Showing posts with label December. Show all posts
Showing posts with label December. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Skywatching in Mid-December ~ Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

In another week it will be Christmas. 

In today's photos you'll see that there is no more snow on the mountains.  Our temperatures are currently two times higher than the norm (usually 5 Celsius but currently anywhere from 9-11 Celsius) and there is no likelihood of the white stuff by next week unless things change substantially. It's okay by me. In fact we don't often get snow in December as far as I can remember.

I took these photos on December 18th. It was actually a beautiful and warmish day.

You can clearly see the "line" on the mountain. 

The mountain in the last photo is called Grouse Mountain and is home to one of the ski hills in the local area. The 'line' going from top to bottom of the mountain is where the skiing slop is located.  The ski slopes in the area opened last week or the week before.  At that time I could visibly see the snow on the mountains.  At the moment there is none and none is expected soon. I

I hope it doesn't mean major losses for the skiing companies but they've been having a difficult decade.  The future doesn't look that promising either. I got curious and found this article on the issue if you'd like to read more.

Thank you for joining in and reading my Skywatch Friday post today. I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December is Here

 Hi friends and fellow bloggers,


 I hope you are all doing well.

I'm just popping in to wish you all a very wonderful December. We've all gone through some rough patches for a very long time. Now we are in the last month of the year. Let us usher it in with peace, love and determination to be joyful no matter the circumstances we may face. It isn't always easy to be joyful or grateful but we can try.

As I usher in this last month of the year, I am setting my mind to enjoyment and relaxation as much as I possibly can (watching television, listening to music, a bit of crafting and maybe baking). I am also doing my best to finish up and clear away old business and get back to some good, daily practices.

Over the past year I've been working with the Fly Lady system, mostly just doing the morning and evening routines and not always all of them each and every day.  One of the daily routines is shining the sink after washing dishes.



I am also remembering to look after myself better and work on the things that have piled up over the years. I am making great progress and need to continue moving forward in all these areas. In this last month I will add two daily practices, or at least as often as I can. I will be more committed to daily exercise and to daily acknowledgement of the things for which I am grateful. I have done both of these practices before but have slipped over time so I am back at it, lol. Today, in the exercise routine I really was so winded and so this renewed practice comes at a good time.

Some of my long time readers to this blog will know that I have often baked bread and I've enjoyed doing it.  Over the past year or more,  I cut back on most of my baking due to blood sugar issues. However I was watching someone's vlog the other day and I was motivated to make some bread again. This is Amish Bread. It uses far more sugar than I need or want but anyway I've baked it and I will try it the way it is supposed to be made. I will likely bake it again but next time only use 2 tablespoons of sugar which I've read some bakers have done with no ill effect. If you are interested in baking it I've linked the recipe I used here. Now the bread has cooled and I had a slice with butter. Oh my. It's seriously tasty. Even so, next time, reduced sugar for me but if you have no glucose issues, try the original recipe. I'm sure you would love it if you like bread.

I actually haven't had flour in my home for awhile but recently our highway was destroyed and long haul truckers were hampered in bringing in supplies to the big city. I bought a bit of flour to have on hand because people tend to buy out all the stock of many things the moment there is some kind of emergency.  


The highway will not be reopened until late January and only to commercial traffic when it does reopen. At this point, it's up in the air as to how long there will be highway closure for recreational travel. Trucks are delivering various commodities through an alternative, less direct and probably more difficult route but there are delays.

My gratitude for today then is for my safety and the safety of my loved ones.  Also for the flour and other food that I have on hand despite the highway and other food supply issues.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Enjoying a Clear Day

When it rains a lot it's always a pure joy to see the sky on a clear day.
Even better when the view is so lovely

*Total rainfall to date in 2018 1008.6 mm 
Source: Vancouver Weather Stats

I also love the twinkling light at night 
the cross on the top of the steeple.

Even though I've done a lot to prepare for Christmas I feel the advancement of time.
So much to do yet but the most important thing is not to stress and to enjoy the Christmas season.

Linking up with

Our World Tuesday

 Enjoy your week ahead.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Beautiful Skies

These photos were taken at different times over the last month or so. 


Joining in with Skywatch Friday.

 Have a lovely weekend everyone.

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...