Sunday, July 23, 2017

The End of an Era

Dear friends, it has been long since I posted here. I wasn't sure if I would post again at this space, start a new blog or stop posting altogether. 

 For now I thought I should at least come back and report what has happened since I posted last in the Fall of 2016.
(Sorry Jo for taking so long to post after your suggestion).


 Some of my readers will remember I took a break due to needing a rest. I  didn't quite get the rest I anticipated.


First it was Christmas with the busyness and travel all that entails. 

Next came more medical issues for my dear mom and hospital checks and ultimate admittance.  
She stayed there for a month and that required much travel back and forth to visit with her, comfort her and make sure her needs were being met.

After surgery she wanted to go home.

We worked on setting everything up for her there but there were a few setbacks and delays in getting her home.
Ultimately though we succeeded and  she was so very happy.

She told me several times (and others too) that she felt she was going to her (real) home as she pointed upwards toward heaven. 
I wasn't really sure if she meant it or if she was just under the influence of the pain medications.
She was in a lot of pain.

Of course, I knew that anything was possible at her age and health.

On April 14, 2017, Good Friday, my mother left her earthly home and went to be with our Lord.
It was hectic to organize a funeral on a long weekend and being from another city but it was done and we laid her to rest on Friday, April 21, 2017. 

Both days were absolutely beautiful, sunny days. For that I am grateful.

Travelling relatives left their homes in winter storms and arrived in beautiful, peaceful and warm weather.

We had a nice family time and mom's home going was truly a family celebration.
Her sister, brother and niece each sang songs, her grandchildren and nephews carried her casket and her grandson gave a powerful eulogy encouraging others to take on some of mom's exemplary traits such as her strength of character and ability to deal with life's tribulations, her great sacrificial care and concern for others and the contentment and satisfaction she had with her life. Our childhood  (mine and siblings) Sunday School driver officiated the service. 
Everything had come full circle.

Mom never looked so peaceful and contented as she did in the final days of her life.
At times she would smile in her sleep and I felt that she was somehow being prepared and given a glimpse of the glory that awaited.

She did not speak in the final week of her life but she was not in any real pain or discomfort.
As a gift to my brother and I, she sat up in bed and spoke extensively to the care providers and to us on the day we arrived to be with her for the final days of her life.
I am grateful for all of this.

Mom had her 80th birthday on August 31, 2017.
I was grateful my brother insisted we get a cake for her despite the fact she couldn't eat it post-stroke.
I wanted to wait until she recovered more fully.
Now I see the wisdom in his thinking and so very glad we have the memories and the photos.

Though it is never easy to lose a loved one, it is definitely made much easier in the light of the knowledge that one day we will meet again and that she is never again going to suffer or shed a tear.

Moreover she will be reunited with her maker and all the many loved ones that have gone before her.  

What joy!
What joy!


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. My sympathy to you. Yes, I do hope you continue blogging. You have important things to say like this post where you describe the last days of your mother's life.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom. I know how hard it is as my Mom went to be with the Lord 13 years ago. As you said, we can have joy in the middle of sorrow when we know that the separation is temporary and we know that they are in heaven. I'm thankful you were able to see the blessings as you went through this.

    1. Yes Mari, I know as a believer you understand since you've also lost your mother. It really is joy in the midst of sorrow. I'm so grateful I have the assurances I have. I'm also very grateful that the blessings were obvious as we went through the death and burial process. It made everything more bearable

  3. i'm so sorry about the loss of your mother.
    i hope, you'll feel strong and healthy to find the right decisions. my thoughts are with you ♥

    1. Thank you very much dear. ♥ I appreciate your visit and your comment.

  4. Hi Penny glad you have returned to blogging as have I. You have been through so much, and hope you soon will get that rest and slower pace I keep hoping for you xxx

    1. Hi Joy, you and your blog have been on my mind a lot the last few days so it was great to hear you have picked up blogging again. I want to thank you for keeping me in prayer. I can feel it working. Hugs. xx

  5. Dearest dear Penny, thank you for sharing this heartfelt time with us in a post. You will miss your mom as you spent many hours speaking to hear on the phone, making beautiful garments for her and also visiting her regularly with your brother. Bless you in this time. I, like all your readers above here, hope you'll continue to blog. Blessings Jo

    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting dear Jo. You are right. I will miss my mom and of course there is now a void in terms of all the many things I used to do when she was part of my life. However I know she is now enjoying her eternal reward and for that I am very happy for her. She suffers no more. Hugs my friend. xx

  6. Hello, Joy! I am so sorry for your loss of your Mom. I am glad your family was able to all come and celebrate her life. Beautiful photos of your Mom on her birthday. The flowers are lovely too. I hope to see more blog post from you. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

    1. Thank you for your kind words Eileen. I'm glad you enjoyed the flowers :-)

  7. My dear encourager, I am so sorry to hear about your Mother. I know how your heart must heart. Through the midst of your trial, you remained a shining light of encouragement for me. I am so thankful for the reminder you are to me by your testimony. I will be upholding you in prayer.

    1. Hello dear Kami, what a nice surprise to have a visit from you. Your words are like honeycomb to the soul. I thank you and ask the Lord to bless and heal. Hugs. xx

  8. So sorry to know about the loss of your mother. But we have assurance that she is now with her heavenly Father and no more pain and sickness for her. Here, there will be sadness but the separation is only temporary. I do hope you will continue blogging when everything has settled down. Have a beautiful day!

    1. Thank you Nancy. It's so great to have the assurance of a temporary separation. I can really visualize mom being so very happy and enjoying all the visitation :-)

  9. Thank you for the break from your busy life to tell us of our beloved Mom, and the lovely picture of her. Life is such a journey, Penny, as we learn. Your happy words bless all of us.

    1. Thank you dear Joanne. You are a very wise woman who is a strong rock for so many. I appreciate your words here. xx

  10. My dear friend -- you come and visit and say lovely things to us but we never knew of this so that we could share in your sorrow and lend our cyber shoulders to you during a time when you needed it. I thank you so much for sharing this journey you have traveled in these many months. Those of us who have said goodbye to our moms know the challenge of the caregiving and the worry and the love and the hole in the heart that departure leaves. I, too, am grateful that her passing was peaceful and without pain and that she gave you and your brother a great gift of love in the days before. I'll always think of her receiving a Penny-made dress. You shared several with us and I have to admit, I was a tad envious you had a mom for whom you could make clothes or buy something special.

    I hope you will return to this blog world with your posts. But until then, know that many of us are thinking loving and healing thoughts, for though months may pass, the grief doesn't stop on a given date or moment, nor does it stay away completely once it eases. Know that you have a safe place here.

    1. You are very sweet Jeanie. Such a happy light in this world and I appreciate our blogging friendship. I understand what you mean about the envy over the clothing. To be honest, I will miss not having my mom to make clothes for. It was a duty that I came to appreciate and enjoy doing for her as it gave her a lot of joy to have the new clothing I made.

      I appreciate your kind, loving and healing thoughts. I will do my best to return to this blog though the focus may shift a bit.

  11. Penny you wrote such a beautiful account of how the loss of your Mom arrived and ended with a life celebration.. I am sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for sharing events of your time away. I hope you will be back now and then to share again .

    1. Hello Heidi, so nice to read from you again. I appreciate your kind words. They meant a lot. I hope you and Buddy and hubby are all doing well. I'll be by to see if you are blogging again :-)

  12. Penny I am so glad to hear from you but oh so sad to hear the news. I know just how difficult it is to say goodbye to ones mother, I cannot believe that it is 15 years since I had to do that. My thoughts are with you. At times like these you have to lean on your faith and try to accept that God has a bigger purpose for us. May all the love that surrounds you give you strength. Take care, hugs Diane

    1. Hi Diane, thank you for stopping by and leaving such a lovely comment. It is true we have to lean on our faith at times like this. I'm so glad I have a faith to lean on. I'm sorry for your loss too. I know it is hard to lose loved ones. No matter how long they are gone we continue to remember and miss them. Hugs. xx

  13. Dear Penny, I'm so glad I came online today to see your post. I have been thinking about you in your(and my own) absence from blogging and wondering and hoping that you have been well as I know you had been in need of some rest and to take care of your own health. I am so glad to see you again but very sad for you Penny, for the loss of your Mother. You always give us, your readers, such strength and encouragement in our own struggles and challenges. Here you are again showing us that spirit in the middle of this most enormous loss. I have few words, but sometimes just sitting with a person in silence and holding their hand is enough. I am doing that through the blogasphere right now. How important to have that family gathering and celebration of your Mother, to find some comfort in your shared and individual memories of her and to be close to each other. The photos of your Mum's birthday and cake are so lovely. I think I can see in her eyes how much she must have enjoyed that fuss and the celebration. Thank you for sharing these with us. Lots of love, Jan. xx

  14. Hello sweet lady!
    I've missed visiting, so I thought it was time to do some catching up.
    Such a lovely tribute and your mom is gorgeous! What a beautiful face.
    Again,I want wish to extend my condolences to you in the loss of your mom. Reading this post brought a tear to my eye.

    Remembering you, dear friend~


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