Showing posts with label Christmas shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas shopping. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Gifts

If you missed my reading challenge update, you can find it at this link. Thank you.

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

It's the giving season and people are shopping for presents for people they love.  Can we talk a bit about it?

1. Do you enjoy shopping for gifts at the holidays? Why or why not?

Yes, I enjoy shopping for gifts at the holidays. It puts me in the holiday spirit. I really enjoy pondering over what a particular friend or family member might like to have and trying to do it within a budget.  Often I give hand made gifts and without exception, most of the people I've gifted with a handmade gift appreciate it.  They recognize how much time was put into the making of it and it touches me.  In general people don't appreciate the time it takes to make things when they have to pay for it but if you make it and you gift it, they seem to love it.

2. Is the price of things putting a damper on buying this year?

Not really because I don't buy expensive gifts anyway. I enjoy looking for gifts that don't break the bank yet are nice to receive. I keep my gift giving in mind all throughout the year and buy things here and there for those birthday and Christmas gifts that will be needed.  I also make handmade gifts and the fabric and yarn I use can add up to a large sum if the item made is large.  Usually in those cases I am using what I already have on hand and have purchased at sales prices throughout the year.

3. Do you shop online or in stores and why do you choose that way to shop?

I do both. I would say I shop on line for 50% of what I need and 50% in person.  Sometimes you just need to feel or see a gift to determine if it is the right thing so in person shopping is preferred. The beauty of on line shopping is convenience.  So far, I've never purchased a gift on Amazon though I do order from the site for myself. I tend to shop at the big box stores in town online and in person , and in the small shops in person.

4. Which people do you find hard to select gifts for and what do you do when you just have no clue!

So far I've never really had an issue with selecting gifts although I do find for the men in my life, it is harder to buy them something.  My gift ideas for them are not as plentiful as for the women but so far, it's all worked out.

Monday, October 30, 2017

My World is Good at the End of October 2017

I've been feeling so tired since my last post and I haven't been sleeping well. Many things I wanted to get done had to sit by the way side. I put off my much anticipated trip to town and walk along the waterfront.  However all was not lost. I did manage to get many smaller tasks done and out of the way and that adds to my gives me peace of mind.

I do have to get to the waterfront again though because rains are expected to start a few days earlier than I expected. I wanted at least one or two more walks along the waterfront before that happens as it could be months again before we have such warm and beautiful days.

I hope you are enjoying the weather wherever you are. I'm sharing some photos I took last Friday on my errand runs. I haven't shared any nature photos lately from my neighborhood or the adjoining neighborhoods. These ones show all the beautiful fall colours. I read on the internet that this year's fall colours on the west coast are more vibrant than usual due to the lack of rain over the summer and the sudden transition from summer heat to fall cold.

Sorry this photo isn't too clear. I used my phone camera.

These next two photos were taken near a small mall within walking distance of my home. The place is very old and has been there forever. The local school board owns it and is always under pressure from the government to sell it and use the funds for school district needs.  Those of us who shop at the small mall will be sorry to see it go some day.  Though rather outdated the place grows on you and provides all the basic necessities one needs in the neighborhood.

I haven't made much progress on the style course which I signed up for a few weeks ago. I knew that would happen and I tried to get out of signing up now. However the organizer said she wouldn't be offering the course "live" again so I signed up. Now I'm behind by several weeks. I'm keeping fingers crossed that I will be able to catch up soon.  I try to log in when sessions are live to at least listen to the teaching and discussion. It is helping and the good news is I can actually work at my own pace and will be able to access the course forever (or as long as the company and website last anyway), I've been very busy the past few weeks trying to buy new clothing items to "fill the gaps" in my wardrobe (jumping ahead in what I'm sure is much later in the course), look for new winter boots or rain boots for the cold and rainy weather. I haven't decided which one would be best but I am tired of having cold and wet feet on the wettest of days. I guess I will buy whatever fits and whatever I'm able to find first.  At least that will be ahead of where I'm at now.  I also need to get to the tailor to hem several pairs of slacks and jeans. I can do it myself but would rather pay someone else to do it if I have more than one or two items to alter.

One big thing I have managed to accomplish is Christmas shopping.  I've spent a lot of time comparison shopping and ordering on line.  I am a pragmatic person so everyone on my short list of recipients is getting clothing items that they need or I think they could use. One of the recipients is my niece.  I wanted to buy her several nice items of warm clothing for the winter and to match her newest (short) winter jacket.  I managed to find tops but am having more difficulty finding a warm pair of pants.  I decided to give her something I've newly purchased for myself instead but I will have to hem the legs for her before I can wrap it up.  Good thing I've taken her measurements.  I'm feeling rather good about getting most of the Christmas stuff done.  I still have a few others gifts to buy or make and parcels to wrap before the end of November so some things can be posted.  I often don't buy much in the way of gifts but now and then the spirit of generosity takes over and I want to buy for everyone!

When I'm running errands I often need or want to stop for a snack or a meal.  On Saturday I had Vietnamese Pho Soup and a roll dip. I prefer shrimp salad rolls to the roll dip but this is a special and it comes with the roll dip. Have you ever eaten this kind of soup? I like to put fresh bean sprouts, Thai basil leaves and chili oil in mine. I always order the house special which comes with cooked beef, rare beef, tendons, tripe and beef balls.

I love having a bowl of Vietnamese soup and a roll dip for dinner from time to time.

In about 2 weeks a friend and I will attend Verdi's Requiem performed by the Vancouver Music Academy.  Though put on by students, the annual productions are very professional and held at the beautiful Orpheum Theatre downtown. I can't wait to go.

I'm also trying to organize another friend to get to a Verdi Opera, Un Ballo in Machera (A Masked Ball) in the middle of November.  If that doesn't work out I'm hoping she will want to attend a performance of Handel's Messiah. It has been awhile since I went to The Messiah and it is one of my favourite pieces.  This year it seems we have a choice of 3 different choirs and venues.  I am so happy about that because these tend to get sold out very early in the season.  Even if you wish to go you will miss out if you do not get organized very early.  I hope to confirm tickets very soon but my friend has been slow to get back to me which isn't normal behavior on her part. I hope everything is well with her and her family and that we can connect soon.  Other than that I hope to attend some craft fairs in late November and early December.  There will be some artisans that I can only access once a year.  Maybe I will find a unique find.

My reading has slowed down a lot.  In August I met my goal of 35 books for 2017.  Since then I have read several more books including the very long  A Column of Fire  by Ken Follett.  I enjoyed it a lot but reading the reviews some of his fans didn't seem to enjoy it as much as I did or as much as they enjoyed his other books.  Right now I'm reading a book that is taking me forever to read. It isn't that bad but definitely not the kind of style I usually enjoy.   It's called Birmingham Blitz by Annie Murray.

This book is 928 pages long.

If you've been reading me for awhile you know I like to collect loyalty points where I shop at the local pharmacy. I don't shop often in other stores with loyalty points because I don't like all the work involved in keeping track of them and trying to maximize the points obtained.  But I can make good use of pharmacy products since they sell lots of things for day to day household needs.  They also see a lot of food products and some basic technology stuff.

In my last 2 shopping trips I earned about 30,000 points.  That brings me about 250 points shy of a grand total of 95,000 points which will give me $175 Canadian dollars.  I must use all this money to buy stuff at the pharmacy.  I don't normally need to spend  $175 at a pharmacy but it comes in handy when looking to purchase something more costly like a humidifier, electric toothbrushes or water piks, etc.  I have my eye on an air purifier or two but I like buying one big item and then using the rest for the daily household needs.

Whenever I am at the pharmacy I take my blood pressure. Lately it has been optimal or very close to optimal. The diastolic pressure has been lower though (more like 56 or so). The pharmacist doesn't seem too worried though I've asked several different ones about it. I will be seeing my regular doctor in about one month.  Blood pressure readings are usually a bit higher when I am at the doctor's office. They call it white coat syndrome but also the machines they use are probably more accurate than the ones at the pharmacy.

I wish you an excellent week until next time!

Joining up with

 Our World Tuesday

Nature Notes Tuesday

for the last day of October, 2017.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gift Catalogue - Missions of Hope

Hello friends,

I know you are all busy preparing for Christmas. If you are still considering what to gifts to buy for Christmas, I have some ideas for you. It is becoming more and more popular to purchase charitable gifts on behalf of someone else. We have some great ideas for you through the Missions of Hope. Please take a moment to consider whether any of these gifts would speak to your needs.  It would be also be great if you would feel free to share this post with your friends who may still be looking for Christmas gift ideas

Soon I will do a post on a woman who has been helped by gifts such as these.  Thank you so much for considering these needs.

Merry Christmas and happy shopping!

Orphan & Family Needs

$155 to $205 US - School Fees per Boarding student
$25 US School Uniforms per student
$15 US School Shoes per student
$25-50 US monthly for Orphan support
$55 US Family Support

Farm Animals

$5 US per chicken
$6 US per rooster
Just a few hens can help provide eggs and chicks to raise poultry for sale.

$55 US for one goat ($50) + vet inspection ($5)
A goat can provide milk and if two goats of opposite sex are purchased, can provide a simple livelihood for a family.

$800-$1000 US for one high grade cow

A good cow gives quality milk for consumption and for sale.
8 or 10 donors can help to purchase 1 cow.


$120 - $250 US for seeds & fertilizer per growing season   For several years, Missions of Hope has planted communal crops (corn, cabbages, potatoes) and given out the harvest to the widows and orphans.  We were unable to do this in the Jan.- March 2011 planting season.  Instead each farmer must find adequate funds for planting. Help us to help them, with the planting in Jan.-Mar. 2011.

Other Suggestions

* corn 30 kg  $22.00 US
* oil 1kg  $7.00 US
* beans 5kg $4.00 US
* flour $2.00 US
* onions 2kg $2.00 US
* royco 500 gr $2.00 US
* veggies $3.00 US
* rice 3kg $4.00 US
* meat 2kg $6.00 US
Based on monthly needs per family of 5 members
* $250 US to sponsor 1 mother for small business start-up or to learn a trade
* 300 US/yr to help 1 child attend school
* $3000 US to send 1 youth to college/uni.
* $60 US to buy 1 cell phone for pastor or college student
* $10 US/mo. to buy airtime for pastor or student

* misc. $10.00 US (eg. soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, etc.)
Based on monthly needs per family of 5 members
* 1 pit latrine - $60 US
sponsor 1/2 latrine - $30.
* legal title deeds - This need has been met.
* Build 1 Refuge Centre  $15,000 US OR any amount to help get project underway
* blankets n mattresses
$25-$50 US for 2-3 people
*day clothes 1 child $15. US
* medicine n doctor - $20 US
NOTE:  All prices fluctuate greatly in this time of incredible inflation. We have tried to give accurate costs to the nearest rounded up dollar. These figures will be updated when there is a significant change in prices.

DONATE HERE   (See top right of page).

If you wish to donate more than $300. US kindly contact us first by clicking here

Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we are asked to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal i...