee high socks and over the knee socks, labelled
- 2 winter sweaters, labelled
- 2 tops (see below)
- 1 skirt (see below)

Over the past week I've shopped for various kinds of fabric to make 2 tops and one skirt. I only intended to make one top.  Then decided I'd rather make everything now rather than have to make it in a month or two and mom would be going without all the things she needs before my next visit.  When shopping or buying fabric  I always have to try and coordinate colours and clothing needs with what she already has in her closet. It isn't always easy to find just the right thing in the right colours.

The home made clothes are basically done.  I just need to add elastic to the skirt waistband and cut the tops up the backside and sew the edges down. I do this for all tops, nightgowns and dresses whether home made or store bought and I also label everything. These are the items I've made:

- 1 multi-coloured green/brown top
- 1 multi-coloured plum top
- 1 crushed velvet brown skirt

I have to finish the neckline on this one. The brown skirt is under the top.

When I look at my list it doesn't seem quite so long or involved. But when I'm trying to buy everything and put it all together (example finding appropriate fabric, sewing and coordinating all the colours in existing wardrobe) it does take a lot of time. It also takes a lot of financial resources to do this on a regular basis (just one can of wieners ranges from (97 cents each to $2.69 each).

I  try to find as much as possible on sale including the fabric. This time I was able to buy fabrics for the tops at approximately $32 total.  I will get 4 tops out of them (2 for mom and 2 for me which I'll make later). I also got the skirt fabric at a good price ($15).

Altogether Mom's home made items cost me $23.  $31 (or about $10.33 each, excluding thread.).  Overall I think I got good value out of the projects which took about 7-8 hours total to make as I had to re-do one neckline.  It takes me long because I give myself lots of breaks in between when I have to do other things. One can sew things for even less money than I've spent.  You can really shop around especially if you aren't limited in the type of fabric you need to buy. You can also find fabric ends, clearance fabric and even use the fabric from clean second hand clothing. I might do this myself if I wasn't in a hurry and if the clothing was just for me.

Plum/burgundy top. Still need to hem and finish sleeves

In addition to shopping and sewing, I've finished one more book toward my reading goals of 45 books for the year. I'm behind schedule by 1-2 books. I also managed to fit in a bit of knitting and made 2 dishcloths. It's been well over a year since I knitted any dishcloths and I discovered I'd forgotten how. I had to look up the pattern again and relearn how to do a yarn over stitch. I made quite a lot of  cloths 2 years ago and have been using the stash for my own needs and for gifts but now am running low. I need to make a new stash of cloths and these two will be added to it. I'm thinking of far away friends that I want to gift and one of them is finalizing building a house (and doesn't read this blog).  The kitchen is yet to be done but things are coming along well. I'll be making them in various colours for myself and others too. I find this little project quite relaxing and practical.

I'm linking up with Our World Tuesday this week.
Have a wonderful week full of good things.

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...